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August 14, 2024

Surprise! Deep State Asset and Democrat-In-Republican Clothing Rep. Mike McCaul Is Covering Up For Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Bug-Out

McCaul is likely compromised by Deep State kompromat. He is their unflagging servant:

.S. Rep. Michael McCaul isn't giving up hope that a second Donald Trump presidency will support Ukraine in its war against Russia, even after Sen. J.D. Vance, a vocal Ukraine aid critic and outspoken isolationist, was nominated to the vice presidency.

Vance's selection as running mate sets up some potential tension between a future Trump administration and the congressional defense hawks like McCaul, who played a role in securing Ukraine aid last April. Vance has been skeptical of sustained aid for U.S. allies abroad and voted against continued assistance for Ukraine, including the aid package McCaul advocated.

Both are cornerstone priorities for McCaul, an Austin Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul said he's "a little" concerned Vance could portend greater withdrawal by the United States on the world stage, but he isn't throwing in the towel just yet.

He's a hardcore anti-Trumper who supported the impeachment against Trump. Though Trump, for reasons that make sense only to Trump, decided to endorse this creepy Deep State operative.

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed the reelection bid of Representative Michael McCaul, despite the Republican's previous denouncement of Trump for his actions on January 6.

McCaul was one of three GOP Texas congressmen whom Trump endorsed on Thursday. Although McCaul did not vote in favor of Trump's second impeachment, where he was charged with inciting the U.S. Capitol riot, he issued a statement condemning the former president's "rhetoric and behavior" and explained that he voted against the impeachment because it was rushed, while urging a "peaceful transition of power" for the incoming Joe Biden.

Trump made no mention of McCaul's assessment of his behavior on January 6 in the endorsement.

He is a tireless campaigner for the right of the DC Swamp to make all foreign policy, against the wishes of the people or their chosen representatives. Because Biden is aligned with the Swamp, McCaul supports Biden.

Jerry Dunleavy is a right-leaning reporter (on the Establishment side) who joined the investigation into the Afghanistan evacuation.

He says that "Republican" Foreign Affairs Chairman McCaul has refused to dig into Biden's responsibility for it.

Jerry Dunleavy IV

NEW: I resigned in protest from Chairman McCaul's House Foreign Affairs investigation into the Biden-Harris Admin's disastrous & deadly Afghanistan withdrawal. Resignation letter below. Despite my repeated urging, McCaul failed to seek answers on & accountability for the debacle.

While the Committee's investigation has indeed unearthed further evidence detailing the Biden-Harris Admin's responsibility for the horrific events of August 2021 & for the dangerous global fallout which followed, McCaul & his team have also been derelict in their duty to pursue answers for the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to seek the proper documents, to bring in the proper witnesses, to ask the tough questions, to fully pursue the truth without fear or favor, & to do everything in the Committee's power to ensure that a deadly humiliation like this never happens again. McCaul & the Committee made promises to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families & to the American public at large -- & those promises simply have not been kept.

I did not come lightly to this decision to resign & to blow the whistle publicly, but I could not be a part of this sham any longer & my conscience simply will not allow me to be silent -- after a year of pushing the Committee to do the right thing & to run a serious investigation that relentlessly searches for the truth, it has become undeniably clear to me that McCaul & his team are unwilling to take even the most basic steps necessary to ensure that President Biden, VP Harris, & all the top Biden-Harris diplomatic & national security & military leaders are made to answer for the horrors which unfolded & continue to unfold in Afghanistan & around the world. The Committee's disappointing lack of courage & lack of moral clarity just cannot go unremarked.

From the troubling handling of the hearings with General Milley & General McKenzie & Zalmay Khalilzad to the refusal to drag in key witnesses at the State Department & CENTCOM & elsewhere, and from the refusal to properly investigate the ISIS-K attack at Abbey Gate to the failure to look into dozens of obvious & important leads, McCaul & his team have allowed a crucial opportunity for a real & deserved reckoning to potentially slip away.

I feel a significant obligation to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, to all Gold Star families from this two-decade war, to all the U.S. service members who fought & especially those who died in Afghanistan, & to the American public -- they all deserve to know how this Committee has refused to fulfill its important obligation to thoroughly expose the Biden-Harris Admin's duplicity & its atrocious decision-making during America's retreat & defeat in Afghanistan.

House Republicans had (and, for at least a few more months, still have) a congressional majority which empowered them to run serious & credible oversight investigations -- the power to compel sworn witness testimony, the power to force the production of hidden documents, the power to issue subpoenas -- but, with regard to the investigation into the Biden-Harris disaster in Afghanistan, McCaul has failed to wield this awesome power with anything resembling strength or consistency.

As I repeatedly made clear to the Committee, I fear that those in the halls of power -- the White House, State Dept, intel community, Pentagon -- have failed to learn the needed lessons from America's defeat in the war in Afghanistan. Washington has a widespread culture of unaccountability, & that has been especially true related to this war. I fear that this Committee's investigation will embolden, rather than remedy, that perverse culture. If those responsible aren't held accountable, and if necessary lessons aren't learned, I fear there will be even more Gold Star families in the future as a direct result.

As I did as a reporter, an author, and a now-former senior investigator on Capitol Hill, I will continue my fight for the truth no matter what. The stakes are simply too high to do otherwise. More to come.

His tweets and his actual letter of resignation are here.

Like I said, Dunleavy is one of the soft-handed pro-Establishment "moderate" wing of the party -- but kudos to him for resigning, and doing so publicly, when the Deep State operative McCaul went too far in his covering-up for the Deep State's agent, "Scranton Joe."

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:10 PM

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