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September 23, 2024

Hitpiece Media Goes After Alleged "Sexting" Affair Between RFKJr. and "Star" Political Reporter Olivia Nuzzi


I don't know what to think about this story.

Here are some articles about this "emotional, digital relationship" which some are calling "an affair" and the Kennedy camp is calling "a set-up" by a "journalist" with sketchy ethics and maybe a Fatal Attraction itch in her pants.

Olivia Nuzzi is a "star" reporter, which means she worked for the unprofessional scandal sheet The Daily Beast. Only in a shithole country would that Animal House of trashcan Marxists be considered a journalistic outlet which could launch a career.

She then began working for New York magazine. That is itself a Democrat propaganda sheet (and celebrity gossip site) masquerading as "journalism."

She's now been suspended for having formed some kind of "personal relationship" with a subject she was covering -- RFKJr. -- and not informing her bosses about it.

She was engaged to another trash leftwing propagandist, Ryan Lizza, who got booted out of The New Republic for #MeToo type allegations.

Another leftwing propagandist and gossip, Dylan Byers, describes both Nuzzi and Lizza as fame-chasing star-fuckers.

Of course, the most cynical, cold-hearted Washingtonians already assumed that neither Nuzzi nor Lizza would ever live this down in small-town D.C., where everyone can recite their colleagues' (and nemeses') curricula vitae. Nuzzi, many assumed, would be cold-shouldered from journalism and perhaps forced to leave town to pursue aspirations developing projects in Hollywood, or working for Bari Weiss. Lizza, perhaps, would continue his long drift from his former New Republic wunderkind status. And on some level, many privately expressed surprise but not shock. After all, Lizza and Nuzzi delighted in their pseudo-celebrity status in town, starfuckers and name-droppers in a uniquely Beltway manner, or, honestly, just like everyone else.


In the insular and navel-gazing world of American media, Nuzzi and Lizza are known to almost everyone, partly by their own intention. And the R.F.K. revelation thus became an invitation to scrutinize the broader drama of their relationship.

Nuzzi and Lizza had been engaged for two years, up until a month or so ago, when they broke up. In the immediate aftermath, some of Nuzzi's associates advanced the idea that Lizza had leaked news of his ex-fiancée's SMS dalliance to Haskell and New York, perhaps through anonymous channels, in order to exact some measure of retribution. Again, there are certain things only certain people know for sure, but my reporting thus far leads me to believe that this hypothesis is not true.

Although Nuzzi seems like a standard-issue leftwinger, the left wing hates her for having actually written about the "conspiracy of silence" about Biden's mental decline. They are now claiming she only reported that as a favor to her digital paramour, RFKJr.

The salient question for Haskell and Vox Media chief executive Jim Bankoff, of course, is whether her relationship with R.F.K. influenced any of her coverage--including, most notably, her memorable July feature about "the conspiracy of silence" to protect Joe Biden from scrutiny over his mental decline. (At the time of publication, Kennedy was still running on a third-party ticket.)

In an interview with The New York Times in March, Nuzzi asserted that the 2024 campaign was "a three-man race," and she knocked "the establishment press" for refusing to take Kennedy's candidacy seriously.

That is not remotely suspicious. 1, it's arguably true, and 2, everyone in the media recognizes the practice of "source-greasing," which is when you flatter your source in a story in order to get him to favor you with interviews and leaks.

But anyone who blows the whistle on the media plot to hide Biden's dementia must be doing so for whorish or racist reasons. Or both.

Their two-year-long engagement between Nuzzi and Lizza ended last month. Byers reports the rumor that Lizza leaked details of this "personal relationship" to the press out of spite, but covers himself legally by saying he does not believe it is true.

Part of the "emotional, digital relationship"? Nuzzi sent RFKJr. "demure" nudes.

New York magazine political reporter Olivia Nuzzi allegedly sent "demure" nudes of herself to former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during their scandalous "sexting" affair, according to a report.

Nuzzi and Kennedy's relationship was strictly digital, but allegedly included risqué pics from the 31-year-old Washington correspondent, Puck News reported late Friday, citing a source.

The pair allegedly began "sexting" sometime after Nuzzi met with the 70-year-old Kennedy scion for a feature piece on the then-White House hopeful that was published in November, sources had previously told The Post.

The Kennedy camp denies this, claiming that this woman attempted to entrap him by sending him porny pictures and other come-ons. We'll get to that later.

The star reporter was placed on leave Thursday after New York mag editors became aware of the inappropriate relationship.

Kennedy's team had said that he and Nuzzi only met in person "once" for the November piece -- however, Puck News reported Friday that there were multiple meet-ups.

The Post has reached out to Nuzzi for comment on the allegations she sent nudes.

In a separate Friday night statement, a spokesperson for Kennedy called the latest revelation "unreservedly and unconditionally false" before again claiming the former presidential candidate and Nuzzi met just once.


Sources told The Post that the top brass at the magazine were already aware of the relationship and confronted Nuzzi, despite reports that she had come clean to editors.

Nuzzi maintained the relationship was "never physical" and that Kennedy had never been used as a source.

"The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I've disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York," she said in a statement, without naming Kennedy.


The duo "weren't being particularly careful" about keeping their relationship under wraps, another source told The Post Friday.

"There's a reason New York mag found out," the source explained.

Sources from the Kennedy camp claim that this woman charged hard at RFKJr., "bombarding" him with porn.

They're even claiming RFKJr. might sue her.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is investigating a possible lawsuit against sexting New York magazine writer Olivia Nuzzi -- who allegedly "bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos" while tricking him into unblocking her numbers, according to a mutual friend.

Kennedy, 70, has hired security expert Gavin de Becker to probe the saga because he is allegedly pursuing civil -- and potentially criminal -- litigation against the 31-year-old star political reporter, according to Jessica Read Kraus, who knows them both.

"This had nothing to do with romance," de Becker said of the sordid saga. "He was being chased by porn."

Nuzzi -- who was placed on leave last week -- allegedly tricked the married politician into receiving her racy messages after he first blocked her number over a flirtatious remark she made just two weeks after her profile on him was published in November 2023, according to Kraus.

"A few weeks later, Nuzzi emailed him, asking to be unblocked, claiming she had urgent information about a hit piece being prepared against him," Kraus wrote on her "House Inhabit" Substack.

This third party, Jessica Reed Kraus, says that Nuzzi made up a claim that she had important information about an upcoming hit piece on him, tricking him into unblocking her. But then she sent porny pictures.

"He unblocked her for that conversation, but later that night, she sent him a provocative picture, prompting him to block her again," Kraus alleged.


"Once unblocked, she bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist. After brief exchanges, he would block her again," Kraus alleged.

Other friends Kraus said she spoke to believe Nuzzi allegedly "set him up."

This "independent reporter," Jessica Reed Kraus, is pro-RFKJr. She says Nuzzi cultivated her as a "friend," but it was always just to glean gossip and personal details about RFKJr. Kraus describes Nuzzi as an obsessive stalker.

Here's some of Kraus' story:

As this scandal unfolds, I find myself questioning the very instincts that led me to trust her as a friend in the first place. In hindsight, it's clear our connection was anchored solely in her interest in RFK Jr. By befriending and infiltrating my inner circle, she could easily keep tabs on him as he (we) traveled across the country -- something I initially mistook for simple journalistic curiosity. I, too, am a deeply curious person; I figured perhaps all reporters are wired this way. I saw no harm in sharing petty gossip about my experiences.

My husband was the first to voice concerns. From the beginning, he was skeptical of her motives, worried she was using me to gather gossip and leverage my access for her own benefit. I brushed off his concerns, but over time, I couldn't ignore the signs.

As I reflect, my overall take is that I was a pawn. It's clear that her initial curiosity toward Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gradually morphed into something more, to which I offered insight and proximity. It started with innocent questions about his character, policies, and public appearances, but soon escalated into an invasive fixation on his personal life. Olivia would ask me almost intimate questions about him and his relationships with staff and his wife after each campaign stop -- who he was seen talking to, what his mood was like, and whether he showed any signs of flirtation. There was an undercurrent of fascination that went beyond journalistic intrigue, bordering on obsession. Her constant desire for updates, coupled with the tone of her inquiries, made it clear she wasn't merely reporting: She was weaving some kind of fantasy. I could sense her emotional investment growing. In that shift, the gossip centered less on politics and more on tracking and dissecting his every move. I noticed that whenever I criticized him, pointing out what I disliked or disagreed with, she was quick to defend him. I found it odd. Her judgment as a veteran political journalist seemingly dissolved as the months progressed. She appeared like a dazed schoolgirl discussing RFK, having lost the ability to view him objectively -- a red flag I noted. She had become a full-fledged Kennedy fangirl.

My suspicions were further confirmed when I noticed some of the gossip I shared began leaking.

Up until meeting her, I had managed to keep a tight grip on sensitive information. Suddenly, tidbits I mentioned in confidence to just a couple of people began circulating in mainstream circles, sometimes even reaching political assassins like Lis Smith, a high-profile Democratic strategist opposing my efforts. It became clear that someone in my life was betraying my off-the-record remarks.

Recently, I urged Denise, who had also grown close to Olivia, to stop sharing campaign information with her. "I'm sure she's leaking whatever we give her," I warned.


In short, I felt foolish for letting the situation drag on so long. While I appreciated our different styles and audiences, it dawned on me that her appeal -- how she gained people's trust and access -- was rooted in seduction.

As for the leak, I am not privy to the details of how it occurred, but based on what I know, I strongly suspect it's what Olivia wanted all along. In recent weeks, she began dropping hints about reckless texting with RFK, each cryptic revelation feeling intentional, as if she hoped I'd press her for more -- or better yet, leak it myself.

What I can relay, based on both parties involved, is that they agree on the basic facts: It was not an affair; there was no physical relationship. They met in person just once for an interview. It was, at most, "a fleeting flirtation."

According to sources, Olivia repeatedly lied about the texts when confronted by her editors. Several see this as New York Magazine's excuse to attack RFK, particularly as his recent alignment with Trump has led to a polling surge for him. With Kennedy's endorsement comes a wave of support from suburban mothers -- a valuable demographic for Team Trump. Amplifying a trite sex scandal serves to deter his appeal within this voting bloc.

Friends of Kennedy believe Nuzzi set him up. They recount that just two weeks after New York Magazine published her article, she made a flirtatious remark during a phone conversation. In response, Kennedy blocked her number. A few weeks later, Nuzzi emailed him, asking to be unblocked, claiming she had urgent information about a hit piece being prepared against him. He unblocked her for that conversation, but later that night, she sent him a provocative picture, prompting him to block her again.

For most of the next 8 months, Kennedy kept her blocked, except for a few occasions when Nuzzi contacted him from different emails and phone numbers, insisting he unblock her for urgent discussions about an imminent hit piece. Once unblocked, she bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist. After brief exchanges, he would block her again.

Security expert Gavin de Becker is currently investigating the situation for civil litigation that Kennedy intends to file, as well as for potential criminal referrals. "This had nothing to do with romance," said de Becker. "He was being chased by porn." de Becker added that Kennedy had repeatedly declined multiple invitations from Nuzzi for personal meetings.

Kraus spoke with another subject who also said that Nuzzi was inappropriately flirtatious to get him to drop his guard:

Clarifying that the flirtation wasn't overtly sexual, the source elaborated, "I'm not saying she was inviting me to sleep with her, but working with Olivia is very different from any other journalist, male or female. There's a fine line between sexual seduction and informational seduction -- and she crosses it. All the time."

According to the source, Nuzzi employs subtle methods to create a personal connection -- misconstrued words, friendly giggles, and telltale signs. The source emphasized that Nuzzi's tactics are not unique but have become a model for many young female journalists. "What Olivia Nuzzi has perfected has become a talent that others are emulating. Being flirtatious, being inappropriate -- this is how she gains unique access. It's problematic in the #MeToo era, where seduction can easily lead to damaging accusations." The source mentioned Mark Robinson, Christopher Rufo, and RFK Jr. as examples of high-profile figures potentially targeted by these methods.

"Isn't it odd that [RFK is] the first man accused of a digital affair? New York Magazine knows what kind of journalist she is; it didn't matter until she crossed a line and sent inappropriate pictures to her subject. It didn't matter until her subject was Robert Kennedy. No matter what it takes, they need to take him out."

Obviously RFKJr. might be putting out the word that he was pursued by an obsessive stalker who had dreamed up a fantasy relationship with him for the same reason that Bill Clinton did the exact same thing.

I don't know what to think here.

I guess, first of all: Journalists are a mentally-ill, morally rotten lot. They tend to be psychopaths or borderline psychopaths. They routinely deceive people into revealing personal information that they then use to destroy those people. Yes, this is the job, but what kind of psychopath wants that kind of job?

Second, one of these stories reports that New York Magazine knew about this "relationship," whatever it was, for months. So why reveal it now? Well, you reveal it now to destroy RFKJr., to keep his endorsement from helping Trump.

Third, the affair, or almost-affair, between "reporter" and "source" is common in DC. The entire town is filled with sluts, adulterers, cads, and outright perverts. But the DC press corps refuses to report on this out of "professional courtesy," and Mutual Assured Destruction.

But they decided to risk the M.A.D. because it was really, really important to them to Get Trump.

95% of all press behavior (and bureaucrat behavior) of the past eight years is explained by this. They keep breaking all rules and violating all codes of ethics -- or, here, a prudent group agreement to keep all of their many, many affairs and grotesque sexual deviancies private -- because the imperative of stopping Trump is more important than any ethic, rule, or prudent social compact about hiding everyone's affairs.

Jeebus, I don't know what to say. A Kennedy likes pussy. Who knew? Posted by: Puddinhead

LOL, exactly! Suddenly the media's all shocked about a Kennedy dalliance!

John Ekdahl @JohnEkdahl

"Too horny for a Kennedy" should come with some type of award.

Thanks to andycanuck for that.

digg this
posted by Ace at 04:00 PM

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