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September 19, 2024

The Morning Report — 9/19/24


Good Morning Kids. A number of things that are making a splash across the front pages, this morning. Most notably the viscera and genitals of quite a few Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, courtesy of Israel making their cellphones, pagers, now walkie-talkies and anything else they might use to communicate with explode simultaneously. Hezbollah is now Buzz-boom-hollah!

Let me address a number of trolls from yesterday who claimed that because one or two innocent children were either killed or maimed by the exploding devices, Israel was committing terrorist acts as bad or worse than the terrorists they took out. This is ridiculous on the face of it for the simple fact that unlike the Islamic terrorists, Israel does not intentionally target non-combatants and children. As a reminder that was both a tactic and goal of Hamas during the 10/7 assault when children were literally roasted alive in ovens in front of their parents, who were forced to watch it before being brutally executed. the blood of these innocents is directly on the hands of their parents, relatives, neighbors or whoever are engaged in a 1,500 year war to eradicate every Jew nd infidel on the planet in its goal of global conquest, or destruction whichever comes first. To not understand this, is to be willfully ignorant of history, not just of this region but of human history itself.

How Israel was able to rig thousands upon thousands of these devices in such short order, if it is indeed a precursor as may likely be the case of a major operation into the hornets nest that is Southern Lebanon to preemptively dismantle Hezbollah before it has a chance to strike at Israel before it can wrap up operations in Gaza and effectively dismantle Hamas remains a mystery. That is unless whoever n the IDF or Bibi's circle hs leaked the details to the US, which under the Kalorama/Biden/Foggy Bottom/Deep State kabal must be considered as sympathetic to Israel's enemies if not outright giving them direct and substantial aid and comfort.

Closer to home, it's no surprise that the usual suspects in the Democrat Party are putting the words in the mouths of our trolls.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (H – Gaza) reacted to the pager attacks that decimated key elements of the Hezbollah Islamic terrorist organization and the memes that arose out of it by tweeting that it’s “disgusting”. Tlaib is understandably upset at Islamic terrorists being wounded and dying. And by American infidels making fun of them. But a bad day for Tlaib is a good day for America and the rest of the free world. America certainly had its share of enemy sympathizers in Congress, but the Squad has blessed us with actual enemies sitting in Congress. It’s as if we had actual Soviet commissars sitting in Congress during the Cold War.

Of course, baying for the blood of Donald Trump, and indeed all of us who support him or are otherwise against the transmogrification of America as founded into hell on earth, is perfectly acceptable. Even if it means Trump takes a bullet to the head.

According to a new survey that RMG Research conducted for the Napolitan News Service, a staggering 17% of voters believe that America would be better off if last week’s assassination attempt on Trump had succeeded. This includes an alarming 28% of Democrats, with another 24% unsure whether America might be better off if Trump were dead. Only 48% of Democrats could definitively say that the country would not be better off if Trump had been killed. These numbers are nothing short of horrifying. When nearly half of a major political party cannot outright reject the idea of the assassination of a political opponent as a solution, we are witnessing a moral breakdown in the very fabric of our society — or at least the Democrat Party.

And speaking of paradise on earth, there seems to be trouble in Workers Paradise on earth,

Polling conducted from July 24 through September 15, 2024, found similar results, with more than 59 percent of Teamsters saying they support Trump and only 34 percent saying they support Harris. About 6.4 percent of Teamsters are considering other candidates.

So rank and file Teamsters seem to be behind Trump in a big way and yet the union bosses have yet to announce that they will support Kalorama-Kamala and Tampon Timmy. There's no way in hell they'd back Trump. First time in ages that the rank and file have not backed the Democrat outright.

Something's brewing out there. I guess unlike illegal alien savages from Haiti, the teamsters know which side their pet cats and park geese are buttered. OR do they?

Small wonder lone wolves or FBI/CIA trained wolves are eager to take pot shots at Donal Trump, it's because scum like Daniel Goldman are able to throw their voice and make it appear as if it's coming from Trump's mouth. Or so they think:

Rep. Dan S. Goldman (D-NY), a former aide to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and heir to the Levi Strauss fortune, said Wednesday that former President Donald Trump intends to “execute a coup” on January 6, 2025, if he loses the race.

Let me translate that, as it has multiple meanings. First, anyone who takes out Trump will be a national hero for protecting our precious democracy! (vomit!). Second, it means that Goldman has a pretty good notion that Trump is going to win and so, he is telegraphing exactly what the Junta is going to do in the event. It is the Democrats and the Deep State that will foment violence in the streets and engage in real insurrection to prevent Trump from being certified in the Electoral College or should they fail that, from being sworn in.

Hello, John Brennan!

In the wake of the second attempt on his life, Donald Trump flagged the “highly inflammatory language” Democrats have deployed against him, such as the charges of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that the former president is a threat to democracy and so forth. When it comes to inflammatory language and outright hatred, it’s hard to top former CIA director John Brennan, author of Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Note the order in the subtitle.
The CIA is tasked to counter foreign threats to the nation, but with Brennan, CIA boss from 2013-17, the enemies are at home and there is no greater threat than Donald Trump. Brennan “carried a mental catalog of the many unfavorable impressions of Mr. Trump I had accumulated over the previous decades” a man relying on “intimidation, untruths, ruthless litigation and bankruptcy laws.” For Brennan, “no individual came close to Trump’s dishonesty, unabashed self-aggrandizement, and demagogic rhetoric.”

Of course, our speech is violence but their violence is speech. And since Pazuzu is on their side, by any means necessary, yo!

Have a good day.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:02 AM

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