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November 17, 2022
David Brock "Suddenly" Quits Media Matters to Spend More Time With His... Whatever He's Got Going On

Dr. No-T
"Undisclosed reasons."
The kissing cousin of "under a cloud of suspicion." The close relative of "scandal-plagued." The passing acquaintance of "Lincoln Project founder."
David Brock is a former "conservative," much like his fellow travelers the NeverTrumpers, who joined the left and was bankrolled by the leftwing billionaires to attack the right.
You could say that David Brock is the role model and hero for David French and Bill Kristol and AllahPundit.
He has spent decades obsessively pouring over every word spoken by every single person on the right, even fairly minor bloggers (I think even this humble blog of commentary and etymology has come under their scrutiny here and there), and in the past eight years or so, has become a major force in #Cancelling anyone on the right that the left feels is too effective to be allowed to continue speaking.
This will be NeverTrump's role going forward as well.
From Breitbart:
David Brock abruptly announced on Wednesday that he will be giving up his role as chairman of the far-left organization Media Matters for America.
Both Brock and Media Matters made the announcement via Twitter while providing no further explanation as to why he has suddenly exited the anti-conservative attack organization he founded in 2004.
Brock tweeted on Wednesday:
As of today, I am leaving my roles as Chairman of the board of Media Matters for America, Media Matters Action Network, and American Bridge. It's been my great honor to work with such talented and committed teams over the last 20 yrs. I'll be sharing more about my next steps soon.
Breitbart's Paul Bois notes this about David Brock, the original NeverTrumper, and his Heel Turn to become a hyperpartisan leftwing Democrat in 1992:
His 2002 memoir, Blinded by the Right, received mixed reactions from liberal critics who felt it came across less as a tell-all confessional and more as a shrewd grift to ingratiate himself with his new fanbase. In his review for The Nation, famed liberal author Christopher Hitchens derided Brock's book as "an exercise in self-love, disguised as an exercise in self-abnegation."
"I wanted to take an extra shower after trudging through this dismally written, pick-nose, spiteful and furtive little book. It glitters with malice and the more cowardly kind of "disclosure"; it's a dank, filthy tissue turned inside out," wrote Hitchens.
Sounds like every NeverTrumper's twitter feed.
Why the abrupt exit? People leave organizations, but when they do so abruptly, it prompts questions.
Could just be a palace coup. Lot of money in these, ahem, "non-profits"!