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January 09, 2025
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
The Babylon Bee had better up their game, because the state of New Jersey, led by its chinless champagne socialist governor, has relaxed the standards for teachers to a point where it is absolutely laughable. No longer will teachers have to read at a sixth grade level!
Yeah... you read that correctly. Even before this insulting DEI gift to previously barely unemployable sub-wits, NJ teachers were not held to impressive standards. But now? How will a teacher who can't read at a sixth grade level prepare students for anything more than learning numbers and letters? And that's assuming they can read at all!
Of course this has nothing to do with the education of our children, and most state and federal education regulation is intended to purchase votes -- mostly for Democrats -- or reward favored businesses like publishers or food production or construction, etc. But the big one is the teachers unions.
The NEA, AFT, and the various big state teachers unions are nothing more than advocacy groups for federal and state education spending, which translates directly to increased revenue for their bloated pensions. The idea that they advocate for THE CHILDREN is a sick joke. Adding highly-paid administrators and teachers and teachers aides, and pushing for more paid time off and technology in the classroom has nothing to do with education, and everything to do with money. They sell their votes to the politicians, and the politicians pump up education spending without any link to actual success in the classroom. And because many school districts mandate membership in the union, teachers are captive, and the selection process weeds out candidates who would normally go into teaching, but choose not to because of the coerciveness of union membership.
Add in a rabid leftist cant to everything they advocate for: transgender insanity, no parental notification, mandatory vaccinations (Covid anyone?), teaching their personal brand of America Hate like the 1619 Project, and plain old dumbasses tasked with teaching our kids, it's no wonder that we are rapidly falling behind much of the world!
Yes...I said it. Lots and lots of teachers are barely capable of functioning in modern society. They are the dumbest of the college lot, taking ridiculously easy classes to get a Klown Kollege degree in education. And then, to pump up their salaries, they go back to schools of education for a Masters, and then a few years later get the holy grail of sub-wits: an EdD. But a cursory examination of the curricula will show that these are merely paper degrees. There is nothing remotely challenging in the course work, and the programs are designed for maximum ease rather than rigorous academics.
I've known a few teachers in my day. Most of them are intellectual pygmies. Oh...wait! There is one who is quite bright! He's a high school teacher in NJ. And one hell of a shot with a pistol. Yup...he is a member of my local shooting club.
Charter schools, home schooling, private religious schools, and some non-sectarian private schools provide an alternative to the catastrophic failure of most of our public schools. But until the power of the unions and the education academy is broken, too many American children will be sentenced to a miserable and pathetic education that does nothing for them, except indoctrinate them into a culture of failure.
President Donald Trump understands this, and chose an outsider to lead the Department of Education. Hopefully Linda McMahon destroys the department from the inside, but even modest changes will improve the sad lot of America's youth.
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]