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September 06, 2024

Dick Cheney Is Voting for Kamala Harris

I'm sure the cokehead ne'er-do-well half-tard George Bush will come toddling along shortly.

Ex-Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Friday her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, will cast his ballot this year in favor of Vice President Harris.

"Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris," Cheney told The Atlantic's Mark Leibovich at the Texas Tribune Festival.

Cheney added her father "believes, and he's said publicly, that there's never been an individual in our country who is as grave a threat to our democracy as Donald Trump is."

Cheney's comments follow her announcement earlier this week that she is also going to vote for Harris over former President Trump, despite being a lifelong conservative.

How many times can this slug-like hag announce the same thing and get fresh media mentions every time?

Collin Alred is a Democrat running for Senate against Ted Cruz. I'm not sure why Liz Cheney would be in a position to vote for him -- is she pretending to live in Texas now? Is that the latest False Address she's giving the authorities to hide the fact she's been living in the criminal hub of the US, northeastern Virginia, her entire life?

The betrayal is now almost complete. Everything we ever said about them -- that this is a cadre of people who hate us so much but pander to us, completely insincerely, about the handful of issues we care about so they trick us into voting for them so they can pass endless tax cuts for themselves and fund endless foreign wars -- is now proven.

It's almost V. I half-believe in the Infiltrating Space Reptile theory of politics now.

Or, I believe more in this:

J.D. Vance recently pointed out that Liz Cheney keeps getting richer and fatter as America gets weaker and poorer.

I added the "fatter," but I feel it was implied.

How does this happen?

I dunno, coincidence?

That must be it.

Echoing the New York Times' David French, Cheney stated, "As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I am voting for Kamala Harris."

'This is a person whose entire career has been about sending other people's children off to fight and die for her military conflicts.'

This endorsement comes two years after Republican primary voters in Wyoming overwhelmingly rejected Cheney and just days after scores of nominally Republican staffers who served under President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), and failed presidential candidate Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) similarly threw in their lots with Harris.

It also represents a major about-face for Cheney, who in November 2020 suggested that Harris sounded "just like Karl Marx."

A month earlier, Cheney wrote, "Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who wants to raise your taxes, take away your guns and your health insurance, explode the size of our federal government and give it control over every aspect of our lives. She would recreate America in the image of what we've seen on the streets of Portland and Seattle. We won't give her the chance."

Cheney told Fox News in August 2020:

It's very clear, [Kamala Harris] is a radical liberal. She's somebody that has said we ought to spend $32 trillion on Medicare for all. If you look at her record as well in California, she did in fact essentially ban gun sales with executive action and she threatened during the primaries to do the same thing if she's elected.


Vance responded, "A very good thing that I could say about the next presidency of Donald Trump is that he's going to make sure that people like Liz Cheney are laughed out of the Oval Office instead of rewarded."

"This is a person whose entire career has been about sending other people's children off to fight and die for her military conflicts and her ridiculous ideas that somehow, we were going to turn Afghanistan -- a country that doesn't even have running water in a lot of places -- into a thriving liberal democracy," said Vance. "And for that, Liz Cheney was willing to kill thousands of your children."

"I think it's the best thing in the world that she's supporting Kamala Harris," continued Trump's running mate. "Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney make very, very interesting partners. They get rich when America's sons and daughters go off to die. They get rich when America loses wars instead of winning wars. And they get rich when America gets weaker in the world."

Meanwhile: A Hispanic California Democrat, onetime the Majority Leader in the State Senate, says "I've had enough" of the Democrat Party, and is now a Republican.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (TND) -- Former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero, R- District 24, announced on Wednesday she would ditch the Democratic Party and change her affiliation to the GOP.

Romero, who served as a state lawmaker for 12 years, made the announcement during a press conference outside the California State Capitol in Sacramento. She explained the decision was due to a feeling of misalignment with the Democratic Party.

"In this Capitol behind me, I served as both Senate Democratic Caucus chair and the Senate Majority Leader," she said. "Today, I say goodbye, adios, I've had enough."

"I am now another near-lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people, including key groups like Latinos, who are leaving the Democratic Party," she added. "This is not the Democratic Party I once championed, I do not recognize it anymore."

The former state senator explained she planned to vote for former President Donald Trump in the November election. Romero also noted she was not able to back several contemporary Democratic policies, such as those targeting emissions and climate

"I for example think we are going to solve nothing by banning gas stoves," she said. "As a Latina, I will not give up my gas stove because you can not toast a tortilla on an electric range."

The gas stove thing is no small matter. The Democrat Party -- or the Democrat-Media-GOPe Regime -- is the party that will not stop f***ing with citizens, ever, on any matter, whether fundamental or trivial.

It's a party of Big Government Bullies who love tormenting anyone it has under their thumb, because the thrill of making other people bend to their will is the only pleasure they take in this fallen world.

Are you enjoying something? Do you cling bitterly to your outdoors sports, your guns, your religion, and your traditional morality? Well then, the Democrat Party is here to tell you you're doing it all wrong and mandate -- I mean, force you via "tough regulations and financial incentives" -- to change every aspect of your life to match that of gay heiress nepo baby Anderson Cooper.

The Old Ruling class had a motto: Reign, not rule. They wanted the power, but they knew if they f***ed with the citizenry too much -- if they ruled over them -- they would revolt. So their ethos was to reign... lightly. To not piss off the peons.

This New Ruling class very definitely wants to Rule, not reign. They WANT you to know they're above you. They WANT you to feel the weight of their boots on your neck. They WANT you to know they have very specific ways in which they want you to live, and if you fail to live their way, they will hound you to the ends of the earth.

"That is just bad news, another reason to leave the Democratic Party," Romero added.

Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones, R-San Diego, welcomed Sen. Romero to the GOP in a statement.

"We are honored to have Gloria on our side as we fight to fix California," he wrote. "For anyone else who is tired of witnessing the Democrat supermajority run this state into the ground, we have a seat at our table for you, too."

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson made waves in February for making a similar decision to flip his party affiliation from blue to red. The move, he said, prompted "distraught" phone calls from some Democrats.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:00 PM

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