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August 21, 2024

Washington Post Editorial Board: Yes, Biden and His Inner Circle Lied Constantly About Biden's Mental Decline as President of the United States and Keeper of the Nuke Codes, But It Was All "Selfless Heroism" to Save Us from Trump

They're not just excusing the lies -- they're praising the Biden White House for having lied (and continuing to lie) about Biden's mental capacity to serve as president and nuclear missile guardian.

But sure, they weren't in on the lie, right? Right?

They transmitted the lie when it was more "operative," and continue lying that Biden resigned only because polls were against him, not due to mental incapacity, and now they're praising the Biden White House for telling even more "noble lies" -- but you have to believe them, they weren't in on the lies, no sirree!

They are dedicated Guardians of Truth!

Who frequently lie and even praise lies.

"Our best days are not behind us; they're before us," President Joe Biden declared to a rapturous crowd at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

If he had his way, Mr. Biden would have spoken these words while accepting his party's presidential nomination on Thursday night. But the mood at the convention would have been grim -- a divided party in the United Center -- and a diminished Mr. Biden, at the head of a dispirited party, would likely have lost in November.

And so, Mr. Biden reluctantly made a profoundly selfless decision: He stepped out of the ring. Speaking not as a nominee on Thursday but as a retiring veteran on Monday, Mr. Biden received sustained ovations. Mr. Biden might privately resent Democrats who helped push him off the ticket this summer -- or, indeed, the Democratic convention leaders who let Monday night's proceedings drag on so long that they inexcusably pushed the president of the United States out of prime time.

When it was his turn to speak, however, he delivered an energetic address in which he made the case for his own legacy and for Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he credited with casting the tiebreaking vote in the Senate on some of his signature legislation.

As I keep saying: Yes, I understand Nancy Pelosi offering Biden this dirty political deal: Resign, and we'll cover up your dementia, and praise you as a hero, and pretend you're not demented and leave you the dignity of pretending to serve your last few months.

Why is the allegedly non-partisan media doing its own part in this political deal?

Now they pretend that Biden was merely "showing signs of slipping" -- not actually slipping, you understand.

If they admitted he was demented, they'd be forced to at least pretend to want him to resign from office.

In retrospect, Mr. Biden should not have sought reelection. The June 27 debate was worse than just a bad night, as the president maintained afterward. The 81-year-old had showed signs of slipping for a long time, but his inner circle worked to conceal his decline.


But second-guessing is easy, and Mr. Biden's decision gives time and space to underscore his accomplishments: historic climate and infrastructure legislation; support for Ukraine in resistance of Russian aggression; expanded health insurance coverage.

What about the part where a man in mental "decline" still has his finger on the nuclear button?

Or are you privy to details not shared with the public, like "someone other than the (supposedly) elected president is now in charge of all major decisions"?

It is Mr. Biden's willingness to surrender power, albeit via internal machination rather than the ballot box, that deserves special recognition. It creates a powerful and, for Mr. Biden, favorable contrast with Mr. Trump -- who refused to acknowledge defeat in 2020 and instead stirred up a mob in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. The last weeks have shown how Mr. Biden's act created a pathway for a new generation of Democratic leaders.

Of course. Biden was forced out of the race, but he's "selfless" for accepting the inevitable. And Trump is bad for noting that a "fortified" election -- as admitted, nay, bragged about by Democrat officials, as reported by liberal-in-good-standing Molly Ball -- was in fact #rigged.


Though he will spend at least some of the time between now and Nov. 5 on politics, campaigning where it can help Ms. Harris win, governing -- making the most of his remaining term -- is Mr. Biden's most important mission. "I've got five months left in my presidency," he said Monday. "I have a lot to do."

Not to beat a dead horse, but if he's in "decline," why is he still governing?

His top priority should be ending the war in Gaza, bringing home Israeli hostages held by Hamas and averting a wider war in the Middle East.

Yes, this is exactly where we want a demented man expending what's left of his wits: Forcing a Hamas "peace" deal on Israel.

Yet as important as what he does will be how he does it. Mr. Biden's most attractive promise in 2020 was to unite a divided nation; his worthiest moments in politics, both before and after becoming president, were those in which he modeled empathy, moderation and statesmanship. That includes perhaps the toughest call he had to make in his decades in politics: his decision to step aside.

It's disgusting.

As I said, the lies continue: The claim is made that Biden wasn't forced out due to his mental decline, but due to Nancy Pelosi threatening to blow the whistle on...

...wait for it...

...Biden's poor poll numbers.

As Biden nursed his COVID infection that fateful Saturday, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent an urgent message to the president: She was prepared to go public with her concerns that he could not defeat Donald Trump in November.

The ultimatum was clear: Drop out now -- or Pelosi trashes her political ally, and friend of over 50 years, on the global stage.

Four sources with intimate knowledge of the situation independently claimed that such a message was relayed, with one particularly well-placed source saying that a phone call took place in which Pelosi told Biden she would publish brutal polling figures to back up her attack.

Either way, her demand was said to be so forceful that it sparked a 'come to Jesus moment' for the president, who only then began to draft the letter announcing his withdrawal.

No. This is a lie. Everyone knew the poor poll numbers. It's all the Democrats talked about for months.

Biden repeatedly said he didn't care about the polls, because they were wrong.

The real threat she made was to have Kamala invoke the 25th Amendment, and she had all the cabinet officials ready to vote that he was incapacitated.

That was the threat -- not poll numbers that everyone in the world knew, but to forcibly remove Biden from office if he didn't withdraw from the campaign.

But they can't admit that, or else they'd have to explain why they're allowing this man who is mentally incapacitated to remain with his finger on the nuclear button.

And the real reason, of course, is for politics: They don't want to divide the party before an election, so they're letting Joe Biden stay in President Fantasy Camp for another five months.

I didn't keep harping on Biden's control over nuclear weapons as pure rhetoric. The New York Post reports that Biden is "secretly ordering" the US military to prepare for nuclear war with China, Russia, and North Korea.

Great, this should give Pop-Pop something to occupy his time.

That's what doctors say you should do with relatives whose minds are "showing signs of slipping" -- have them work on nuclear warplans with Russia and China. It keeps their minds active and engaged with the world, you know?

President Biden has signed off on a highly classified plan that shifts America's nuclear strategy to focus on China as a nuclear threat -- and prepare for the possibility that the communist nation could team up with North Korea and Russia against the US, according to a new report.

Biden made the shift in March because the Pentagon believes China's nuclear arsenal will rival the US and Russia, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

The new strategy is called the "Nuclear Employment Guidance" and also readies the US for a possible coordinated threat between China, Russia and North Korea, the newspaper reported.

In a pair of recent speeches, two senior administration officials have hinted at the growing Chinese nuclear threat.

"The President recently issued updated nuclear weapons employment guidance to account for multiple nuclear-armed adversaries, and, in particular, the significant increase in the size and diversity of [China's] nuclear arsenal," said Vipin Narang this month when he was still the acting assistant secretary of defense of space policy.

"My office has begun to provide the Department and the Joint Force updated implementation guidance on how to plan and posture our forces in this new environment."


National Security Council's senior director for arms control and nonproliferation, Pranay Vaddi, also referred to the top-secret document in June, the Times reported.

The new game plan would focus on "the need to deter Russia, the [China] and North Korea simultaneously," he said, per the newspaper.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:33 PM

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