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September 27, 2024

The Week In Woke


Being a High Regime Operative has its advantages.

Nancy Pelosi's husband sold over $500,000 in Visa stock weeks before the DOJ filed an antitrust lawsuit against the company. The lawsuit claims Visa monopolized the debit card market.

Key Details:

Paul Pelosi sold 2,000 shares of Visa stock, valued between $500,000 and $1 million, in early July--less than three months before the DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Visa was made public. This sale was recorded in a congressional filing marked "SP," indicating it was conducted by Pelosi's spouse.
The Department of Justice filed its lawsuit against Visa, accusing the company of monopolizing the debit card market by using its dominance to penalize merchants and consumers who rely on alternative payment processors like Square, Stripe, and PayPal.
Visa's stock took a significant hit, dropping 5.5% following the lawsuit's announcement. The DOJ's investigation, which had been ongoing for years, culminated in allegations that Visa leveraged its market position to force financial tech companies into exclusive partnerships, raising concerns about anti-competitive practices.

Lock. Her. Up.

Bad Hombre @joma_gc

According to a source who was on a Harris-Walz campaign training call attended by veteran campaign strategist James Carville, Carville went absolutely BALLISTIC yelling expletives at two young Democrat staffers, including @0liviajulianna
who works for the Collin Allred Senate campaign.

The fiery barrage of insults included "dumb fat b*tch" directed at Julianna, and "out of touch fag*ots" began when the young staffers presented Carville with some social media videos they've been working on to appeal to White male voters. Carville was not impressed by any of them, saying they lacked substance.

When a visibly shaken gay male staffer told Carville he needed to apologize for using the F word, Carville told him to take his camo hat and shove it up his ass before leaving the call.

The joy is gone.

The University of Pennsylvania tried to bribe Amy Wax into not criticizing DEI and affirmative action any more.

When she refused to accept their gag order, they punished her for telling the truth.

The University of Pennsylvania tried to cut a deal with Amy Wax, the tenured law professor who endured years of disciplinary proceedings over her controversial remarks. The school offered to water down the sanctions against her if she agreed to stop discussing--and criticizing--her treatment at the hands of the university. She refused.

So Penn announced Tuesday that it was suspending Wax for a year at half pay and stripping her of an endowed chair. The sanctions, which also include a permanent loss of summer pay, were immediately condemned by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which framed them as a precedent-setting blow to academic freedom.

"After today, any university under pressure to censor a controversial faculty member need only follow Penn's playbook," the group wrote in a statement. "Faculty nationwide may now pay a heavy price for Penn's willingness to undercut academic freedom for all to get at this one professor."

But behind closed doors, the school was prepared to let Wax pay a much lower price--provided she keep her mouth shut about the two-and-a-half-year-long case that made Penn a pariah among academic freedom advocates and compounded the fallout of anti-Israel protests on campus.

The quid pro quo was outlined in a draft settlement agreement presented to Wax in August and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. That agreement--the product of months of negotiations between Penn and its embattled gadfly--would have let Wax keep her base salary during the course of her suspension and thrown in a one-time payment of $50,000, partially offsetting the loss in summer pay.

In return, Wax would agree "not to disparage the University" over the two-year-long process to which it subjected her. She would also waive her right to sue Penn or disclose the evidence she had presented in internal hearings to clear her name, including testimony from former students who called into question the charges against her.

Wax refused to sign the non-disparagement clause, she told the Free Beacon.

Defund the fake universities.

They're openly encouraging pogroms.

n unknown group attacked a Jewish student near the Jewish Resource Center close to the University of Michigan campus on Sunday.

According to the Ann Arbor Police Department, which is looking into the incident as a "bias-motivated assault," the student "reported he was walking when a group of unknown males behind him asked if he was Jewish. When the victim replied yes, the group of males proceeded to assault him. The suspects then fled the area on foot. The victim suffered minor injuries, and he did not require hospitalization."

During the assault, the assailants reportedly "[threw] him to the ground, kick[ed] him, and spit on him."

A town cancelled a pedophile meet-up to take place near a school. The usual "minor attracted persons" advocates are pitching a bitch.

After local outcry canceled a camp for "minor-attracted persons" set for last weekend in Vermont, several organizations are publicly defending those who declare a sexual attraction to children.

MAP Union, or MU, which represents itself as "an international organization representing the interests of minor-attracted people and their allies," sent a statement to local reporter Guy Page protesting the camp cancelation as "bullying" and violence against "society's most oppressed minority group."

"While it is appropriate for law enforcement to investigate crimes when they occur, no-one should face legal sanctions for speaking freely about a sexual orientation they did not choose, nor for meeting up with others who have the same orientation," a self-described MAP Union spokesperson, who called himself "Percy," said in an email to Page he published Monday.

Bean noted "Percy" is "likely a pseudonym based on the 19th century English author of Mathilda, a novel about incest between a father and daughter."

The person calling himself "Percy" also told Bean, "We hope to provide a more balanced approach to MAP advocacy than groups like NAMBLA have been able to in the past." NAMBLA is the North American Man-Boy Love Association, which effectively disintegrated after a series of FBI stings jailed members for abusing children and trafficking in illegal abuse images.

People sexually attracted to children are typically pornography addicts who often get sent to jail for trafficking in illegal abuse images. Porn businesses are complicit, as I detail in my recent book, False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America, as they "deliberately insert transgender partners, children, and opposite-sex partners into pornography aimed at children and heterosexuals, in order to 'see if you can convert somebody, right?'" a senior script writer for a Pornhub company disclosed in 2023.

"Many MAPs have a legitimate fear of engaging with law enforcement, even in a progressive state like Vermont," Percy claimed.

Wait, are you saying progressives are welcoming of "MAPs?"

Remember a couple years back -- a Hunter "College" "professor" threatened a reporter who tried to interview her about her berserk attack on people on campus distributing pro-life pamphlets by holding a machete to his neck?

You'd be forgiven for forgetting -- the media never reported it. Some racial attacks are just Racial Justice by Direct Action.

Well, now she's chanting for people to "slit the masters' throats."

We previously discussed Shellyne Rodríguez , the machete-wielding former Hunter College professor. Rodríguez is back with a large following shown in a video with protesters chanting with her about "slitting the throats of the masters."We previously discussed a videotape of Rodríguez trashing a pro-life student display in New York. Before attacking the table, she told the students, "You're not educating s--t [...] This is f--king propaganda. What are you going to do, like, anti-trans next? This is bulls--t. This is violent. You're triggering my students."

The videotape revealed one other thing. At Hunter College, and at other colleges, it seems that trashing a pro-life student display and abusing pro-life students is not considered a firing offense. Hunter College refused to fire Rodríguez.

The PSC Graduate Center, the labor organization of graduate and professional schools at the City University of New York, supported that decision and said Rodríguez was "justified" in trashing the display, which the organization described as "dangerously false propaganda" and "disinformation."

Rodríguez later put a machete to the neck of a reporter, threatened to chop him up and then chased a news crew down a street with the machete in hand. Somewhere between the machete to the neck and chasing the reporters down the street, Hunter College finally decided that Rodríguez had to go.

Robbie Starbuck has exposed his next Woke Corporation: Toyota.

Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck

It's time to expose Toyota.

@Toyota has been one of the most trusted brands in America but they've gone totally woke.

Here's some of what we found:

* Toyota sponsored a drag queen program at a summer camp for kids identifying as LGBTQ+.

* Toyota opposes laws that ban sex changes for kids and funds groups who work to make sex changes legal for children and they worked with the @HRC
to oppose these laws.

* Toyota openly supports "the equality act" which would allow men into girl's bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms.

* Toyota funded the @HRC's Time To Thrive Summit where they worked with the largest teachers union to push gender ideology into elementary schools.

* Donated to the HRC, the Trevor Project, Dallas Resource Center and Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Workplace Equality Summit -- All supporters of child transitions. The Trevor Project features chat rooms where adults have been caught talking to kids about sexual kinks, how to transition, masturbation and more. They also have a quick exit feature to wipe the browser and hide the website from parents.

* Funded many "all ages" pride events.

* Woke DEI trainings.

* LGBT Chamber of Commerce member.

* Preferential treatment for "diverse" suppliers.

* Hosted LGBTQ+ events at corporate.

* Created custom cars with a trans flag.

* ERG groups divided by race + sexual orientation.

* A total commitment to DEI policies.

* 100/100 CEI score from the HRC for 16 straight years which means that they pay for not only employee transitions but for children of employee's to transition in states where it's legal.

To put it mildly, Toyota seems to have forgotten who their core customers are. They depend on American families and Japanese families to buy their cars. It's time to remind them who their customers are.

I don't think the values at corporate reflect the values many Toyota/Lexus owners have (with the exception of maybe Prius owners who probably like the woke stuff). Do Toyota/Lexus owners want the money they spend with Toyota to be used later by corporate to push an ideology that's diametrically opposed to their own values?

If you think Toyota's values don't align with yours and you're a customer or potential customer who wants to speak out, their contact info is

Remember to ALWAYS BE KIND. Many in customer service agree with you. These are all publicly listed contacts:

Toyota customer care: +1-800-331-4331

Specific Emails:

Ed Hellwig

Marissa Borjon

Victor Vanov

Contact them with one click:

Our goal with reporting is never destruction, it's restoration of sanity. We do this by informing consumers about the policies companies are adopting so they can make choices about what they're willing to support as a consumer. That's not cancel culture, it's capitalism.

When we use our voices and wallets to vote our values, we can change the world and we can restore great companies to a culture of sanity, meritocracy and political neutrality OR we can inspire competitors to step up to fight for our business.

The customer is king and most of us just want companies we shop at to stop virtue signaling about divisive social, cultural and political issues. Companies need to stop dividing us by injecting wokeness!

If you agree then share this video and tag other accounts so they share it too.

If you support our movement to expose and remove woke policies in corporate America then you can help fund our growing team by subscribing to my @X
page for $5 a month or choose any amount once at

You can become a whistleblower against a woke company at by emailing or by going to

P.S. What's sad is there's sooooo much more we couldn't fit in this video. Maybe we'll do a part 2 and/or drop key nuggets of info

digg this
posted by Ace at 06:15 PM

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