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June 17, 2024
Turtles and Bears Cafe

O hai
Philip Waller Photography
Ninja turtle.
Scrubbing the "little turtle," if you know what I mean.
Giving a turtle a speed boost.
Very cute: at a dog shelter, a mom is reunited with her puppies and, after some initial confusion, is crazy happy.
Reuniting a golden with his puppy.
A service dog meets his favorite Disney character. Note the Pluto doll in his mouth.
Get out of here, bear!
Dumb people gather to get a picture with a wild bear and then find out what "wild" means. (No violence.)
Dangerous bear misinformation.
Meanwhile, bears are encouraging this. We really need to talk about the crisis in bears. David Spade tried to warn us. (Whoops, David Spade not David French. Robot brain.)
Bald eagle majestically snatches up a (disappointingly small) fish.
This poor dog wasn't let out to go to the bathroom, so now he's turtling across the carpet.
These videos may be color-shifted images of the northern lights, or this just might be CGI, but they're cool either way.
I really want to get the full video: Aunt Janice: Cruel MILF.
i got u some flowers but i ated them
Neat slide but I can't stop thinking about how small those guardrails are. It's a Latin country, I doubt the rainbow colors are for "pride."
The real trick will be to design a wingsuit that doesn't make you look like a total goof.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:20 PM
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