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August 05, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/5/24


Good Morning Kids. Well, that was fast, wasn't it. As the saying goes, I guess the Left hand doesn't know what the Far Left hand is doing. Whatever the machinations and protocols between the DoD and DoJ are or were, don't think for a moment that this was Lloyd Austin displaying sanity let alone morality or patriotism. It was a purely, nakedly partisan political move.

Austin likely withdrew the deal not because it blindsided him and he was overcome with righteous indignation, but because the reaction to it was so uniformly negative. On Thursday, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote to Austin saying that the deal was “unconscionable,” and declaring: “I, along with much of our nation and Congress, are deeply shocked and angered by news that the terrorist mastermind and his associates who planned the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, which killed nearly 3000 innocent people, were offered a plea deal.”

. . . Austin saw the writing on the wall. He and his fellow regime apparatchiks are trying to get Kamala Harris elected president. Why give Bad Orange Men yet another indication of how treasonous this regime really is? So he took a campaign issue off the table. He could even be angling for the vice-presidential spot, except that the woman at the top is already black, sort of, and so that DEI box is already checked. But Austin has done the regime a valuable service, and will get his reward.

Along with Mark Vanilli Milley, and top brass in all branches of service that are in the top slots because Obama effectively purged anyone he suspected of being disloyal to him and the Left, and loyal to the Constitution of the US. The result is a military that is bereft of effective leadership, morale in the ranks at an all time low, ditto enlistment and the transmogrification of one of America's most crucial societal pillars into yet another victim of Marxist/Leninist rot.

This is the woman Austin et al are hell bent on installing in the Oval Office:

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has added her brother-in-law Tony West, who defended a convicted terrorist, to her campaign as an adviser. West is also a former Obama Justice Department attorney, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday. . .

. . . West in 2002 signed on to defend “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh, who was captured in Afghanistan one year earlier and subsequently indicted for providing services to the Taliban and al-Qaeda—and for conspiring to murder Americans. During the trial, West—then an attorney at the San Francisco law firm Morrison & Foerster, which was known for defending enemy combatants detained by the United States—dismissed claims that Lindh was a terrorist.

Lest we forget that Harris herself actively supported the efforts to bail out rioters, arsonists and thugs who laid waste to dozens of cities in the wake of the death of career criminal George Floyd while resisting arrest. Now four years later she and her party cheer on the mass slaughter of Jews in Israel and defend those who cheer it on here at home and join in the fun by harassing and assaulting Jews wherever they may be. And they're getting off scot-free:

The reasons why prosecutors have dropped these charges are manifold. In some cases (such as in California, Illinois, and New York), the prosecutors were partisan Democrats who approved of the riots, and thus acted to protect the rioters by dropping the charges. In several cases however the prosecutors expressed extreme unhappiness with their own action, stating that they did so reluctantly because they did not think they could win in court. . . in many of the locales where a trial would be brought (such as New York, Chicago, or California), the general population is generally in agreement with the protesters as well, and will act aggressively to find these rioters innocent. And if any are not, expect them to back down to peer pressure, much as many southerners did in the South during the Jim Crow era. . . The daunting conclusion we must draw from this is that the left remains very organized and determined to maintain its ability to commit whatever violence it deems necessary without any fear of consequences. This is the same situation the Nazis managed to create for themselves in the 1930s. It is also the same situation the Democrats and its armed wing the KKK created for itself in the South after the Civil War.
They became immune from punishment, even as they rioted and persecuted both political opponents, innocent Jews, and innocent blacks.

Funny how as a prosecutor, Harris kept many blacks incarcerated even though they might have actually been not guilty or eligible to be paroled just so she could burnish her credentials. In light of the fake outrage over those who question her black authenticity, interesting how this aspect of her life is completely ignored.

Meanwhile, bravo to the British people for standing up to madness, even though they now risk their own freedom at the hands of elected tyrants.

Too little too late? It took decades for the socialists to ruin England, it will take decades to restore Blighty, if it can be done at all given the nature of what the people are facing.

And we're facing it right here as well.


  • Picture a scenario where Jigsaw’s algorithms, which are designed to detect extremist content, are repurposed to suppress political speech that challenges the prevailing narratives. In the hands of governments with a specific agenda—like the current administration, for example—these tools could be weaponized to censor dissent. If a vocal critic of government policies or a journalist exposing corruption were to have their content flagged and removed under the guise of combating extremism, their ability to speak out would be severely compromised. In this scenario, Altitude doesn't just remove extremist content; it becomes a mechanism for stifling legitimate criticism and political opposition.
    Meet Jigsaw, Google's dangerous new anti-democratic tool

On a personal note, some good news, today marks the end of my first stage of treatment for my cancer. Despite fatigue and a fair bit of emotional stress, my doctors are pleased with how I've held up so far. Mercifully, I get a month off and then I'm due for an MRI in early September and then another course of chemo for 6 months. RegularMRIs going forward after that for the rest of my life, however long that is to be.

I truly cannot express my gratitude to all of you these past months for your prayers, kindness and words of encouragement. God bless you all.

Thanks to all for your continued and inredibly generous support via the tip jar

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:28 AM

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