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June 20, 2024

"The Acolyte" Actress Releases Super-Cringe Rap Video Complaining About "Oppressors" and "Racists" Who Don't Like Her Awful Lesbian Space Witch Disney Show

She released this for the nation's favorite new holiday, Humpteenth.

Oh, and Happy Day After Humpteenth, everyone!


Actress Amandla Stenberg, who plays Osha and Mae in Star Wars: The Acolyte, claimed to be the victim of racism and released a cringe song on [Humpteenth] in an attempt to maximize the virtue signal.

Stenberg posted the nearly 4 minute song to her Instagram account writing, "Happy Juneteenth and to those who are flooding me with intolerable racism--since it took me 72 hours on my laptop to make this song and video, u got 72 hours to respond. and I expect choreo!!"

I think she means she expects the Yutes to be smitten with her fresh beats and make their own TikTok dance videos to her super-catchy monotone fart of a "song."

The song begins with Stenberg gyrating as the term "Discourse" blinks rapidly over her head.

Well, she's learned how to deliver her political messages with graceful subtlety from head LucasFilm witch Kathleen Kennedy.

Ironically, the lyrics "We so bored, don't f*** with your discourse" are repeated.

From there, Stenberg sings, "I'm going viral on twitter again. Open up the news to find some interesting things. 20 million views. Interview from 2018 with Trevor the King when I was thirteen." (Stenberg was 20 at the time of the interview with Trevor Noah.)

That was the interview in which she said the point of a movie she was in, The Hate You Give, was "to make white people cry."

Now, she does have a valid gripe about how that video was cut: The movie was about (of course) the shooting of a black kid, and when she said she wanted to make people cry, she meant she wanted the movie to move white people emotionally.

But you know, she's still a mean race-baiter, because she "sings"/"raps" that white people don't see black people as "human." I'm getting pretty sick of this.


Stenberg then sings, "They splice lines, make hate they recognize, make it look like the same propaganda they spew 'cause they conflate our pain with violence and try to weaponize everything that we do. The desperation of oppressors is rising and now they holding onto any ole thing they can use. If you rely upon information then that tells me you afraid of the truth."

"If you rely on information that tells me you are afraid of the truth"? What?

Is this like "Don't do your own research, just listen to what woke 25 year old actresses tell you to think" ?

"The desperation of oppressors."

This talentless DEI millionaire is oppresed.


Next, she sings, "And now you listening imma tell you something fascinating. They spinning woke. Bastardize it and appropriate it. Last I recall woke was something we created. Speak truth to power. Keep an eye out for you silly racists. And now they use it to describe anything they threatened by. Remember when Gambino put it in the zeitgeist? It was all about the people recognizing bigotry. The power of community not fodder for your clickbait."

She urges the media to censor Disney's critics. Something they hardly need encouraging to do.

"Speaking of which, journalists I'm looking at you. Did you forget it's your job to provide the truth? Spreading divisiveness, mining the metrics and data, seem you gave up all your ethics for money and views. And I can tell that the people are tired and the kids don't trust anything that they view. We can learn something from their discernment. The future's coming and it's always the youth," she continues.


She then concludes, "My sis said don't let it get to my spirit, but I'm sick and f***ing tired of suppressing my rage. 400 years of taking their bulls**t to compartmentalize like my ancestors had to encaged? If you don't confront the pain that you live with, it'll manifest as addiction diseases and hate. I've seen the infection repression can give ya. I'm not gonna be the next one sent to an early grave."

"Amandla" was given the role of a white girl in The Hunger Games. She was the character "Rue," who was white in the book.

She was a small child when guilty white people began paying her millions of dollars.

But she's repressed. She's still a slave, really. And she's not going to compartmentalize her rage any longer!

Meanwhile, the show is receiving lower viewer ratings than the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Pink News (if I recall) praised the show as being about a "coven of lesbian space witches," and they're not reading into things. The Girls Who Are the Key to Everything were conceived by a pair of lesbian witches, one who "carried" them, the other who "created" them.

Below, a Lesbian Space Witch cult ceremony. I heard the guy who arranged the "music" and chanting here to be as "multicultural" as possible.

Did you ever think that Star Wars would wind up being about a coven of lesbian space witches?

Hell, did you ever think that Disney would be in the lesbian space witches for children business?

Chris Gore has a very off-color interpretation of the Lesbian Space Witches' "the power of one, the power of two, the power of man-y" chant.

Episode 4 introduced anachronistic Earth 2020's f***ed-up fake pronouns into the Star Wars universe:

Meanwhile: James O'Keefe says he stung Disney employees and those tapes will drop today:

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:02 PM

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