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September 05, 2024
"You Look Like Thomas Crooks, Little Soyboy"
I spent too long in the comments talking about fantasy books I have read or want to read, so I was very happy to see some quick nonsense posted on Hot Air.
Note that the soyboy is the first to start trouble -- he calls out "F*** you" in his squeaky ratvoice while one guy is peacefully interviewing another guy. It's only then that the guy with the camera makes fun of him, and he comes... toddling over with his fists curled in to silly dough-balls.
The hormonally-imbalanced soyboys (soybeings?) of the antifa left are getting more and more triggered:
I wish these people would grow up, lift weights, and read at least the first two books of The Chronicles of Amber, before the whole "chaos incursion" storyline takes center stage. Not that the Chaos stuff is bad. It's just... ordinary.
So lift weights, drink water, skip porn, and read the first two Amber books. That'll make a man out of yeh.
Here's my pitch for Amber: It's like an fantasy epic... except... not gay. He mixed 1970s tough guy detective stuff with epic multiversal fantasy, and it works.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
04:30 PM
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