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June 12, 2024

Now It's Eight Suspected ISIS Terrorists Who Illegally Crossed the Nonexistent Southern Border -- and All Were "Vetted" By the Biden Administration Before Being Allowed to Enter the US

Now that Biden's signed his EO which he claims authorizes Mayorkas shutting down the border when daily illegal crossings top 2,500 per day -- which is literally every day -- you're probably thinking, "Gee, I bet Mayorkas has shut down that border, because the leftwing media told me this was a serious, even severe measure to stop illegal immigration."

Well, friend-o, sorry to shatter your illusions about the truthfulness of Jake Tapper, but it turns out that Mayorkas has not shut the border and in fact is still letting 72% of illegal aliens crossing the border into the country.

Border agents have allowed 72% of migrants who illegally crossed into the San Diego sector since the Biden administration's border 'crackdown' to continue into the US, The Post can reveal.

Out of more than 6,800 migrants encountered by Border agents in the Southern California border sector between June 5 and Tuesday morning, more than 4,900 individuals have been released, according to internal federal data seen by The Post.

6,800 illegals crossed the border in the past week in southern California alone, but Mayorkas hasn't invoked the border-shutdown that Biden says he is authorized to order if border crossings exceed 2,500 nationally.

That's because Biden's EO is a lie -- it is loaded with exceptions and sub-clauses that basically forbid any border closing.

"It's all smoke and mirrors," National Border Patrol Council President for the San Diego border sector Manny Bayon told The Post.

Despite the new rules, border agents in San Diego specifically have been given instructions to exempt citizens of over a 100 countries from being removed, because their home countries won't accept deportations.

"We have to have cooperation with the countries where we're sending them back," Bayon added.


Despite those numbers, the official wording of the order says certain groups are excluded, such as those who use the CBP One phone app to cross at a port of entry, enter as unaccompanied minors, or can prove they have suffered "severe" forms of trafficking or face medical emergencies.

Oh perfect, there's an app that illegals can use to breeze their way through the border.

And anyone can say "I wuz trafficked" or "I'm having heart palpitations" and get waved in, whether the border is open or not.

(And PS it's always open, and business is booming!)

It also says the number doesn't apply to migrants who are "permitted to enter ... due to operational considerations at the time of the entry," which potentially excludes all the 4,900 individuals released in the San Diego sector.

So far migrants have not been deterred and the order hasn't slowed things down.

So if the border gets overwhelmed, just absolutely swarmed with illegal crossers... they EO tells Mayorkas NOT to shut down the border.



Many who turn up in San Diego are from countries of national security concern like Turkey and China, who are led to the area by smugglers advertising on social media.

The international smugglers are attracted by the relative ease of slipping over the border, as there are multiple areas where there are gaps in the border wall, and because they have long known migrants from certain countries won't be deported.

They also encourage many to burn their passports before entry, further complicating the process of identifying them.

Keep that in mind-- they're keeping us from vetting them by burning their passports and IDs, so we can't conduct inquiries on them.

The sane rule would be in such cases, the illegal aliens should be barred from entry, period, full stop, as they obviously know their histories include crime and terrorist connections.

But no -- the standing order is to let these people in.

Remember the exception in the EO -- that the border won't be shut down when the border is overwhelmed?

That's exactly when it definitely should be shut down.

But Biden signed in an exception saying the border can be left open when it's overwhelmed.

Guess what? It's overwhelmed. By design.


Border Patrol processing centers in San Diego, where migrants are taken when they're apprehended at the border, are at 255% capacity with more than 2,500 individuals in facilities capable of holding 1,000 individuals, according to the internal data.

So illegals from China and Iran and Pakistan and Tajikistan are burning their IDs and passports to defeat any meager efforts to vet them.

Keep that in mind as you read this: The 8 suspected ISIS terrorists from Tajikistan weren't just illegal border crossers. They were stopped by Border Control and then "vetted" before Biden's Population Replacement Officers waved them right in.

Eight people in the U.S. with suspected ties to the Islamic State have been detained, according to reports.

The arrests took place in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles and the individuals entered the country through the southern border, anonymous sources told The Associated Press. They had been vetted by law enforcement upon their entry, sources said, and there was no indication of their ties to the Islamic State at the time.

Their connection to the Islamic State group is not immediately clear but the individuals were being tracked by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was working with the JTTF and made the arrests, It's now working to remove them from the country, per the sources.

The individuals were from Tajikistan and passed through the U.S. government's screening process after entering the country last spring, the AP reported.

The news service noted that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a statement confirming the arrests of "several non-citizens" and said the U.S. has been in a "heightened threat environment."

Did they use the app to get waved across the border?

Below, 68 military-aged men all "lost" their IDs just before arriving at the border.

What horrible luck! First these men were all sexually trafficked while experiencing acute diverticulitis, now they've lost all forms of ID!!!

Update: Democrat Underground says the system is working as intended.

Seems like the system is working. Good. For all the overreacting MAGATs, they had no criminal backgrounds, passed into the country and then were found to have contacts with terrorists while they were here. They had done nothing wrong when they entered the country, how could they be apprehended then?

Unless you're suggesting race or religion be the deciding factor for entry into the US.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at June 12, 2024 01:21 PM (ycI94)

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