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June 20, 2024

We Came, We Saw, We Kicked Its ONT

Hello everybody! Welcome to Thursday! Let's jump start this thing and get going!

jump start.jfif

Everybody Is Sick Of You

Just Stop Oil’s Stonehenge stunt is the last straw

These stunts are not common-garden civil disobedience. This is not disruption in an attempt to ‘raise awareness’ or get some politician’s attention. These are attacks on human civilisation itself – on some of humanity’s most significant artistic, architectural and political achievements. And there is a very good reason why the cult of Just Stop Oil thinks nothing of vandalising them.

After all, these eco-irritants are not merely ‘concerned’ about climate change – they are gripped with apocalyptic terror by climate change. The group’s mastermind, Roger Hallam, likes to tell his acolytes that in the coming decades, climate change is going to kill as many as six billion people – the vast majority of human beings, in other words. In the eyes of this millenarian eco-cult, climate change is not a problem to be managed or overcome, but a near inevitable catastrophe that will bring destruction on the scale of a global nuclear Holocaust. (There is, needless to say, absolutely zero scientific evidence that climate change could possibly lead to such an outcome.)

These stupid leftist attacks will stop when the “protesters” start getting punched in the face.

Defacing The Classics

‘The Lord Of The Rings: The War Of The Rohirrim’ To Introduce Long-Lost Tribe Of Female Warriors Led By Helm Hammerhand’s Daughter

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, writer Philippa Boyens confirmed that the unnamed daughter of Helm would be the main protagonist of the film. She said, “When they suggested anime, that’s when my brain really started whirring. Immediately, the idea of telling this story came to me. They had a number of different ones they were going to pitch me, but I was quite bossy, and I was like, ‘No, I know exactly what this needs.’”

She continued, “I immediately felt that it would work for anime because it’s so character-based and also contained within its own world. It speaks to certain things that work really well with Japanese storytelling.”

Does she know the kind of things that happen to female characters in Japanese anime?

Legalize It

California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

Drug legalization has failed on every level. The legal drug business is collapsing. MedMen, which once promised to be the Apple of weed, fell from a $3 billion valuation to a bankruptcy with $411 million in liabilities. Despite the green crosses and online apps, 80% of Californian’s pot is still the old-fashioned illegal kind. Politicians may be boasting about hundreds of millions in revenue, but the cartels are making tens of billions and they’re taking over entire forests.

The future isn’t pot shops, weed apps or MedMen: it’s Mexican and Chinese organized crime compounds that are spreading across the West and parts of New England like a plague.

Legalization advocates still argue that if the government lowered the high taxes on legal pot, the business model could turn around again, but even without a single penny in taxes, no amount of legal labor is going to be able to compete with illegal aliens smuggled across the border and forced to work for free by gunmen. Legal businesses can’t compete with organized crime.

Drug legalization increased homelessness and drug abuse. It boosted illegal migration and organized crime. It made life worse in every state and city where it’s been tried without delivering tangible benefits to anyone (including weed users who still get theirs the old-fashioned way) except for a few politicians who temporarily have a few million more to pass around to special interests, donors and lobbyists.

And all they had to do was hand over half the country to organized crime.

“Unexpectedly”, no doubt.

A Long Slide Down A Slippery Slope

Hypocrisy exposed: Jillian Michaels’ rant on 'crazy California'

The reality is that the state of California took the decadent and revisionist premise that Jillian Michaels lives her own life by and followed it to its natural, damnable conclusion. Yes, folks, the woke mob is more consistent than she is! Did she think she could only slide halfway down the slope to Gomorrah and just get comfortable in her own private Idaho?

Of course, that can never work, no matter how well-intentioned her partial awakening is now. She moved out of California. So what? The real question is how much of California did she take with her and won’t let go of?

The only thing that beats bad religion is the right one. The idols must be smashed.

I remember when Kurt Schlicter's Kelly Turnbull novels first came out. Some of the stuff that he intended to seem outrageous has already happened.


What America Can Learn From Israel on the Battlefield

After Oct 7, Israel is applying a crude realpolitik to the problem. It's insufficient as a solution, but it's a whole lot more pragmatic than the nation building and counterinsurgency rabbit hole that swallowed up a generation of our finest fighting men with nothing to show for it except despair.

Israel is trying to limit its casualties while maximizing its results. Our politicians and generals could learn a thing or two from that. The IDF is not being tasked with digging wells, winning hearts and minds or having three cups of tea with the terrorists. Its soldiers are tasked with pushing out and engaging enemy forces to expose their leaders and command structure.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, we used military force to achieve political and diplomatic aims, while Israel is using military force to achieve military aims. What a shockingly sensible notion.

Perhaps our politicians and generals ought to consider it next time we get involved in a war.

You don't win a war until you destroy the enemy's (both civilian and military) will to resist. The fact that we've forgotten this simple fact explains every conflict since WWII.

Just Tinkering Around


Bizarre armor from Mycenaean Greece turns out to have been effective

The Dendra armor, one of the oldest suits of bronze armor ever found, had been considered a purely ceremonial piece. It seemed impossible to use in battle due to its cumbersome design.

It took over a decade of research, elaborate numerical models, and 13 Greek marines fighting in it from dawn till dusk to prove it was surprisingly good at its job, despite its odd appearance. “This made the Mycenaean warriors some of the best equipped in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age,” says professor Andreas Flouris, a researcher at the University of Thessaly, who led the study.

I need to pick up a set.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Versatility:

ETA Somebody replied to the tweet with a link to where you can buy the cart

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posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM

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