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Daily Tech News 5 January 2025 »
January 04, 2025
Substitute Saturday ONT - January 4, 2025 [TRex]
[Photo: A-12 at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama]
A modest ONT in content at the last minute is still an ONT. Go forth and bloviate. Just don't make a mess of the place.

Augie Busch is getting older and feeling his mortality. He calls the Pope and says he would like to make a big donation to the Catholic Church. He suggests $100 million.
A: But, just one small favor. Can you change "Give us this day our daily bread" to "Give us this day our daily beer"?
P: Well, Augie, we appreciate the generosity, but we just can't do that.
A: How about for a $200 million donation?
P: That would be very generous, but we can't do it.
A: How about $500 million?
P: (leans over to the Cardinal standing next to him): How long does our contract with Pillsbury run?
Good night Horde! Over and out.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:20 PM
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