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March 03, 2023
Sugar and Spice Cafe

From Switzerland Magnificent on IG
You just gotta want it more.
ICYMI: Dog steals owner's phone.
Where are these places where people do things like this?
I guess this can be described as a natural-course roller-coaster. Maybe this follows the lines of the actual old mine tracks.
Another, longer clip of a roller coaster along a rocky course.
Bathing Bear-ty. You know, sometimes I just give up on these links and just write what-the-f***-ever. I'm not proud, I'm just slingin' links and looking forward to checking out.
Maybe you can beat the train. Maybe-- no you definitely can't. (No deaths or injuries. Won't make any promises about property damage or economic setbacks.)
Sick ride, broh.
This former boxer is now a cakemaster and makes amazing wedding cakes. Be sure to page through to at least the second cake -- it's lighted. The remaining ones are okay. He makes Baba Yaga's Walking House for some reason. Between you and me, I think that marriage is doomed.
Beautiful, and true:
I linked this a long, long time ago: diver's chute and cords wrap around him like a funeral shroud, even covering over the safety chute, blocking that from deployment.
Tough situation.