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November 17, 2022

Liberal RINO Corporate Gimp Asa Hutchinson Threatens Delusionary Vanity Run for President;
Reached for Comment, "Beto" O'Rourke Says, "That Limpdick? LOL Get F***ed"
Plus: Shut the Fuck Up, National Review

"What, was there no Walmart board seat available?"

Jeff Zeleny @jeffzeleny

On @CNNThisMorning, Arkansas Gov. @AsaHutchinson says he'll decide on a 2024 run by January. He said a big field won't be like 2016, telling @kaitlancollins: "People understand who Donald Trump is today... He's a known quantity now. We know the chaos that comes with him."

Note he made this announcement on Don LeMon's Morning Show -- you know, Where Conservatives Go to Wake Up.

Bonchie at RedState reacts to this non-event which has not shaken up DC:

Hopefully, Hutchinson's decision is that he's going to be taking that board seat with Wal-Mart he's been seeking over the last few years. Unfortunately, I doubt that's going to be the direction he goes. Vanity campaigns have become all the rage, and there's a lot of money to be made making a pointless presidential run that never garners over two percent in the polls.

Still, if the point here is to get rid of Trump, I couldn't think of a worse strategy. The former president relies on having foils to galvanize his base of support. That's why Ron DeSantis choosing not to engage him this early has been smart. The moment someone like Hutchinson jumps in the race (or Larry Hogan, Tim Scott, etc.), Trump immediately has his enemy to play off of.

And while there are growing numbers of Republicans who want to go a different direction in 2024 for practical reasons (i.e. they want to win), some can be won back over if the alternative is a guy who couldn't even stand up against the transgender lobby in Arkansas. In fact, a Hutchinson run is so asinine that Trump should be made to count it as an in-kind contribution.

This goes for all the NeverTrumpers who have, with their typical obsessiveness, gone into Swarm Mode on Trump. The New York Post ran a front-page attack on Trump the day after the election. Was it written by Victor Davis Hanson, a long-time Trump supporter who was cooling on Trump, whose words might have some actual sway with Trump voters?

No, of course not. It was written by liberal neocon grifter and movie reviewing pussy and longtime NeverTrumper Jon Podhoretz, who has been writing the same "essay" for the past seven fucking years.

There was, in fact, a coordinated pressure campaign mounted by all the Murdoch properties which started the day after the election. The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and Fox News all began pushing the "Dump Trump" line.

Conservative, Inc. grifter media like Commentary, the Washington Examiner, and National Review joined in because, well, they're naturally followers and they've always been hardcore anti-Trump anyway. They're all pretty cowardly and don't really like being the first to throw a punch. But if someone's being mobbed up on, they're run over to throw a sneak kick into the ribs.

That doesn't mean that people who actually supported Trump weren't also de-boarding the Trump Train. They -- we -- were. I was tired of all the losing, and tired of Everything Always Being All About Trump. And I was really bothered by everything always being at the very lowest gutter level ("I know things about Ron DeSantis that his wife doesn't know").

But absolutely, NeverTrump executed a coordinated pressure campaign to pressure everyone into dumping Trump.

And when they started doing this-- I felt my support for Trump increasing.

And I don't like Trump at this point!

But I hate them more. And when I see these people -- the people I supported Trump to vanquish -- start taking their victory laps and dancing on Trump's political grave, I start thinking, "Maybe we have to nominate Trump again because apparently you assholes didn't get the lesson after the first two black eyes."

But they can't shut the fuck up. They think they're smart -- in fact, they're among the dullest, middest wits in the world. They have been supported by a #Rigged system of favor-banking and patronage, and even so, have managed to claw their way up right to just below the middle.

They think they're "serious," and attack Trump for being on Twitter constantly and "owning the libs." And yet they themselves never get the fuck off Twitter and are constantly on that platform Owning the Cons.


"Empty lives," the guy who is literally on twitter at all hours of the day and night, spitting hatred and engaging in absurd braggartry, accuses others of having.

By the way: If you self-identify as a "conservative," but you think Owning the Cons is jolly good sport while Owning the Libs is just bad manners, I've got news for you.

Although I think DeSantis is a better candidate than Trump, I'm not pushing it. This isn't just because I don't want to pick a fight, although I also don't want to pick a fight.

It's also because I know that strong-willed people do not yield to pressure.

And right now, the NeverTrumpers and Corporate Media -- including the Conservative, Inc. Corporate Media -- are engaging in a flood-the-zone pressure campaign to pressure people to abandon Trump.

These people are fucking stupid.

If Trump voters were susceptible to that kind of pressure tactic, that kind of hardcore social terrorism, they wouldn't be Trump voters in the first place.

They would have been pressured to stop supporting him in March of 2015, when the whole world screamed "you can't support this racist" at them.

Or when the "pussy tape" was leaked, and the whole world screamed "you can't support this rapist" at them.

Or when Hillary Clinton's Russiagate Op was launched in 2017, when the whole world screamed "you can't support this Russian agent" at them.

Etc., etc., etc.

Oh, but they're going to bend to This Year's Model of the "You Can't Support This _____" pressure campaign, eh?

Hey Mid-Wit NeverTrumpers who think you're smart but don't know jack-shit -- let me introduce you to a very basic psychological concept you've obviously never heard of.

Reactance (psychology)

Reactance is an unpleasant motivational reaction to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms.< Reactance occurs when an individual feels that an agent is attempting to limit one's choice of response and/or range of alternatives.

Wait, you're saying that people react with hostility when they start to feel that other people are ganging up on them to limit their freedom and force them to do things they don't want to do?

Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured into accepting a certain view or attitude.

Heavily pressured?

You mean like the artless chumps of NeverTrump and Conservative, Inc. keep attempting with their "Against Trump" issues again and again and again and again, thinking, "This time it's got to work"?

Reactance can encourage an individual to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude which is indeed contrary to that which was intended -- which is to say, to a response of noncompliance -- and can also increase resistance to persuasion.

Wait wait wait wait wait -- you're blowing my fucking mind here, Wikipedia. Are you telling me that when you heavily pressure people to conform to a position, they sometimes not only refuse to conform, but in fact harden in their adherence to the exact opposite position?

Whew! Mind-blowing stuff! Like National Review, I've literally never heard of this or observed this in any living earth human beings!



Some individuals are naturally high in reactance, a personality characteristic called trait reactance.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Fuckin' whoa.

Are you now telling me that certain individuals might be especially high in opposition to pressure to conform, and react especially hostilely to such pressure, and harden especially in their prior beliefs when gangs of righteous Mid-Wit cunts attempt to pressure, shame, and bully them into changing their beliefs to conform with the Mid-Wit Cunts' preferred beliefs?

Whoa... if that's true -- hear me out -- if that's true, could it possibly be that very contrarian "leave me the fuck alone" conservatives are possessed of this especially high level of "trait reactance" which makes them particularly resistant to mass pressurization attempts by the media, whether of the leftwing or Conservative, Inc. cuckwing variety?

No way.




Bonchie makes this point, sort of, with respect to Larry Hogan and Asa Hutchinson insisting on getting into the race:

I think Hutchinson knows that [he can only help Trump]. I also think Larry Hogan knows that. That they are signaling a willingness to jump into the fray anyway (and I think both will), having no base of support, shows how maniacal their egos are. They;d rather see Republicans lose the general election in 2024 than exit the spotlight and let real conservatives figure things out.

Because to be clear, there is no world where rabid Never Trumpers who abandoned their own voters have a say in the future of the Republican party at this point, and if they try to exert one, they will only push people back toward Donald Trump.

So that's why I'm not doing any kind of sell. I know you guys are not pushable. You can change your minds, but not when someone is attempting to force a change.

I'll bring up facts and arguments in a respectful way. No shouting. No pressure. Either you agree or your don't.

I know that pressure won't work, for the simple reason that the entire world -- literally, the entire world, the media of all other countries were screaming too -- has tried pressure for seven years and it hasn't worked.

I understand that because I have a lesser intellect that only grasps simple, practical truths.

I'm not a Thought Leader like the brain trust at Nation Review. I am unencumbered by the burden of genius that hunches their weary backs.

Alas, their intellects, which tend to operate in the rarefied heights of n-dimensional abstractions, sometimes fail to comprehend the Mindthoughts and Soulpatterns of the commoners and lower-order human beings they swan above like distrait angels.

So they have embarked upon another "Against Trump" campaign to Pressurize the Incompressible:


Because that worked out so well last time.

But they're the smart, sophisticated, "serious" thinkers. The smart, sophisticated, "serious" thinkers who are literally incapable of ever learning a god-damned thing and stupidly, oafishly proud of that.

Why does National Review think that leftward social pressure will work?

Why does Commentary think leftward social pressure will work? Why does the Washington Examiner think leftward social pressure will work?

For the most elemental of all reasons:

Because leftward social pressure always works on them.

Whenever their Very Good Friends on the Left start applying coordinated social pressure to them, they almost immediately bend the knee and conform to the left's demands.

So of course these narcissists and solipsists will imagine that everyone must be amenable to the same coordinated leftwing, womanly eighth-grade girl social-conformity pressure tactics.

It doesn't matter how many times the Actual Conservatives have shown the pussy fakers that they're entirely unlike them, and do not care about what the left thinks about them, or, for that matter, what the Very Good Friends of the left -- Conservative, Inc. -- thinks of them.

They continue not learning, not thinking, not updating their knowledge base, not imaging that anyone could be different, and continue insisting that this time, the same tactics that have endlessly failed will work.

They've got to work.

Just like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

These people just can't stop putting themselves front and center. They think they're the heroes in every story.

You're not the heroes, assholes. At worst, you're the villains. At best, you're the NPCs.

Now be good little NPCs and do what NPCs do -- fade into the background. For once.

Oh, This Just Occurred to Me: I get angry sometimes when Trump fans get super-aggressive about attempting to bully me into conforming with their pro-Trump position.

Guess what? That shit doesn't work on me either, or any of the people here who have drifted away from Trump. We're high in trait reactance too so stop attempting to pressure us to knuckle under. Immediately. Argue, sure, but pressure? Get the fuck out of here with that shit. I don't want to be your prison bitch the same way you don't want to be mine, so don't try to make me one.

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