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March 03, 2023
Human Events: US Super-Patriot Alexander Vindman Is Secretly Pitching Ukraine a Deal In Which He'd Act As The Very Well-Paid Middle-Man for Defense Sales from the US to His Actual Country
He makes me want to be a better fake patriot.
Documents recently obtained by Human Events show that Alexander Vindman has been pitching the government of Ukraine to obtain lucrative defense contracts. In August 2022, Vindman, operating as CEO of Trident Support, pitched a deck on a Ukraine Weapons Systems Sustainment Center to address problems with Ukraine's weapons management, namely readiness, repair, and maintenance.
Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint from which equipment could be distributed.
The idea behind the proposal is that Trident Support would be a middle-man between NATO weapons and Ukrainian forces, teaching the latter how to operate and repair the equipment, while taking an exorbitant fee from Ukraine to do it.
Personnel who would be employed under the plan would be those who are "highly experienced former soldiers or contractors in Iraq and/or Afghanistan."
The facilities to undertake this mission would be located in Poland, Slovakia, or Romania were it not possible to make that base in Ukraine.
Slides from the Powerpoint deck available at the link.
The deck outlining the proposal was revealed along with court documents showing a dispute over payments.
Vindman insisted that he will be paid in bearclaws, and Ukraine said "We could not possibly produce that many bearclaws to pay off such a huge military contract," and then Vindman screamed "Then you shall all die like the donut-hoarding dogs you are!" and stomped out of the room, chins jiggling in fury.