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August 09, 2024

"American Stasi:" DHS Surveillance Teams Followed Around Veteran and Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Because Her Statements Criticizing the Regime Make Her a Potential Terrorist

We're running out of runway here.

This cannot go on much further.

Matt Taibbi:

American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms "Quiet Skies" Nightmare

Placed on a terror watch list, the former Hawaii congresswoman and her husband were tailed by Air Marshals and bomb dogs. "Unconstitutional on every level," she says. "And I'm not the only one."

Tuesday night, while self-styled Democratic nominee Kamala Harris pledged to defend "freedom, compassion, and the rule of law" to cheers in Philadelphia, Hawaii's Tulsi Gabbard described being tracked by teams of government agents in a surveillance regime more reminiscent of East Germany than a free country. Whistleblowing Air Marshals told Uncover DC Gabbard was singled out as a terror threat under the so-called "Quiet Skies" program, and the former presidential candidate says she noticed.

"The whistleblowers' account matches my experience," says Gabbard. "Everything lines up to the day."

This story began two weeks ago, when the former Hawaii congresswoman returned home after a short trip abroad. In airport after airport, she and her husband Abraham Williams encountered obstacles. First on a flight from Rome to Dallas, then a connecting flight to Austin, and later on different flights for both to cities like Nashville, Orlando, and Atlanta, their boarding passes were marked with the "SSSS" designation, which stands for "Secondary Security Screening Selection." The "Quad-S" marker is often a sign the traveler has been put on a threat list, and Gabbard and Williams were forced into extensive "random" searches lasting as long as 45 minutes.

"It happened every time I boarded," says Gabbard. The Iraq war veteran and current Army reservist tends to pack light, but no matter.

"I've got a couple of blazers in there, and they're squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers," she says. "They're squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing." Agents unzipped the lining inside the roller board of her suitcase, patting down every inch inside the liner. Gabbard was asked to take every piece of electronics out and turn each on, including her military phone and computer.

That was the other strange thing. "I use my military ID to get through security sometimes," says Gabbard, who among other things traveled to her reservist base in Oklahoma during this period. Once, she was unable to get through security with military ID. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent saw the "SSSS" marker. "The TSA agent said, 'Why are you Quad-S? You're in the military,'" explains Gabbard. "And I said, 'That's exactly what I'm wondering.'

Examples of "Quad-S" boarding passes. Tulsi Gabbard's air tickets, as well as those of her husband Abraham, were similarly marked

Gabbard goes on: "Then I said, 'The only thing I can think of is, I work in politics.' And he said, oh."

Trump supporters are now marked "Quad-S" for being terrorists routinely, the whistleblower told her:

The agent told her he'd encountered supporters of a certain former president who'd had no issues traveling before, but were now "marked quad-S every time they traveled." Gabbard shrugged and slogged through, still encountering extra security. At one flight, she says, there were "at least six TSA agents doing additional screening," along with canine support. "There were dogs in Dallas when we got there, dogs at a couple of the gates."

She called a colleague, who told her: these things happen, don't worry. "So I thought, 'Maybe I'm just being paranoid,'" Gabbard says. Then she saw this past Sunday's report in Uncover DC, a site edited by the well-known Twitter writer Tracy Beanz. Uncover interviewed Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC), an advocacy association for Federal Air Marshals. Disclosing Gabbard had been placed on a domestic terror watch list, the former Marshal LaBosco told a disturbing story:

According to LaBosco... Gabbard is unaware she has two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards.

Uncover DC said Gabbard was initially placed on the list on July 23rd, and that trios of Air Marshals first began following her on flights on July 25th. As Racket would learn, surveillance was conducted on at least eight flights, with different three-Marshal teams for each flight, part of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) "Quiet Skies" regimen that can literally surround people with human watchers. There are "potentially 15 or more TSA uniformed and plain clothes" at a gate for such assignments, LaBosco told Racket. The story about Gabbard was surfaced by two TSA whistleblowers, including one detailed to follow her. When Gabbard read this, she felt a shock of recognition.

"When I saw that, I thought, 'Wow, okay. So everything I was experiencing was exactly what I feared was going on,'" she says.

Though clearly outraged, Gabbard stresses the important part of her story isn't any inconvenience or insult she's gone through.

"This is not a woe-is-me situation," she explains. Instead, "it's bringing to the forefront... how brazen the political retaliation and abuse of power continues to be under the Biden-Harris administration."

This isn't just about using government resources to harass the Regime's political enemies -- it's also about diverting those resources away from their intended purpose, monitoring suspected terrorists.

Quiet Skies eats up an astonishing amount of resources: an Inspector General's report about the program in 2019 "identified $394 million in funds that could be put to better use," meaning nearly half the Air Marshals' budget was being wasted. LaBosco says this is no surprise. "Think about the overtime, the vouchers, the overnight travel, the per diems. Think of all the wasted resources that we so desperately need right now... We're not going to find a terrorist following Tulsi Gabbard. We're not even looking for the bad guys anymore."

As I'll note later, this is all part of Obama's "Whole of Society" effort to "Combat Violent Extremism" by shifting law enforcement and intelligence resources away from hunting his pals in the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Iran and directing them to harass and surveil normal patriotic US citizens who don't believe in his vicious Marxist cause.


MSNBC recently cut together a completely-fraudulent video which pretended that Joe Rogan was supporting Kamala Harris.

Among the claims Rogan was shown making, supposedly about Kamala Harris, was that she "served overseas for eight years" and was "a medic."

Obviously Joe Rogan was speaking there about Noted Terrorist Threat Tulsi Gabbard, not Kamala Harris. But MSNBC cut together the clear disinformation and presented it on their Twitter feed as proof that disaffected liberal Joe Rogan was now voting for Harris, and his millions and millions of fans should get on board.

There are sadly-unconfirmed rumors that Rogan is considering suing MSNBC for $30 million dollars.

This week, a viral video shared by MSNBC seemingly portrayed Rogan as a Kamala Harris supporter. The misleading text on the now-deleted video read, "Joe Rogan predicts Harris will win the presidency."

"She's gonna win," he said in the video. "She can win." Then, the following clips made it seem like Rogan was praising Harris: "She is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice, in a medical unit. She was a congresswoman for eight years. She is a person of color. She's everything you want."

However, it was soon revealed that Rogan's comments were taken out of context. In reality, Rogan was talking about former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard.

MSNBC then re-uploaded a video of Rogan and cut out the part where he's describing Gabbard. They admit in their new caption that the previous version was misleading. "Correction: We have removed an earlier version of this post that incorrectly implied Joe Rogan was talking more about Vice President Kamala Harris," they wrote. "He was referring to Tulsi Gabbard."

MSNBC was not, of course, branded a Purveyor of Misinformation by any of the advertising boycott and censorship "services." Leftists are permitted to lie with impunity.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:00 PM

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