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August 09, 2024

America's Groomer Dad and Supposed "Moderate" Mandated Explicit Racial Discrimination in Hiring

Hello everybody. Welcome to Friday! The most wonderful day of the week. Somehow work is just easier on Friday.

David French is stroking himself over the erotic humiliation of having to support this guy.

Before he was tapped to be Vice President Kamala Harris's running mate, Minnesota governor Tim Walz (D.) signed into law a bill that established racial quotas throughout the state's health department, from a requirement that two members of a pregnancy task force be "Black or African American" to rules governing the composition of a "health equity" council.

The legislation, which Walz signed last May, created race-based membership requirements for five separate committees-- the Community Solutions Advisory Council, the Health Equity Advisory and Leadership Council, the Equitable Health Care Task Force, the Task Force on Pregnancy Health and Substance Use Disorders, and the African American Health State Advisory Council--while setting up additional race-conscious programs. Legal experts who reviewed the quotas said they were patently unconstitutional and would be easy pickings for a plaintiff.

"Any time the government uses a racial classification without a compelling state interest, that is unconstitutional," said Adam Mortara, the lead trial lawyer for the plaintiffs in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, the 2023 Supreme Court case that outlawed affirmative action in college admissions.

Some of the requirements Walz signed into law are highly granular and involve multiple racial groups. The council on pregnancy and substance abuse, for example, must include "two members who identify as Black or African American," "two members who identify as Native American," and two additional members who are "Tribal representatives appointed by the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council." Other councils have quotas for Hispanics, Asian Americans, "LGBTQIA+" people, and the disabled.

It is not clear whether white people who "identify as" minorities are eligible for the positions. Walz and the Harris campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

The quotas form a stark contrast with the image of an avuncular Midwestern moderate that Walz and his allies have sought to project since his rollout in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening. Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) described Walz as a "heartland-of-America Democrat" with politics "right down the middle." Others have noted that Walz, a former football coach who served in Congress from 2007 to 2019, had a voting record to the right of many House Democrats.

America's Groomer Dad showed all of his moderation when he hosted a Muslim terror-preacher who praised the terror-rapes of October 7 and also, in case you didn't quite get it, Adolf Hitler.

But don't worry about that last one -- venerating Hitler is okay if you're Muslim or brown-skinned.

emocratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas's Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler, the Washington Examiner found.

The imam, Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, joined other Muslim leaders in May 2023 for a meeting about mosque security with Walz's gubernatorial office in Minnesota. Zaman also spoke at a May 2020 event to call for peaceful protests with the governor during the riots in Minnesota sparked after George Floyd's death. In April 2019, the cleric delivered an invocation before Walz's state address -- just months after Zaman called for an end to a government shutdown at a press conference with Walz in January 2019.

Zaman, moreover, attended a May 2019 event that Walz hosted for Ramadan, social media posts show.

Walz's ties to Zaman could serve as problematic baggage for the Minnesota governor as he campaigns with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. News of the ties also comes after a Washington Free Beacon report this week found Walz spoke at a 2019 event with an antisemitic scholar who has defended terrorism against Israel.

David Strom writes that America's Groomer Dad has been very, very solicitous of the radical Muslim community in his state, and is, for example, a huge fan of brother-marryer and green card fraudster Ilhan "Omar" Nur.

You may have heard that Walz redesigned Minnesota's flag -- to closely resemble Somalia's.

Make America Somalia Again!

Walz claimed in his Philadelphia "Hello Fellow Moderates" speech that his attitude on government was that it should follow the maxim "Mind Your Own Business."

Noted Meatball Ron DeSantis questions his devotion to limited government libertarianism.

Yesterday, Ron DeSantis spoke up about it, not coincidentally in the context of ex-pats. While bragging about Florida's status as the top in-migration state in the US, the governor talked about why Americans were so eager to leave places like California, Illinois, and especially Minnesota. DeSantis scoffed at Walz' claim to believe in minding one's own business, and says Minnesotans left because of Walz' "Draconian" pandemic policies. Pick this up at the 2-minute mark or so, with this being the kill shot:

DESANTIS: I'm being asked about this and I haven't really said as much, but they're asking me about this Walz from Minnesota. Here's the thing: As Florida governor, I learn a lot about other states, because when people leave those states, they tell me why they left those states. And I remember during COVID the absolute frustration that people had moving from Minnesota because of how they were being treated.

You know, this is a guy that's out there, he's got this line in the stump speech saying, "You know, our neighbors can do what they want, mind your own damn business!" Fine! Then why did you set up a snitch hotline for neighbors to report on their neighbors for violating your Draconian COVID restrictions? That's not 'minding your own damn business.' That's government overreach.

Video at the link.

I hate to express this far-right thuggery white supremacist conspiracy theory, but sometimes I think that Marxist Democrat Civilizational-Locusts aren't being straight with us about their aims and ambitions.

Some disgusting footage from a 2023 "pride" bacchanalia that America's Groomer Dad attended.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:10 PM

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