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March 05, 2025
DJ Daniel and the Democrat Id of Unreasoning Demonic Hatred for Anything Good and Normal
During his political masterclass, Trump made a not-so-bold prediction: No matter what he said, the terminally online (literally: they were all scanning social media feeds during the speech) misery zombies of the Democrat Party would scowl and jeer:
Trump set a challenge for the Democrat insurrectionists, and laid a trap. Trump knew what was coming in the speech, and he trusted Democrats to once again follow their most hateful instincts.
He introduced DJ Daniel, a 13-year-old boy diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and given six months to live. That was five years ago.
DJ dreams of being a policeman. Trump had the new Secret Service chief give the kid an honorary position in the Secret Service and a badge.
Democrats reacted to this display of wholesomeness and sweetness like demonic vampires confronted with a crucifix.
But it got so much worse later. The Democrats' hyperpartisan hustlers on MSNBC actually decided to make DJ the bad guy.
There's a strategy!
Reacting to Trump's address, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Nicole Wallace managed to go negative on the gesture to the 13-year-old.
Wallace admitted she let herself 'feel joy' over Daniels' moment in front of the nation but quickly veered to a dark and disturbing thought.
'I hope he's alive for another 95 years and I hope he lives the life he wants to live. He wants to be a cop, he knows what he wants to do and maybe when you have childhood cancer that crystallizes for you,' Wallace began.
The anchor then managed a pivot to the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.
'I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer, but I hope he never has to defend the United States capitol against Donald Trump's supporters and if he does, I hope he isn't one of the six who loses his life to suicide,' she said.
Bizarre cashew-headed lesbian sourcunt Rachel Maddow was equally "disgusted."
Noted Expert Tom Nichols femsplained that Democrats were right to sit on their hands for DJ: