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June 12, 2024

Inflation Rises by 3.3% in May Compared to the Previous May, Bringing the Cumulative Total Inflation to Almost 20% Since Biden Was Elected

It was 9% when I was elected, Jack! My Puerto Rican/Jewish abuela Roger Staubach told me after I served my third tour in Iraq.

Inflation rose 3.3% year-over-year in May, according to the latest CPI data. Overall prices having surged over 20% since Joe Biden took office, with significant increases in essentials like gas, auto insurance, and groceries, exacerbating the economic burden on households.

Key Details:

The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 3.3% year-over-year in May.

Since Biden took office, overall prices have surged by nearly 20%, indicating persistent inflationary pressures.

Essential costs have skyrocketed, with gas prices up 54.8%, auto insurance up 51.7%, and groceries up 21.2%.

Under Joe Biden's presidency, the cost of living has soared, leaving many Americans struggling to keep up. The latest CPI data for May shows a year-over-year increase of 3.3%, with core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, rising by 0.2%. Despite these figures being slightly below analysts' expectations, the real story is the cumulative surge in prices since Biden took office.

A pro-Trump PAC ran an ad using the Cheesecake Factory's big price increases to illustrate Bidenflation.

In the latest attack ad against the Biden Administration's disastrous economic policies, the pro-Trump super PAC Maga Inc. posted a statement on the rising costs of food at popular restaurants due to inflation. As reported by Breitbart, the Monday press release featured photos of former President Donald Trump at his recent rally in Las Vegas, while listing the various menu items and prices at the Cheesecake Factory. "This viral post might be a parody, but Bidenomics is no joke," said Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for MAGA Inc., in the press release. "Prices at the Cheesecake Factory have ballooned under Joe Biden."

Comparing the prices in December of 2020 to current prices, the post revealed that an original cheesecake used to cost $6.95; it now costs $10.50, a staggering 51.1% increase. An eggroll sampler used to cost $11.95, but now costs $17.95, an increase of 50.2%. The Smokehouse BBQ Burger cost $13.95 in December of 2020, but now costs $18.50, having risen by 32.6%.

Prices have soared at fast food restaurants across the country since Biden took over. An April report from the Food Institute found that chains such as Popeyes, Taco Bell, and Chipotle have been forced to raise their prices by at least 75% due to ongoing inflation. McDonald's has reportedly doubled their prices since 2014.

"The chain's average price increase is 100% -- more than triple the actual inflation rate at the same time," the Food Institute reported.

Biden keeps bragging about the jobs that were regained after being temporarily lost due to the economic shutdown of the nation he demanded.

But it's even worse than it appears, because while Americans lost their jobs, it was largely Biden's army of illegal alien invaders who found them.

A new report from the Center on Immigration Studies reveals that most job growth since the pandemic has gone to immigrants, both legal and illegal, while labor force participation among U.S.-born men remains at historic lows.

Key Details:

From May 2019 to May 2024, the number of employed immigrants increased by 3.2 million, while U.S.-born employment grew by only 971,000.

U.S.-born men, especially those without a bachelor's degree, continue to experience historically low labor force participation rates.

The decline in labor force participation among U.S.-born men has significant social and economic implications, including increased crime, social isolation, overdose deaths, and welfare dependency.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:29 PM

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