« Sunday Morning Book Thread - 09-22-2024 ["Perfessor" Squirrel] |
First-World Problems... »
September 22, 2024
Here Are Some Numbers We Need To Remember: 10/23/1983...241
The Western elites and the United Nations and the various NGOs that ululate with rage every time Israel kills a pack of terrorists meeting in a school or a mosque or an apartment building (always conveniently filled with "mostly women and children") always neglect some perspective.
These people are murderers, and their targets are us. Oh, Israel is closer and more reviled, but these vile subhumans are perfectly happy to kill whatever Westerners they can reach, and on October 23rd, 1983 they killed 241 American servicemen in a suicide bombing of the United States Marine Corps barracks in Beirut. That was Hezbollah, on orders from Iran.
And Ibrahim Aqil was a member of the Hezbollah (called "Islamic Jihad") cell that was responsible for that and other bombings that killed mostly Westerners. Israel got him on Friday, along with a bunch of other murderous sociopaths in their attack on a Hezbollah meeting in Beirut.
Ignoring the obviously flawed political decisions that placed American servicemen in harm's way but did not provide sufficient protection or reasonable rules of engagement; why has Aqil been allowed by our intelligence services to draw breath for almost 40 years after that terrible day? Do they not have sufficient reason? Remember, there was a bombing in April 1983 of the United States Embassy in Beirut that killed 17 Americans...mostly CIA staff.
Israel should not have had the opportunity to kill this man. He should have been eliminated by an American strike a very long time ago. A bomb...a missile...a sniper...it doesn't matter, as long as we remember those who have harmed us and exact retribution.
The concept of an acceptable level of carnage got Israel in to its current predicament. For almost 20 years, the Israeli response to small-scale attacks from Gaza has been one of careful proportionality. Hamas kills a couple of Israelis, so Israel blows up a house in Gaza City. Tit-for-tat!
But the world isn't a playground, and allowing Israel's enemies the leisure to build a huge terror apparatus on the border was very, very obviously a huge mistake. And Israel made the same mistake in the North with Hezbollah.
Hopefully the sea change in Israel's perception of the threats on its borders, and more importantly, the unchanging and virulent hatred of Jews and Israel that is embedded in Hezbollah, Hamas, and the PA, will allow Israel to do what is necessary to protect itself. That includes the destruction of Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon and a permanent buffer that protects the North of Israel from further attacks. And then something must be done with Iran!
What will it take for America to undergo a similar sea change? We are beset on all sides by the same evils, and we can add China to the mix. An invasion across our Southern border has already occurred, and we are bumbling and fumbling and ignoring the potential disaster of thousands of bad actors who are here today.
Must we wait for a nuclear detonation on American soil? The invasion of an ally by China? Overt interference in domestic events (Oops! That is happening already)?
The saddest thing about our fecklessness in the face of these threats is that we have the tools at our disposal to manage them.
With the stroke of a pen, the president could support Iranian dissidents and begin the process of toppling the Mad Mullahs. We could close our borders and begin the ejection of the millions of invaders. We could confront China economically, and eject them from the halls of power in America.
We have the tools...the question is: when are we going to have the motivation?