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November 01, 2024
JD Vance on Rogan
Here's the full interview.
Collin Rugg
NEW: JD Vance & Joe Rogan explain how men who are healthier and have higher testosterone levels tend to be conservative.
The men also suspected that META CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now a Trump supporter.
Rogan: "There are very few things that will turn you into a conservative more than martial arts training."
Vance: "Have you seen all these studies that basically connect testosterone levels in young men with conservative politics?"
"Maybe that's why the Democrats want us all to be, you know, poor health and overweight is because, because that means that we're gonna be more liberal."
"If you make people less healthy, they apparently become more politically liberal. That's an interesting observation."
"My secret theory is that Zuck is now a Trump supporter, but he can't say that publicly of course, but hopefully he is."
JD Vance suggests that Democrats want men to be weak and fat because then they'll have lower testosterone and be more liberal.
JD Vance: CNN mentioned the comedian's Puerto Rico joke 143 times in 48 hours. He doesn't think they've covered the actual sitting president calling half of the country "garbage" that many times.
Rogan: the only time we don't get to read a mass shooter's manifesto is when they're trans.
They discuss being bad fathers.
Some excerpts below. First, Kamala Harris lies like a toddler does:
Vance: I'm a Reagan guy, but he screwed up a lot. He closed down the mental institutions, and his 1986 amnesty turned California into a one-party tate.
Vance recounts his own experience with the Covid "vaccine."
Vance: Pharma companies want to push the trans diagnosis to get rich. Meanwhile, for a lot of parents, pushing their children into the trans cycle of mental illness earns them a woke merit badge.
NEW: JD Vance explains the new phenomenon where white progressives are encouraging their children to be trans so they can virtue signal.
Rogan: "There has to be some reason why there is an enormous percentage of Hollywood kids who are trans."
Vance: "It becomes a social signifier for a lot of parents."
"Look at where the gender craziness is the most common. It's most common among upper-middle-class to lower-middle-class white progressives."
"Now, you could believe that there's just something genetic going in the mind of a wealthy white progressive or you could believe that this is a cultural trend we should be questioning a lot more than we are right now."
Note that Vance points out something obvious that needs to be discussed: Wealthy, upwardly mobile white families have a harder and harder time gaming the system to give their kids advantages, like entry into an elite college.
But if he's trans... well then, he moves to the very top of the progressive stack.
Joe Rogan isn't sure why we're taking health advice from the badly-aging Egg With Legs Bill Gates.
Flashback: Rogan spoke about this clip with Trump: Back when the "ladies" of The View loved Trump and were all kissy-kissy with him.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:06 PM
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