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« Sunday Morning Book Thread - 06-16-2024 ["Perfessor" Squirrel] | Main | First-World Problems... »
June 16, 2024

A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want, Is A Government Big Enough To Take Away Everything That You Have

Including your life.

The shift from a relatively benign government to one that is actively hostile to the typical citizen is accelerating. And "typical" means tax-paying and normal. The shock troops of the left are very carefully protected by the agents of government, and the proof of that is the conspicuous lack of prosecutions for the multi-billion dollar riots of a few years ago. Antifa and BLM and the other counter-culture thugs that the left wields can riot and burn and beat and probably kill without fear of government action.

On the other side of the spectrum, the January 6th demonstration, made up almost entirely of those tax-paying normals (except for the agents provocateurs of the government!) have been hounded by the agents of the federal government, hunted with every technology available to them, and charged with obscene and ridiculous crimes. The act of walking through a government building whose doors were opened by government agents will get you several years in Lubyanka Washington D.C. jail.

Or dead, as Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland discovered.

And it's getting worse. The Biden/Obama regime has weaponized every department of government, and has given them an obvious mandate to shoot first and not bother with any questions.

No Charges in Deadly ATF Arkansas Home Raid

Mr. Malinowski was executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock until that morning, when a convoy of 10 law enforcement vehicles rolled into his upscale neighborhood and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), holding automatic rifles in the ready position, placed tape on his video doorbell, announced their presence, and in less than one minute, broke into the home while he was sleeping. Mr. Malinowski, a gun collector, woke up, grabbed his gun, exchanged gunfire with the ATF, and Mr. Malinowski was shot dead in front of his wife.
Is there any tactical reason to cover a doorbell camera? No. They covered it so that Mr. Malinowski couldn't confirm that they were police, and he would be far less willing to be peaceful. They didn't want him in custody...they wanted him dead.
The ATF had obtained a warrant to search his home for guns and evidence. The agency believed Mr. Malinowski was selling guns without a $200 Federal Firearms License (FFL) and without asking buyers for the proper information. According to an affidavit of probable cause, some of the guns he had sold were recovered during the commission of a crime, although the crimes did not involve the direct use of guns.
Here's a novel idea...knock on his door at 9:00am with a couple of cops, serve the warrant, search his house, and afford him the basic rights for which Americans have fought and died for 250 years.
It is unclear why the ATF did not contact Mr. Malinowski at his workplace or during normal waking hours.
It's perfectly clear. They didn't want Mr. Malinowski to get a lawyer. They didn't want him to exercise his natural, God-given rights...they wanted him to serve as a message to all of the other gun owners who sell a weapon or two to finance the next purchase. In the eyes of the jack-booted thugs of our government; they are the real criminals. Not the gang-bangers shooting up the ghettos; not the illegal aliens in our midst causing havoc; not the armed carjackers killing innocent Americans.

Luckily, the current Supreme Court seems to be interpreting the crystal-clear 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution in a rational way. But until the unelected bureaucrats are reined in...hard...we will continue to suffer a profound degradation of our rights as free men.

The way to fight back is murky. As tempting as violence may be to some (many?) of us, there are ways short of widespread armed attacks on government. Simple jury nullification will go a long way. Personally? I would have a hard time voting to convict anyone charged with a federal firearms crime. And I would have a hard time voting to acquit any agent of the state who was charged with a crime.

And of course grand juries are notoriously malleable, but that isn't necessarily immutable. Any freedom-loving American on a grand jury should politic his fellow jury members for the maximum charges against any agent of the state. And as conflicted as most of us are, it is time to assume that all of those agents are actively pursuing our demise...whether that is financial (through confiscatory fines), criminal (through outrageous prison terms), or worst of all, existential (via extrajudicial killing).

Yes...there is an additional answer. Vote. Yup...that's a dirty word, because we have failed to vote ourselves out of this mess, and we have been voting for years. But ceding the political process to our enemies can never be a successful strategy. We need to fight on multiple...ALL...fronts. That's what the left has been doing it for 100+ years, and it has worked fabulously for them.

But the real issue is as old as American Exceptionalism.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom - go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!
-- Samuel Adams

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posted by CBD at 12:00 PM

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