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June 25, 2024

Right In Time for the Election, Biden's Crooked Surgeon General Declares That Gun Violence is a "Public Health Crisis"

Are illegal aliens committing gun crimes a public health crisis, or nah?

Is Hunter Biden a public health crisis? I mean, he's definitely a One-Man Health Crisis. But is he a public health crisis?

Biden has to shift the terms of this election away from immigration, crime, inflation, and his galloping dementia and towards issues that he fares better on.

Thus he has his septuagenarian wife shilling for abortion at 38 weeks plus.

It's abortion week for the Biden-Harris campaign. Well, every week is abortion week with the Biden administration but especially this week. Abortion is one of the issues that President Biden delegated to Kamala Harris. Unlike other issues she is supposed to be working on, like securing the southern border, Kamala has enthusiastically embraced abortion as her top concern.

Jill Biden is joining her in spreading the word about the need for unlimited, 24/7 abortions in the United States. Last week Jilly from Philly was scaring senior citizen voters about the bad Orange Man and this week she is singing the praises of abortion to voters.

They are targeting rural voters and black voters in their abortion outreach. For its part, the DNC is spending a low seven-figure budget on an outreach campaign aimed specifically at female voters in swing states who are considered less likely to vote.

The Democrats are pinning their hopes on abortion saving Biden's sinking campaign. It worked well for them in the 2022 mid-term elections so they are returning to that playbook. What else do they have to run on? The Biden administration has been a disaster.

As you well know, Biden has repeatedly attempted to steal trillions from productive taxpayers to give to his unproductive voters, repeatedly attempting to create Presidential Law that layabout Gender Studies majors will have their loans forgiven with the shortfall made up by industrious carpenters and HVAC workers.

The courts just checked this newest unconstitutional assertion of tyrannical authority.

Federal courts have delivered a significant setback to President Joe Biden's efforts to overhaul student loan repayment. On Monday, two rulings from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down essential elements of the administration's proposed changes, citing overreach and lack of congressional approval.

Congressional approval? Say, doesn't the Constitution say something about that vis-a-vis the lawmaking power...? In fact, I think it says Congress shall make the laws, not the Executive.

The rulings specifically target the Education Department's efforts to streamline income-driven repayment (IDR) plans and the introduction of a new, more generous repayment option. These components aimed to ease the financial burden on borrowers by capping monthly payments and potentially reducing the total repayment amount.

The decisions follow last year's Supreme Court rejection of Biden's ambitious plan to forgive $400 billion in student debt, which had faced staunch opposition from conservative lawmakers and groups. The recent rulings further complicate the administration's attempts to deliver on campaign promises to address the student debt crisis.


Critics argue that the administration's approach lacks transparency and bypasses legislative processes. "This is a clear case of executive overreach," said Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee. "These matters should be decided by Congress, not unilaterally by the executive branch."


The issue of student debt remains a polarizing topic, with Democrats pushing for comprehensive relief measures and Republicans advocating for more measured approaches. The recent court decisions underscore the contentious nature of the debate and the complexities involved in navigating the legal and legislative landscapes.

Now Biden is attempting the standard Democrat deflection on crime: Don't blame us for not punishing criminals, blame the Republicans for not supporting our efforts to steal guns from law-abiding non-criminals!

And apparently now this is a Medical Science (TM) issue, so you can't question the Experts.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared gun violence a public health crisis and suggested a range of gun control measures, drawing criticism for what is seen as a partisan approach under the guise of public health.

Key Details:

Dr. Vivek Murthy's 32-page advisory calls for increased funding for firearm violence prevention research and several gun control measures.

Recommendations include safe storage laws, universal background checks, red flag laws, and an assault weapons ban.

Critics argue that Murthy's approach is inherently political and bypasses the democratic process.

Kind of a theme of the Biden Administration, eh?

The people trying to "save democracy" sure seem to be doing their level best to destroy democracy.


"I've long believed this is a public health issue," Murthy said in an interview. "This issue has been politicized, has been polarized over time. But I think when we understand that this is a public health issue, we have the opportunity to take it out of the realm of politics and put it into the realm of public health."

See? It's not a political issue, it's a Science (TM) issue, and the Science (TM) says it's time to grab your guns.

Critics, however, see this approach as inherently political. The notion of "taking it out of the realm of politics" and "putting it into the realm of public health" is seen as an attempt to circumvent the democratic process. In America, such measures are defined as policies, which are political by nature and must go through legislative scrutiny.


The advisory's critics argue that by framing gun control as a public health issue, Murthy is seeking to bypass the political process and impose regulations without the necessary democratic debate. This approach, they contend, undermines the very foundation of American democracy where such significant policy changes must be subjected to thorough political discourse and legislative action.


Murthy's advisory reflects a broader trend within the progressive movement to label politically contentious issues as public health crises, thereby seeking to advance an agenda without engaging in the rigorous political process. This strategy, critics argue, is not only deceptive but also dangerous, as it could set a precedent for bypassing democratic norms.


They're also censoring people for what they claim are either reasons of public health -- if you oppose experimental surgeries for children, you're causing transgender people to kill themselves -- and for reasons of "hygiene." We can't have the national discourse polluted and sickened by dangerous, mind-corrupting misinformation or even "malinformation" (true information which suggests a conclusion that the Regime disapproves of).

Etymological Update: I originally wrote:

"Fare" is both French and Italian for "to do" (or to make), derving from the Latin facere. Thus the English "fares" just means "does." Fares better, does better.

I just realized that "fares" sounds like it might be Old English, not French, and checked etymonoline.

Yeah, I was wrong. I assumed, and made an ass out of u and Maine.

Old English faran "to journey, set forth, go, travel, wander, make one's way," also "be, happen, exist; be in a particular condition," from Proto-Germanic *faranan "to go" (source also of Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic faran, Old Norse and Old Frisian fara, Dutch varen, German fahren), from PIE *por- "going, passage," from root *per- (2) "to lead, pass over." Related: Fared; faring.

It's like the Germanic "fahren" and not the Romance language "fare." Fares better means goes better, not does better. I think I started to realize I was wrong when I considered that "fares" is an old, almost archaic word, so it would probably derive from and Old English root, not from the newcomer interloper of Old French, which only started seriously impacting English in 1066 AD.

Sorry for peddling Dangerous Etymological Misinformation.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:22 PM

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