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June 17, 2024

Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/17/24)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“White supremacy is ingrained everywhere. White supremacy is what we all live in. It’s the water. It’s what we swim in here." Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty

Quote II

“So it was just a case of finding out that the record existed and then deciding to actually do something with this idiotic thing that I’d built.” Dylan Phillips, a car mechanic from Pembrokeshire, England


The cry of "Quick, we must do something!" cost us 320 million dollars and didn't accomplish squat.

The Biden administration spent more than $300 million to construct a pier on the Gaza shore, intended to facilitate provision of supplies to Hamas. Which is itself, of course, a terrible idea. But things have not gone well:


So AI isn't any better than the minimum wage pimple faced kids?

McDonald’s to end AI drive-thru experiment after errant orders — including bacon on ice cream and $222 McNuggets bill


Chivalry is dead or soon to be subject to the draft. Some Republicans have chosen the hill to defend and die on. Quite frankly, I disagree.

Republicans Slam Democrats for Defense Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft

The language in the NDAA would amend “the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.” The committee “voted 22-3 to advance the NDAA for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 to the Senate floor.”

Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy blasted the Democrats over the provision.

“You can go straight to hell. Over my dead body,” Roy said on X.



Black Bear Hunter Accidentally Kills Grizzly in Area Not Known for Grizzlies
Following the accidental killing of a grizzly bear, wildlife officials are telling hunters to brush up on their bear identification skills.



Bruce Jenner has the sadz.

OUCH Caitlyn Jenner forced to share fan posts for Father’s Day as she’s snubbed – then fans spot stepdaughter’s comment
Plus, what Caitlyn had to say about her relationship with her family in the new Kardashian documentary


Oh FFS. Do you have the right lens to spot Fat shaming?

Brown offers pre-college summer course on 'emerging academic field' of Fat Studies
Students will look at ‘the pathologization of fatness in the medical community and the rising prevalence of eating disorders, as well as how fatphobia intersects with other systems of oppression.’
One of the goals of the course is for students to be able to ‘[a]pply major theoretical lenses to the study of fatness, including the feminist/gender lens, reader-response lens, historical lens, and race lens.’


The ONT Musical Interlude & Barometric Pressure Emporium

Born on this day: June 17, 1946 - Barry Manilow
American singer-songwriter, Barry Manilow, (born Barry Alan Pincus) who had the 1975 US No.1 & UK No.11 single 'Mandy', also wrote 'Could It Be Magic', and 'Copacabana.' Manilow has scored over 25 US Top 40 singles selling over 75 million records worldwide. Had the 2006 US No.1 album The Greatest Songs of the Fifties. via


On this day: June 17, 1971 - Carole King
Carole King went to No.1 on the US album chart with Tapestry for the first of 15 consecutive weeks. The album contained 'It's Too Late', 'I Feel the Earth Move', 'Will You Love Me Tomorrow" and 'You've Got a Friend'. The cover photograph taken at King's Laurel Canyon home shows her sitting in a window frame, holding a tapestry she hand-stitched herself, with her cat Telemachus at her feet. via


She is shy. And tonight's Genius Award Winner.

Woman, 18, Meets Guy On Dating App, Gets "Cold Feet," Calls 911

After matching with a man on a dating app, an Iowa woman exchanged texts with him before arranging to meet in person yesterday at her residence.

But when Sumaya Thomas, 18, got “cold feet,” she dialed 911 in a remarkably harebrained bid to avoid an IRL interaction, according to cops.

As detailed in a criminal complaint, Thomas, who lives in an Iowa City suburb, called police to report that her abusive ex-boyfriend had shown up outside her residence and was sending her threats via Snapchat to “hit, punch, kick, and stab her.”


Genius Award Winners become Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Two Strangers Save Family Of Three In 'Miracle' Rescue On Colorado River

Today's good news story comes from Grand County, Utah.

Sometimes, saving lives is about being in the right place at the right time. Last Thursday, two men from Moab exemplified this when they happened to be on the Colorado River and rescued a family of three from drowning


Weekly commenter stats for week of 6-16-2024

Top 10 commenters:
1 [655 comments] 'Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden' [91.94 posts/day]
2 [546 comments] 'TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin while riding the Wasteland with Mad Max'
3 [449 comments] '...'
4 [407 comments] 'jim (in Kalifornia)'
5 [405 comments] 'Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)'
6 [373 comments] 'Bulgaroctonus'
7 [371 comments] 'Axeman'
8 [347 comments] 'andycanuck (ZdexC)'
9 [342 comments] 'Skip '
10 [304 comments] 'Ciampino - Fri Update #06'

Top 10 sockpuppeteers:
1 [293 names] 'Ciampino - Fri Update #06' [41.13 unique names/day]
2 [244 names] 'Miklos is hip with the Youth of Today'
3 [81 names] 'Quarter Twenty '
4 [56 names] 'Armchair Psychiatrist'
5 [49 names] 'Helena Handbasket'
6 [42 names] 'Axeman'
7 [37 names] 'Moron Analyst'
8 [37 names] 'Count de Monet'
9 [33 names] 'Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden'
10 [32 names] 'andycanuck (ZdexC)'


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Driver's Education Test Question.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. ONT Tips, loose change, drink tokens & burner phones to petmorons at g mail dot com. Everything else? Ignorance & apathy.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM

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