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« The Turnip Diaries: Biden Humiliates Himself and America at G7 Conference | Main | Babies Are Back, Baby! Cafe »
June 13, 2024

Quick Hits

The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected the challenge to the FDA's ruling on the abortion pill.

The court, in a unanimous opinion, said the anti-abortion groups and physicians challenging the medication, mifepristone, lacked the legal standing to bring the case.

Abortion rights are one of the key issues in the November election and the administration of Democratic President Joe Biden had urged the court to maintain access to the drug, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000. His opponent Donald Trump leads a Republican Party broadly favoring blocks to abortion access.

The mifepristone case was the first significant abortion case heard by the conservative-dominated Supreme Court since it overturned the previously long-held constitutional right to abortion two years ago.

"We recognize that many citizens, including the plaintiff doctors here, have sincere concerns about and objections to others using mifepristone and obtaining abortions," said Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who wrote the 9-0 opinion.

"But citizens and doctors do not have standing to sue simply because others are allowed to engage in certain activities," Kavanaugh said. "The plaintiffs lack standing to challenge FDA's actions."

Standing is a doctrine requiring plaintiffs to have a real and tangible -- often monetary, but it could also be about a limitation of their freedom -- stake in a lawsuit. The court is saying that having concerns about this pill is enough to weigh in on the matter as a commentator, lobbyist, donor, or voter, but it's not enough to be a litigant in the matter.

Garland's DOJ says that he is immune to prosecution for defying a congressional subpoena on an absurdly flimsy pretext that he wants to "protect the nation from deep fakes made of Joe Biden's voice."

He says no AG has ever been prosecuted before for asserting executive privilege. Well, no one has ever attempted to claim that executive privilege applies to completely non-confidential statements made to a prosecutor.

Furthermore, it's also unprecedented to prosecute a president for keeping classified documents (which the Presidential Records Act suggests he was permitted to keep). But you didn't let the lack of precedent stop you there, huh?

President Joe Biden's Department of Justice issued a memo Wednesday declaring that Attorney General Merrick Garland is protected from prosecution for contempt of Congress because of Biden's use of executive privilege.

The memo's release conveniently came hours before the House of Representatives took the long-anticipated step of voting to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas for records related to Special Counsel Robert Hur's investigation of President Joe Biden's willful mishandling of classified information.

JD Vance and other Republicans have introduced a bill to ban DEI in the federal government and federal contracting.

Congressional Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday that would eliminate all diversity, equity, and inclusion positions in the federal government and bar federal contractors from requiring DEI statements and training sessions.

The Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), would also bar federal grants from going to diversity initiatives, cutting off a key source of support for DEI programs in science and medicine. Other provisions would prevent accreditation agencies from requiring DEI in schools and bar national securities associations, like NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, from instituting diversity requirements for corporate boards.

"The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division," Vance told the Washington Free Beacon. "It has no place in our federal government or anywhere else in our society."

Only 7% of Americans rate the Turnip Economy as "very good."

Only seven percent of voters believe President Joe Biden's economy is "very good," while 34 percent say it is "very bad," a 27-point differential, a CBS News poll found.

The poll suggests warning signs for Biden's reelection chances. The economy is the number one issue for voters.

Overall, Biden's economy is in bad shape, the poll found:

* Only 32 percent of voters think the economy is in very or fairly good shape
* 63 percent say the economy is in very or fairly bad shape
* Five percent are unsure

Inflation (75 percent) and the economy (81 percent) remain the top two issues for voters, the poll found. Global warming and abortion remain of relatively low importance, at 35 percent and 50 percent, respectively.

Best economy in history, Fat.

Joe Biden's net approval rating hits historic low, worse than that of every prior president -- except for one.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday set the record for the worst net approval rating of any president 1,240 days into office dating back more than 70 years, according to FiveThirtyEight's calculations.

As of 11:31 a.m., Biden's average approval rating on the ABC News-owned polling aggregator's website registered at a mere 37.6 percent, while an average of 57 percent disapproved of his performance. This translated to a -19.4 percent net rating for Biden.

The net score puts him in worse shape with the American electorate than any president since the 1940s at similar points in their terms, per FiveThirtyEight. His 37.6 percent approval rating was also lower than that of his predecessors at the same points in their presidencies, except for President George H.W. Bush.

And George H.W. Bush lost, of course.

From a few days ago: Formerly NeverTrump billionaires are opening their wallets for him.

Biden is a unifying figure after all.

This Politico "reporter" is practically in tears as he attempts to bully and shame billionaires into supporting the Traitorous Turnip again.

Wall Street executives spent three years doing everything they could to distance themselves from former President Donald Trump. Now they're busy coming up with reasons to vote for the guy.

Many high-dollar donors at banks, hedge funds and other financial firms had turned their backs on Trump as he spun unfounded claims that the 2020 election had been stolen and savaged the judicial system with attacks. Today, they're setting aside those concerns, looking past qualms about his personality and willingness to bulldoze institutional norms and focusing instead on issues closer to the heart: how he might ease regulations, cut their taxes or flex U.S. power on the global stage.

"I don't know that anyone really believed he was a threat to democracy," said Point Bridge Capital founder Hal Lambert, an investor and Republican donor. Lambert had backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 primary but is now supporting Trump.

Republican business titans from hedge fund executive Nelson Peltz to hotel mogul Robert Bigelow have come out in favor of the presumptive GOP nominee. Even those who loudly denounced Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election are backing his bid to return to the White House.

Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman -- who once labeled the U.S. Capitol insurrection that followed a Trump speech on Jan. 6, 2021, "an affront to the democratic values" of the country -- is once again one of the former president's most important allies on Wall Street. Top financiers like hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who called on the then-president to resign over the riot, and Citadel's Ken Griffin, who dubbed Trump a "three-time loser" in elections, are considering offering their support.

The new embrace of Trump threatens to further blunt the fundraising edge that President Joe Biden maintained through the opening innings of the 2024 campaign. But beyond that, it suggests that a key Biden argument -- that Trump's actions since his 2020 defeat have made him unfit to lead the country again -- is falling flat with a pivotal constituency that has an especially large stake in the rule of law.


The former president "is a much better choice than what we have now. Just check out the four years that Trump was in office versus the three years that President Biden was in office," said John Catsimatidis, the billionaire New York radio station owner and real estate investor. Gas and food prices were lower. It was easier to conduct business, he said, and it was a lot cheaper to secure financing for second homes.

"I remember I got a mortgage on one of my homes I bought in the suburbs for 2.75 percent," said Catsimatidis, who is estimated by Forbes to be worth $4.3 billion. "It's horrible what's going on."


"Donald Trump is a self-obsessed convicted felon who would do anything to regain power -- and if he does, has made clear he intends to rule as a dictator on day one," Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said. "But for some billionaires none of that matters. They'll prop up a convicted white-collar crook so long as Trump slashes their taxes."

This "reporter" is trying to... tell on billionaires.


I still want to see more polling before I'm confident about it, but some polling seems to indicate that the sham "conviction" of Trump will have either a small effect or no effect at all.

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden post-conviction, recent national surveys found.

A survey from the Economist/YouGov -- taken well after the Manhattan jury's guilty verdict -- asked registered voters, "In November 2024, who do you plan to vote for in the presidential election?"

Overall, 42 percent said they would vote for Trump, and 40 percent said they would vote for Biden -- a two-point difference. Notably, both Trump and Biden tied earlier in June with 42 percent support each. In other words, the Manhattan jury's guilty verdict in the former president's controversial business records trial has not negatively affected his support. In fact, Trump's support has remained steady, and Biden's has taken a slight dip.

A Marist poll of Pennsylvania voters show Trump ahead of Biden, and not losing support since the "conviction."

This poll of 1,181 registered voters in Pennsylvania was taken June 3-6, 2024, days after a kangaroo court in Manhattan turned former President Donald Trump into a convicted felon (for now).

The beauty of this poll is that it shows nothing's changed. While this is the first NPR/Marist poll of Pennsylvania, it still shows Trump leading His Fraudulency by two points, 47 to 45 percent, which is perfectly in line with all the pre-phony-conviction polls out of Pennsylvania.

Sad! The leftwing thought-controllers of the extremely well-funded Southern "Poverty" Law Center just laid off 60 union workers.

Hamas' leader Yahya Sinwar says that the deaths of civilians is justified as "necessary sacrifices."

He actually meant Palestinian deaths caused by Hamas' insane war of nihilism are "necessary sacrifices."

So the leader of Hamas says it's "necessary" that Gaza civilians should die.

Got it. We'll operate by that principle going forward.

Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas, has justified civilian deaths in Gaza as "necessary sacrifices." in communication with Hamas leaders in Qatar. His words reveal his uncompromising stance and his belief that Hamas will outlast Israel in the Gaza conflict.


According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, has been communicating directly with the group's officials in Qatar, using stark terms to describe the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Since the escalation of violence on October 7, Sinwar has referred to the substantial civilian casualties as "necessary sacrifices," revealing a grim acceptance of the toll on Gaza's population.

In his communications, which include a letter to Ismail Haniyeh following the death of three of Haniyeh's sons in an Israeli airstrike, Sinwar asserts that these deaths will "infuse life into the veins of this nation." He expresses a belief that Israel stands to lose more from the conflict than Hamas, suggesting a long-term strategy to leverage the high death toll to increase international scrutiny and pressure on Israel.


Additionally, Sinwar's correspondence shows disapproval of Hamas' political wing in Gaza discussing post-war plans and potential reconciliations with other Palestinian factions without his direct involvement. He vehemently opposes any such talks while the conflict is ongoing, asserting that Hamas has the resources to continue the fight for an extended period. "As long as fighters are still standing, and we have not lost the war, such contacts should be immediately terminated," he said. "We have the capabilities to continue fighting for months."

These are the people Joe Biden is desperate to save from their own murderous lunacy. All for a couple of thousand lousy votes in Dearborn, Michigan.

The four rescued Israeli hostages confirmed they were held in captivity by the Hamas "journalist." The "journalists" at the Crybully Nonsense Network are still claiming that there's no "evidence" to support this claim.

Israeli hostages who were freed in a rescue operation Saturday reportedly confirmed that they had been held by Palestinian journalist Abdallah Aljamal -- but a CNN story about the claim continues to say it is "without ... evidence."


CNN reported that allegation in an article headlined: "Israel alleges journalist held hostages in Gaza, without providing evidence."


CNN appears not to have considered that the hostages themselves might have corroborated the claim.

Since then, the Wall Street Journal published an article confirming that the hostages had, indeed, said that Aljamal was their captor. The Journal article noted:

Israeli security forces and the hostages identified Palestinian journalist Abdullah Aljamal, who lived in the apartment, as one of their captors. Abdullah and his father Ahmad Aljamal--a doctor and imam at a local mosque that is run by Hamas--were both killed during the operation. Their neighbors said they always knew that Abdullah Aljamal was affiliated with Hamas.

CNN has not yet updated its article to note that there is, in fact, evidence that the hostages were held by Aljamal.

CNN's lies fuel the antisemitic pro-terrorist insurrectionists. A town in Colorado just passed a resolution condemning antisemitic protests after pro-Hamas agitators screamed slurs at someone in their private home.

An anti-Israeli protest outside a private residence has prompted the Town of Superior to take unprecedented action.

Town trustees -- including one who is married to a Palestinian -- unanimously passed a resolution condemning protesters for "hate speech, antisemitism, and racism" against Jewish people.

While other places have seen far bigger protests, Superior is the first municipality in the state -- and possibly the nation -- to take a stand. Trustees say protesters have the right to hateful, even racist speech, but they -- as town leaders -- have the right and responsibility to condemn it.

[R]esidents packed a Board of Trustees meeting to weigh in on the resolution that condemned Students for a Democratic Society, the group behind the demonstration.

"They brought their hatred and vitriol to our town and left many of us feeling that we were not safe in our own neighborhood," said Stephanie Clarke, who is Jewish.

Superior resident Elliot Fladen suggested everyone should denounce the group's message.

"If it was the KKK marching down the street saying 'Lynch the Blacks,' or Westboro Church saying, you know, 'Do something to the homosexuals,' we would see people out and out demanding that this be condemned," Fladen told the board.

Another neighbor said he is a third generation Holocaust survivor who, before the protest, only knew about antisemitism from what his mom and grandfather told him.

"Growing up in America I thought I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore," he said. "On June 1, it came to my doorstep."

Israel has deployed the ultimate weapon -- trebuchets.

They're using small trebuchets to launch incendiaries at the scrub vegetation Hezballah hides in.

They're also allegedly using flaming arrows.

Thanks to beckster.

Israel has hit the final technological tier in Age of Empires. Congratulations, Israel. Now you must build your Wonder.

I'm sure we'll now hear about all the carbon dioxide is liberating and how this is a war crime equivalent to machine-gunning, kidnapping, and raping civilians.

There are now uncomfirmed reports that maybe those Israeli trebuchets found their target:

Israel News Pulse @israelnewspulse

Unofficial reports from Lebanon indicate the deletion of the right hand man of Nasrallah and senior Hezbollah official Subhi Al-Tufayli.

This is very intriguing, as he is known to be extremely radical and was once a leader of Hezbollah.

If this is indeed true, it suggests that Israel has decided to target high-ranking officials, two nights in a row.

Dude, it's like the end of The Godfather over there.

Sweetdick's back in the news. When asked when his affair with Fulton County Snizz Merchant Fani Willis -- which he's lied under oath about -- his handlers interrupt the interview and advise him about how to avoid answering the question.

Bonus Biden:

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:18 PM

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