1) This is an open thread. Feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate.
2) Be nice, be kind. No jumping, I repeat no jumping on the furniture.
3) No running with sharp objects unless you have your deductible tucked away in your wallet.
4) Have a great weekend!
AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List
Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.
Prayer Requests:
11/8 – Jim in Kalifornia could use prayers. He was scheduled for laparoscopic surgery to clean abscess(es) and add a drain.
12/11 Update – Jim had surgery, and the doctors removed “a couple of feet” of his small intestine and resected the large. Jim will be living with a colostomy bag for 6 months.
11/23 – Jewells sent an update. She has been taking ivermectin for 2 weeks, and the only side effect is extreme fatigue.
12/7 Update – Please keep praying. The past few weeks have been bad. Jewells is in a lot of pain. The bone lesions are spreading in her arms and rib cage. She is supposed to start radiation Wednesday, and is waiting to hear about a permanent drain to be put in her lungs.
12/14 Update – The drain was put in on 12/11. She was supposed to receive a sedative and medication for pain while they worked, and she received nothing. She felt everything and it hurt like hell. It also hurts when it is being drained, and that is daily for the first week. She has a great home health nurse coming in now, and she has shown Jewell’s daughter and husband how to do it.
11/30 – Tonypete offered prayers of thanksgiving - #4 son and his wife have announced the (estimated) May arrival of their first baby. They are all so thrilled.
11/30 – PabloD asked for prayers. He is currently on a two-week heart monitor and waiting for more tests. They are not sure what’s wrong. He is praying for favorable results, or at least a clear answer as to what the problem may be.
12/21 Update – The results came back showing nothing to be concerned about. They are waiting to see if insurance will authorize an echocardiogram. Thanks to the Horde for prayers.
12/7 – Hrothgar sends continued prayers for future president Trump, to keep him safe from harm and that the many forces of corruption and evil arrayed against both him and our country be made ineffective and come to naught!
12/6 – Fenelon Spoke requested prayers. She was in the hospital, after having gotten sick while out with friends. She didn’t end up having to stay the night; tests showed she was dehydrated and had a UTI.
12/7 – Our Country Is Screwed asked for prayers. Just as his daughter completed her cancer treatment (and is now cancer free, praise be to God), he has been diagnosed with cancer as well. More tests are needed, but the biopsy was malignant. What is supposed to be a season of joy is once again dampened by cancer.
12/7 – Grammie Winger updated that Rev is scheduled to have a colostomy reversal in January. Thanks be to God.
12/7 – Jordan61 requested prayers for his mother, who is going in for a CAT scan. Mom has been coughing and congested ever since she caught a cold in August. They have done antibiotics, etc. since, and a chest X-ray revealed something that caused the doctor to recommend an urgent CAT scan.
12/14 Update – The CAT scan showed she had pneumonia. They gave her antibiotics (fourth round) and are continuing with prednisone. If this doesn’t work she will have to see a lung specialist.
12/7 – rhennigantx asked for prayers for his friend Mike, who lost his best friend of 50 years.
12/10 – Village Idiot’s Apprentice requested prayers for his father, who had a major stroke on 12/9, with not a good prognosis.
12/19 Update – His father was called home to be with God at about 1 am. It is so bittersweet to know that he is no longer here, but yet already at the side of God.
12/10 – Tonypete asked for prayers for his buddy, Larry, whose mother passed away during the night. This is after Larry’s wife passed away last year. Larry is having a tough time.
12/10 – Nurse Ratched asked for a prayer for Marine. He was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. He’s got a broken nose and arm, but no spinal injuries or concussion.
12/11 – Lady in Black requested prayers for her dad. He’s 89, in declining health, and suffers from mild dementia. Lady in Black’s dad’s wife of 45 years died on 12/3. Dad is lost without her and very sad. His dementia challenges are making it even worse. Prayers for his mental and physical well-being during the time would be greatly appreciated.
12/11 – Teresa in Fort Worth has had her second round of chemo, and it went well. Thanks to God for that! Also, the anti-nausea meds are working very well for her. (We have been praying for Teresa for a couple of months, as she found she had bile duct cancer, which had metastasized into her liver. It is very rare and very serious. She hopes for at least 12 months more to live, with chemo and surgery and prayers.)
12/12 – Cybersmythe is supposed to have outpatient surgery on 12/16, but he got an abnormal ECG. He’s asking for prayers for the best of all possible outcomes.
12/21 Update – the surgery went well and there appear to be no complications. He appreciates the horde’s prayers and well wishes.
12/12 – Bulg asked for general prayers for himself and his family.
12/14 – Dash my Lace Wings asked for prayers. She has had chronic hip pain for years, but it has really started to affect her mobility. The MRI showed torn tendons. She is going to try platelet-rich-plasma injections to stimulate healing, in lieu of surgery. That will happen in January. Please pray that the tendons are healed and that she might have reduced pain for a few years, and not have to have more expensive surgery. Thank you. Also, if anyone has had this treatment, what is your opinion of it?
12/14 – About That Time asked for prayers for a daughter who is trying to give them a second grandchild. The daughter lost a baby in early October, and is pregnant again. Prayers for success are appreciated.
12/14 – Commissar Hrothgar would appreciate a prayer or two for Tim, an acquaintance from Southern Virginia. He apparently dodged a deer while driving, but went off the road into a ditch, jamming the driver’s side door, and then the car caught on fire. Amazingly, there was an ongoing house fire nearby, so the fire department EMTs saw the flames and were somehow able to extract him from the car. However, he suffered severe burns on his hands and legs. He is already receiving skin grafts on his hands and legs and will be in a bad way for some time.
12/14 – Sock Monkey asked for prayers for Publius. His cousin passed away suddenly on 12/13.
12/14 – Sharon (willow’s apprentice) could use some prayers. She had a CT scan of her hip, and may be headed toward a hip replacement. She is not worried about the surgery, which probably will improve her life, but is concerned about the loss of autonomy during recovery.
12/14 – Duke Lowell asked for prayers for his father, who was taken to the hospital 12/13 in respiratory distress. They are thinking it’s an infection, but he’s 87, and at that age anything can be serious.
12/21 Update – Thanks for the prayers; they definitely helped. Dad is recovering at home now. He had an upper respiratory infection and esophageal spasms, all treatable.
12/16 – Teresa in Fort Worth requested prayers for Paul’s niece, Amanda, who had a heart transplant 4 years ago. Now her body has started to reject it. She needs another miracle.
12/17 – Bulg asked for prayers that he would find a job soon.
12/18 – neverenoughcaffeine could use prayers. She has 3 minor medical issues. One she can ignore, but the other 2 are causing loads of pain and discomfort. They may be related. She is praying that her ortho doctor has an answer for both.
12/21 Update – She did receive two shots of cortisone in her foot, which helped with her back issues. Her foot feels better and hopefully will continue to improve. Therapy for her back is also helping.
12/21 – Fenelon Spoke asked for prayers for E, the nurse and caregiver for her church’s retired organist. “E” has been in and out of the hospital for 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer. Prayers are also needed for Fen’s son’s supervisor who has chest pain and a fever and has missed a couple of days of work. Fen also offered a prayer of thanks to God for FenSon completing his second week of work at a new job, which was a bit challenging since his boss was out ill.
12/21 – Tonypete requested prayers for his buddy Bev. She is normally happy, but something is going on. Lately she is very sad and depressed. One of Bev’s kids has been a cause for concern in the past, so there may be trouble there.
12/21 – J.J. Sefton sends his gratitude for all of the love, prayers, and support this past year. Last Monday, his latest MRI was also negative (that’s three in a row!) and his oncologist is very pleased with his progress.
12/21 – AZ deplorable moron asked for prayers. His first cataract surgery went well and his right eye’s vision is much improved. The left eye, not so much. Infection set in and he’s had steroids and antibiotics constantly for 3 weeks. They don’t know how much vision he will have when it has healed.
12/28 Update – Annie’s Stew apologizes for guessing incorrectly the sex of AZ deplorable moron. His pronouns have been corrected above.
12/21 – Brave Sir Robin requested prayers for his co-worker, Matt and his wife Jamie and 2 kids. Matt, about 42 years old, was diagnosed with glioblastoma. This same cancer to Brave Sir Robin’s mother. Unless treatment has changed radically, Matt does not have a happy ending. Please pray for wisdom and skill from his doctors, and peace and serenity for Matt and his family.
12/21 – Sugar Plum Fairy requested prayers for her brother-in-law, M, who found out yesterday that he has leukemia. He is only in his mid-thirties and his daughter is 2. He is heading to the hospital for 6 weeks on 12/23 for testing. Please pray for strength for his wife and mother who are in shock and understandably devastated. And for good doctors and total healing if it is God’s will.
12/25 – Molly k asked for prayers. This will be a different Christmas. Mr. k passed away on 12/22. Luckily the girls and grandkids were home. He passed at home, holding their oldest granddaughter’s hand. Christmas will be fun for the “littles” but tough for the rest. 12/26 is the funeral and she is dreading it, but will do her best to make it the best day possible and be thankful for the real meaning of Christmas.
12/25 – vmom deport deport deport asked for prayers for her brother-in-law in the hospital, and for her sister, who is looking out for him.
12/26 – Joe Kidd requested a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s quiet resolution to a problem his younger (and last remaining) sibling was having with a roommate. She suffers from bipolar disorder and tends to make poor decisions when difficulties arise. Communication with her on Christmas indicated that God’s wisdom prevailed on all concerned. Praise Him!
12/28 – LF asked for prayers for success for her daughter’s open heart surgery, to repair an aortic weakness. The surgery should happen around Valentine’s Day. Her daughter is only 48.
12/28 – JW suggested the following Jewish Prayer of Faith for Healing:
Merciful God, we pray to you for the recovery of all who are facing illness or pain.
We join our prayers with all who love them. Grant them renewed strength and courage. Strengthen in them the healing powers You have placed within us all. Guide the hearts and hands of those who are entrusted with their care.
Help all who share the anxiety of this illness to be brave and hopeful.
Inspire us with courage and faith. Grant your blessings to all who call upon you.
Oh God, who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Sarah, Rebekkah, Leah, and Rachel, send your blessings to all who are ill.
Have mercy on them, and graciously restore their health and strength.
Grant them a complete recovery.
May healing come speedily.
May the knowledge of Your love and ours give added hope to them and to their dear ones.
May they find even greater strength because our prayers are linked to theirs.
When pain and fatigue are our companions, let there be room in our hearts for strength.
When days and nights are filled with darkness, let the light of courage find its place.
Help me to endure the suffering and dissolve the fear; renew within me the calm spirit of trust and peace.
We praise You, Eternal God, the Source of healing and health.
12/28 – Farmer sent thanks for the prayers for healing for his dad and for Jules. Dad is out of the hospital and is recovering. Jules’ recovery is remarkable. After surgery for a perforated ulcer, which caused severe septic shock, she was close to death. After 49 days in the hospital, she went to rehab on 12/27!
For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.