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June 12, 2024

The Left's Latest Attack on the Alitos: Recordings Secretly Made by a Left Winger Feature Alito's Wife Saying She'd Like to Fly a Catholic "Sacred Heart of Jesus" Flag, Isn't That Insurrectioney?

I avoided this story for as long as I could. It's just too stupid and hateful and makes me want to do bad things.

As you may know, two unemployed millennials -- a son and his horrid wife -- are living with their parents, and are the unwelcome neighbors of Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann.

One of these leftwing monsters spends the day harassing Martha-Ann, shouting at her "you are complicit!" (of opposing leftwing Marxist agenda items) and even called her a "c*nt."

To make a point, Martha-Ann flew the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, which was commissioned by George Washington.

Suddenly the entire left declared that this flag was a well-known Insurrectionist Symbol. In much the same way that the "OK" finger sign became, overnight, a well-known physical code of the alt-right. (The trolling board 4chan started this rumor as a joke, but the left bought into it completely, and began getting people fired for making this "Nazi" gesture.)

The Appeal to Heaven flag is such a notorious symbol of the Alt-Right that the San Francisco Civic Center routinely flew it.

They took it down a couple of weeks ago in order to support the left's insane new conspiracy theory that a flag commissioned by George Washington, which only stands for the idea that the American people are looking to God to grant them freedom and preserve it, suddenly became a Well-Known Alt-Right Nazi Symbol three weeks ago because the left always needs a new conspiracy theory to animate it.

They're mounting this attack on Alito because they are trying to pressure him -- and Democrat Senators are trying to threaten him -- into recusing himself on any case having to do with Trump, abortion, gun rights, etc. In other words, they want to take him out of any ruling they want to win.

They've been running similar games on Clarence Thomas for years and years and years. They've been trying to press him into recusing himself (or retiring) because he stayed at the home of a Republican friend.

Oh? Staying in someone's home means you must recuse yourself?

Whow about taking free tickets worth $3,700 from a leftwing pop star who pours money into Democrat coffers?

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was gifted four concert tickets by pop superstar Beyoncé valued at $3,700, according to a financial disclosure.

The Biden appointee also disclosed a $900,000 advance for her upcoming memoir "Lovely One" out in September, and two gifts of artwork in her chambers worth $12,500.

The disclosures were part of an annual filing deadline for the justices, which all met except for Samuel Alito who asked for an extension, according to The Hill. The filing covered all of 2023.


Vice President Kamala Harris also previously filed that she was gifted tickets by Beyoncé, valuing them at $3,300, according to CNBC.

Last year, Jackson, who was appointed to the court in 2022, also had a couple of eye-popping filings, including more than $6,500 in clothes from a photo shoot and a $1,200 flower display from Oprah Winfrey, according to The Hill.

Note that Obama appointed one of his hack DNC lawyers who argued for the constitutionality of Obamacare to the Supreme Court as a ringer. People demanded that she recuse herself from ruling on Obamacare as she had a personal, professional interest in vindicating her prior (partisan) analysis of Obamacare.

She refused. The leftwing media barely even mentioned the conflict-of-interest.

But Alito's wife is a Republican, so he has to recuse himself from all rulings of political interest.

Now they've escalated the pressure/smear/threat campaign into making secret audio of the couple.

The wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said she wants to get back at people who raised a controversy after she and the justice were criticized last month for flying politically affiliated flags at their homes.

"You come after me, I'm gonna give it back to you," Martha-Ann Alito said in the recording of a private conversation at the Supreme Court Historical Society's annual dinner June 3.

"There will be a way. It doesn't have to be now, but there will be a way. They know," she added. "Don't worry about it."

The remarks were recorded by progressive filmmaker Lauren Windsor, who attended the event as a member of the society under her real name, though she posed as a conservative to elicit answers from Alito and others.

The recordings were published by MSNBC and Windsor's activist site The Undercurrent -- the second set released Monday, after she earlier provided recordings of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Alito to Rolling Stone.

Their new scandalous chum for the conspiracy theorists? Martha-Ann is a committed Catholic and is sick of seeing the "pride" flag everywhere and so she might fly a "Sacred Heart of Jesus" flag.

The Hill warns us that this flag has sometimes used to (peacefully) protest the Gay Orgy Flag. Oh no! We can't have people disagreeing with the Gay Mafia!

Secretary of Glamping Pete Buttigieg joined in the attack, calling the Appeal to Heaven flag "insurrectionist symbology," and defending his precious Sodomy Flag as one of "love."

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Wednesday warned that the Supreme Court traditionally has "no supervision" and suggested that Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, were associated with "insurrectionist symbology."

Buttigieg was reacting to comments the justice and his wife made during a secret recording taken by liberal filmmaker Lauren Windsor at a recent annual dinner event.

"Supreme Court justices have an unbelievable amount of power," Buttigieg told CNN anchor John Berman on Wednesday. "And by the nature and the structure of the Supreme Court, there is no supervision over that power. They are entrusted with it literally for as long as they live."

In the secret recording, Martha-Ann Alito told Windsor she wanted to fly a "Sacred Heart of Jesus flag," a Catholic symbol depicting Jesus Christ and symbolizing compassion, in response to a Pride flag that was in view near one of her properties.

"And he's like, 'Oh, please don't put up a flag,'" she said, apparently recounting a conversation with her husband. "I said, 'I won't do it, because I'm deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I'm putting it up and I'm going to send them a message every day, maybe every week I'll be changing the flags.'"

Buttigieg said that trust in the Supreme Court is in part based on the justices making "enormously consequential decisions that shape our everyday lives with a sense of fairness."

"I also hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they're going to be okay and insurrectionist symbology," he said, in a jab at the Alitos for another flag controversy.

Keep trying to bully the 75% of the country that is normal and which believes in God. Go ahead, I f***ing dare you.

The Transgender Polycule flag is just about "love and acceptance," everybody.


Small aggressive minority, you keep on bullying the overwhelming majority. Keep backing the Average Joes into the wall until you see a Normie Stonewall Rebellion.

Bonus: There's a wrong flag, and a right flag.

Update: This Wall Street Journal account is a good summary.

They point out that Martha-Ann says that she wants to fly these flags, but her husband doesn't want her too.

In other words: Alito told the truth when he said this was her wife expressing her opinions, and not him expressing his.

So he should recuse himself because his wife has political opinions.

Got it.

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