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August 16, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/16/24


Good morning kids. For quite some time, I've led off so many Morning Reports with the statement that this story while revolting in the extreme still no longer shocks me.

Democrat strategist James Carville during a Thursday podcast said Republicans only characterize themselves as Israel supporters because Jews are more white than Palestinians.

Over 70% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents report having a positive view of Israel, while only 44% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents share this perception, according to Pew Research Center in 2022. Carville, on “Politics War Room,” said “racism” is what motivates the views of Israelis and Palestinians in response to a listener’s question regarding the Republican Party’s alleged embrace of “neo-Nazis,” which the listener suggested is inconsistent with the party’s pro-Israel stance.

“It’s really about the misogyny and the racism that drives the thing, and we got to recognize that. It’s not about any policy prescription. And the reason I suspect that most of these people describe themselves as pro-Israel is because the Jews are whiter than the Palestinians, which I think drives a lot of what they are,” Carville said.

The shocking statement ignores the fact that the majority of Israelis are from non-European origins, and that Israeli Jews are often physically indistinguishable from Israeli Arabs or Palestinian Arabs, with Middle Eastern features.

Is it mere pandering to bolster the Muslim base in Michigan and Minnesota, or is this a telltale indicator that he and the party do in fact fear a lack of enthusiasm from the black base, or worse for them, the latter actually voting for Trump. This is the worst kind of racialist poison as it both plays up the race card and sadly an historic anti-Jewish antipathy of blacks towards Jews. Ditto the youth set Einsatz-Groupies who cheered on the slaughter of Jews after 10/7 and attacked them on campuses across the US, and who are also indoctrinated to hate America as a racist colonial illegitimate nation founded on slavery. Convenient how the professoriate omits the crucial detail of which party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow.

Vile though he is, Carville knows what buttons to push.

Ditto, Kamala when she can get the words out in between the cackles. Here's her big idea: you're suffering because of corporate greed and capitalism. Let's let the government control the economy!

Kamala Harris believes she knows the choice before the public in November.
It is between going “forwards” and going “backwards.”
Since the Democratic nominee is wise about the nature of time she insists that this November America should choose to go forward.
In fact it would good if this country could go back.
To the economy we had before Kamala Harris and Joe Biden entered office

Because the most consequential choice there is in this election is between left-wing economics and right-wing economics.

Between the economics of Biden-Harris and the economics of Trump. . .

. . . Today the Vice President is trying to add some meat onto the bones (such as they are) of her economic plans.
These are reported to include efforts to make housing more affordable, lower the costs of living for families, boost small businesses and take on “corporate excess.”
The last of these is simply a left-wing pandering-point.
Anyone hoping to stir up the left-wing base can always paint big bad capitalists and their excessive salaries as the problem.
As though anything you did to tinker with top Wall Street salaries would do a thing for working class Americans. . .

. . . The Democrats like to pretend that Trump’s tax cuts only benefited the rich.
But again that is not just playing the politics of pointless envy.
It is simply untrue.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) didn’t just massively spur economic growth, it also saw the average taxpayer receive an on-average tax cut of around $1,500.
Hourly and weekly earnings increased by 1.1% between November 2018 to November 2019 alone.
Again — these benefits helped everyone.
Kamala Harris may enjoy talking about minority communities and how much the state needs to help them.
But when Trump was in the White House, he helped African Americans and others to help themselves.
During the first three years of Trump’s presidency median household incomes rose by 15.4% for black Americans and 11.5% for white Americans.

And during the Trump economic miracle more people, especially minorities, got off the welfare rolls and got decent jobs. And since the Junta took control, with an erased border and millions of foreigners invading us, blacks and other minorities along with Americans across the full spectrum of ethnicity, age and gender, have been displaced in the job market, angering them mightily and fueling latent minority discontent with the Democrats.

So along with stoking racial animosity, we have the typical playbook of blaming capitalism and corporate greed. They create the problems by devaluing the currency, trillions in debt and deficits while business do whatever they can to stay afloat to cover their expenses. When the cost to do business goes up, you raise prices and/or cut services or your costs.

But to Democrats, that's greed. And it demands top down control which is the latest brainwave that has failed every time it's been tried being trotted out.

How does presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris want to tackle high prices?

Cutting red tape? Stop the government from favoring a few companies? Giving us a 100% free market to open competition?
Silly talk! SOCIALISM!! I mean, uh, price control, of course!

. . . No self-respecting economist agrees price controls work, even Democrats and those on the Left.
Besides, Harris won’t provide details. She’ll likely only shout buzzwords to keep the “vibes” going.
Have you seen what Argentine President Javier Milei has done? He’s pulled back the government. Inflation is down (actually down, unlike ours), and housing options have exploded without rent control.

Wish I could take credit for this gem: "Munchausen's by Progressivism"
The Democrat Left cause the problem and everything they do to correct it only makes it worse by orders of magnitude and cedes more of your freedom to the state.

Every problem, dislocation and all the suffering throughout our history has followed this pattern. Whatever is wrong with this nation is the fault of Leftists, socialism progressivism and its home in the Democrat Party, and everyone whoever went along with it or tried to placate them.

Interesting that I write this 50 years after Richard Nixon was forced out of office. He too tried wage and price controls as well as saddled us with the EPA and OSHA. Sadly, the GOP-e of today sees him as a hero since they too love big powerful central government. They delude themselves into thinking they're better managers and can make a totalitarian monster behave and obey the Constitution.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:42 AM

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