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May 23, 2024

Is This Something?

Finally: The critical reappraisal of Streets of Fire begins.

Patrick Willems says it's not the greatest movie ever, but it is the greatest movie for about 20 minutes, which sounds about right. If you don't agree that the final fight is the greatest six minutes in the history of art and culture and humanity, you have a hammer-shaped hole in your soul.

Here's something you may find interesting: Quentin Tarantino's review and analysis of Dirty Harry. Instapundit likes to say "everyone is a conservative about that which he knows well" (or "cares about"). Tarantino definitely knows and cares about movies. I don't know his politics, but he will not let leftwing orthodoxy intrude into films or film criticism. He rejects the notion that Dirty Harry is "fascist." He does allow that it's reactionary -- a reaction to the mayhem of the late sixties. He points out the opening bank robbery scene features black gunmen not because the liberal director Don Siegel is racist, but because there were headline-grabbing bank robberies by the Black Panthers going on in the time. This is a film, Tarantino says, that was made to appeal to Nixon voters who did not approve of the chaos that the left encouraged.

He doesn't really signal that he's conservative. He's just not going to play along with the Jake Tapper agenda of claiming everything which isn't pleasing to the Botox Liberal TV Set is "fascist."

There's a new Dune series on HBO, Dune: Prophecy. It's about the beginnings of the Bene Geserit and is set 10,000 years before Paul Atreides went to Arrakis.


Jessica Alba-- Action Hero. In, ahem, Trigger Warning.



Eh, Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon are in a movie about two families fighting over a marriage venue. Ferrell hasn't been funny in years but Witherspoon is doing okay producing her own movies. Maybe this is okay. If it's not, I don't care. My investment in any of them is zero.

Another movie about a monster apocalypse where the monster operates by weird rules. Like A Quiet Place and Bird Box.

Is this something? It looks like something:

Egads! What's this?

Just kidding, it's a fake. I knew it when they showed one shot of the English kid that I remembered from Spiderman: Homecoming.

But you know they're going to do this, and it will probably star Tom Holland.

On the other hand, this is real:

Monica Belucci and William Defoe might give it a lift.

Here's a long sneak peak for Furiosa, a Mad Max movie with no Mad Max. Sort of like the last one, then. Rockatansky? More like Mockatansky, amirite

Looks pretty wild, though. It opens tonight. Film Threat says it's good, overall. They all complain about it being overly long, especially the 40 minute prologue featuring Furiosa as a little kid.

Here's the trailer for Wicked. Eh. I do like "Popular."

Francis Ford Coppola has a new movie coming out called Megalopolis.

I would be interested, except it seems to be a big political allegory, and I have no doubt about which way the allegory will lean:

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:09 PM

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