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Food Thread: Brisket And Sauterelles Dans La Pâtisserie »
September 22, 2024
First-World Problems...

That looks vaguely disturbing. Ignoring the dried-out patty, this burger's structure is horrendous. But why?
Because some people who will remain anonymous actually put the condiments on the bottom! I know...shocking! But it was mentioned in polite company last week and I simply can't let it go!
I was with a bunch of friends, and out of the blue...bang! Condiments on the bottom was brought up as a First-World Problem. And that it most definitely is!
America has fought for too long and too hard to tolerate such food design and construction, and that is one thing I will not put up with. Wait... that is one thing up with which I will not put!
Whatever...just don't do it.