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June 14, 2024

Poll: Half of All Americans Expect Biden to Forget He's At a Debate and Wander Off Stage

Before getting to that: A poll finds 62% of voters support mass deportation for illegal aliens. And maybe Rachel Maddow.

Wow, Rachel Maddow too? I guess she wasn't just having another menstrual hallucination.

Just kidding about that. She was having a menstrual hallucination.

A majority of voters support efforts to mass deport illegal aliens residing in the United States, a newly released survey found.

Conducted by CBS News/YouGov, the poll showed that 62 percent of registered voters favor, "in principle, a new government program to deport all [foreign nationals] living in the U.S. illegally." This includes backing from 88 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents, and 38 percent of Democrats.

The survey additionally found similar levels of support (62 percent) for allowing local law enforcement to try and identify aliens residing in the United States illegally. A slight majority (52 to 48 percent), however, oppose the government "establishing large detention centers, where people would be sent and held, while the government determined whether or not they should be deported."

I already posted about this poll.

Here's a new one: Trump is now tied with Biden in Virginia, which has been a solid blue state since 2008.

President Joe Biden has received negative polling news in a state the Democratic Party has not lost in 20 years.


However, according to polling by firm co/efficient, Biden and Trump are now tied in Virginia, a state which has not backed a Republican for president since George W. Bush in 2004.

According to their survey of 851 likely voters, 41 percent would vote for Biden while 41 percent would vote for Trump. A further 12 percent are undecided and seven percent would vote for a third-party candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The poll was conducted between June 11 and June 12. The margin of error is +/- 3.36 percent.

Nate Silver mocks the left which have been pointing to THE POLLS! forever for suddenly having a case of #TwistedPollsSyndrome.

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

This is the first time since 2004 (!) that the Democratic candidate is down in presidential polls on a sustained basis and yet it's been like 100% predictable which Twitter personalities Suddenly Have A Lot of Questions About The Polls.

During Pride Month, Virginia voters? DURING PRIDE MONTH?!?!

This is fun, but maybe unhelpful:

Half of Americans expect Biden to forget where he is at the "debate" "scheduled" for late June.

During Pride Month, America? DURING PRIDE MONTH!?!

Half of American voters expect President Biden to once again forget where he is during his crucial upcoming presidential debates -- with more than a third expecting him to wander offstage, a shocking new poll shows.

A staggering 70% expect the gaffe-prone 81-year-old to mess up his words during the TV debates -- while 40% think the oldest-ever president is so frail, he'll struggle to even get to his feet, according to the JL Partners poll published Thursday.

Biden's debate rival, former President Donald Trump, will likely easily win the debate, according to the poll -- with an overwhelming 90% of Republicans confident of his victory.

Most worrying, however, 49% expect Biden to forget where he is and 41% think he'll even walk the wrong way off the debate stage.

Asked what word best sums up their view of the president, those polled overwhelmingly said "Old."

I don't like this. People keep setting unrealistic expectations about Biden's performance -- I'm personally guilty of this -- like him actually having a seizure or Lost Time at a debate or speech, and then when he clears that incredibly low bar, people think, "Well, he wasn't as bad as I was expecting."

Biden has been getting by on rockbottom expectations and handfulls of amphetamines since 2019.

But Biden is clearly deteriorating at an increasingly fast pace so maybe this will be a debate in which he shows inarguably that he is unfit to be president, even with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash surrounding him and protecting him like G7 leaders at a skydiving exhibition.

And maybe Biden will just do what we all expect him to do, and contrive a reason to cancel.

But if he does that, he will lock in the public's expectations about his unfitness -- if he cancels last-minute, it will confirm people's belief that he would have forgotten he was even at a debate if he showed up at all.

The Democrats are panicking about the age issue. (This helps them ignore the immigration issue and the inflation issue. And the foreign corruption issue. And the fascist weaponization of government issue.)

John Sexton reports that the Washington Post's feminist dope Kathleen Parker thinks that what hurts Biden is the idea that if he dies in office, he'll be replaced by Kamala Harris, who people don't like.

So she has a terrific idea: replace Kamala Harris with the beloved.... Hillary Clinton.

Among her many other defects, Hillary Clinton badly complicates the left's "Trump won't accept the outcome of elections" narrative.

He also links this Sun article discussing Biden's accelerating deterioriation.

The 81-year-old has been "losing focus" during the gathering of world leaders in Puglia, Italy, according to well placed diplomatic sources.

One told The Sun: "It's the worst he has ever been."

As I keep saying: Dementia is a chronic condition. You don't get over dementia like you get over a cold. Every day it gets worse and worse.

Another insider added that while the president had shown moments of sharpness and clarity during meetings, at other times he had appeared to be "losing focus" and concentration.

Other attendees from multiple delegations have described Mr Biden's performance as "embarrassing".

Biden can't even govern his own dog. Judicial Watch received all the records regarding Biden's ill-treated dogs biting people.

Disinformation Expert Lizzy

There are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners.
[Quoting a Secret Service email:] "FYI – there was a dog bite and the Officer may need to go the hospital. Have a safe shift!"

Dogs know a bad customer when the see one.

OUT: Underaged-girl-sniffing

IN: Pope-nuzzling

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:20 PM

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