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Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/24/24) »
June 24, 2024
Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Week Cafe

From Discover Civilizations
photographer unknown
Lending a hand to a lamb. Was he stuck? Or was he just itching his back?
Meeting the new pupper.
When I first saw this I thought it was a giant spider. Now that I know it was just some chimps in some kind of polymorphously perverse sex-limbo, I wish I could go back to believing it was a giant spider.
Fluffy nap-time.
Rescued sea otter pup gets groomed, complains about it.
Give it to me straight, Doc--how bad is it? How long have I got?
Juggling as seen from above. It's weird.
Kitten has grown up with seven dogs and her meows are more like barks.
Arigato, human.
Not on my watch.
A cat's secret maneuver -- the under-pounce!
This dog has beef with the other one and is trying to pretend he's not there.
Seriously -- what are we going to do with all of these bears?

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:29 PM
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