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September 16, 2024

Affidavit Signed by ABC "News" Employee: ABC "News" Agreed In Advance to Not Bring Up Damaging Issues for Kamala, Like Her Knowledge of Biden's Dementia; Linsey Davis Admits They Plotted to "Fact"-Check Only Trump

Note that this affidavit was signed before the actual debate, which occurred on September 10. This affidavit is signed September 9, accurately previewing the rigged debate, and he says he enclosed this affidavit in multiple sealed envelopes which he sent through the mail to himself. (Thus establishing the sealed envelopes were in the US mail system as of September 9.)

He says he did this for "future investigatory purposes" -- that is, when Congress investigates, he'll be able to prove he knew that ABC would only "Fact" check Trump before it ever happened.

He's also submitting this to Congress.



He also says he has recorded audio tapes of ABC personnel discussing their plans to rig the debate:


If true, this is proof that a network granted free use of the airwaves for the express purpose of "serving the public," not serving the exclusive interests of the Democrat-Media Cabal, attempted to use a taxpayer-afforded broadcast spectrum to rig an election.

Kamala Harris's sorority sister Linsey Davis is openly bragging they only "fact"-checked Trump to make up for the fact that CNN observed the rules of the debate and did not insert themselves into disputes between the candidates.


ABC News' Linsey Davis, one of two moderators for last week's presidential debate, admitted to the Los Angeles Times that the plan was only to fact-check former President Donald Trump, and not Vice President Kamala Harris.

As Breitbart News noted, Davis and co-moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump seven times -- often incorrectly -- while never fact-checking Harris once, even when she used hoaxes, such as the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax.

Davis told the Times that ABC had deliberately targeted Trump -- and only Trump -- because of perceptions that he had been allowed to get away with false statements in the CNN debate against President Joe Biden in late June.

As the New York Post noted:

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Davis said she wanted to address concerns that Trump's statements could be allowed to "hang" there unchallenged by his opponent or the moderators, as they were when Trump and Biden debate on CNN in June.

"Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race," the Times reported.

"People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators," Davis told the outlet on Wednesday morning.

Davis admitted that the moderators studied past statements -- "Politicians tend to say the same things again and again" -- but somehow did not prepare to check Harris's repeated use of hoaxes. (Harris used the "very fine people" hoax in 2020 during the vice presidential debate with Mike Pence, who fact-checked her onstage at the time.)

Three things must happen:

1, obviously Congress must investigate and put all parties at ABC/Disney under oath, from executives to "news" producers to "news" staffers. They must be grilled, on pain of perjury, about these allegations.

2, as Instapundit used to point out, the airwaves are not owned by the networks. They are granted, for free, to these mega-media-corporations on the condition they they are used "for the public trust." Not for the narrow sectarian interests of an oligarchy determined to put its boot on the neck of the public. All grants to the three major networks must be reviewed and, frankly, cancelled. They should be given to other start-up stations.

3, the law granting these airwave bands to the network does so on the condition that they run a news (or "news," as it's become) broadcast in the evening every night. By demanding this, Congress thus demands these leftwing Marxist mega-corporations run propaganda operations against the right.

Congress should end the provision of any network being required to run a "news" program. Let them decide themselves. Maybe eventually some executives will decide the fake news business is too costly for too little return, and simply kill their network "news" budget.

But we definitely have to yank the licenses for these networks to broadcast. This is a trillion-dollar benefit stolen from the taxpayers and the public trust to directly fund the Marxists' information operations against the public.

In the 1990s, Ted Kennedy inserted his own personal political stipulation into the law of broadcast band allocation. He inserted his own little f***-you spite provision that said that the same man could not own both a newspaper and a broadcast channel in the same region. He did this target one single man: Rupert Murdoch, whom he hated for running the right-leaning Boston Herald. In the Fox News purchase of many of CBS' TV stations, he had acquired a station in Boston.

Kennedy forced Murdoch to sell this station due to his hatred of Murdoch having one newspaper in Massachusetts that questioned the Kennedys.

The GOP should do no less.

Correction (Maybe): Joe Mannix says that the networks already do bid on the broadcast spectrum. From Wikipedia:

U In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) conducts auctions of licenses for electromagnetic spectrum. The FCC has been conducting competitive auctions since 1994 rather than assigning spectra through comparative hearings under which the specific merits of each applicant is litigated, or through lotteries.[33][34] Since July 1994, the FCC has conducted 87 spectrum auctions, which raised over $60 billion for the U.S. Treasury (not all of which has been collected). When initially planning and designing the spectrum auction, major telephone companies and the federal government relied on the input of various theorists including Paul Milgrom, Charles Plott, Barry Nalebuff, Preston McAfee, and John McMillan among others.[35] The auctions assigned thousands of licenses to hundreds of licensees. The auction approach is widely emulated throughout the world. To be considered a qualified [bidder] by the commission, companies or individuals have to submit an application and an upfront downpayment. FCC auctions are conducted electronically and are accessible over the Internet.[36] Bidders can follow the progress of an auction and view the results of each round.[33]

Okay, I think I'm wrong. (But I'm not sure they mean television bands.)

Still, there must be an enforced requirement that these licenses are used "for the public trust."

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