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« First-World Problems... | Main | Gun Thread: Father's Day Edition! »
June 16, 2024

Food Thread: Stuffed Pork With...Stop...You Had Me At "Stuffed Pork!"


Hmmm...whatever could that be, and for what does Dildo use it?

A one year cardboard membership with Troll-B-Gon included can be yours if you guess correctly!

And now that we are on the topic of non-standard tools for the kitchen, is there anything you want to share with the Horde?

I have a pair of needle-nose pliers in my kitchen tool drawer, and it is amazing how often I use it! Pulling stray bones from salmon fillets is obvious, but I find myself using it for other stuff too!

Anyone use bricks? I do!

So spill it...what weird stuff would we find if we go through your kitchen drawers?



The current hysteria among those who fear everything is the so-called "microplastics" that can be found pretty much everywhere. Of course plastic has played a major role in the incredible improvements in our standard of living, as a glance around the entire world would show. Whether the downside is an issue will remain to be seen, but the upside is phenomenal.

But in the kitchen we have a few options. I'm not worried about plastic bags and plastic containers, but there is another obvious source of plastic, and that is the ubiquitous plastic cutting board. Yup...I use them, and I also sand them down when they get bumpy, and bleach them when they get stained. I have wooden cutting boards that take a bit more work to maintain, but are more pleasant to use, and certainly are cleaner. And aesthetically there is no comparison...a well-made wooden cutting board can be a thing of rare beauty.

My guess is that these are trivial risks that are dwarfed by many other automobile accidents and workplace accidents and drug ODs and crime and...


From commenter "Elric Blade."
It's "cuy" -- guinea pig -- that I ate a few weeks ago in Quito, Ecuador before a Galapagos cruise. It's a delicacy in the Andes region. They serve it whole, with the head (with teeth) and claws intact.

This was served in a fancy restaurant so it was sous vided and then flambeed. Often it's just roasted or fried. I split the cuy with my brother. Both of us thought it was delicious. Tastes like something in between flavorful chicken and rabbit. Our mother and his wife were horrified and wouldn't touch it.

Cuy 1.jpg


Cuy 2.jpg


Cuy 3.jpg


Cuy 4.jpg


Okay...who would try it and who would run screaming from the restaurant?



I saw this several years ago and, for whatever stupid reason, comlpletely forgot that it looked delicious. I will be trying this very soon, and expect to provide a breathless report about how delicious it is. Ham and Cheese Stuffed Fried Pork Chops just looks good! Am I the only one who reads recipes and decides immediately whether it will taste great, or will be another installment in the "Oh look! An internet recipe that is just like the other 8,000,000 internet recipes?"


Fitzroy drink.jpg

I had this drink in Savannah, and it was excellent. Sadly, the bartender was a bit cagey, so the only detail I could pry out of him was that he used a Honey/Rosemary simple syrup.

I'm going to play around with it later in the summer when my lone Rosemary bush is a bit bigger, but if any of you have some ideas, I'm all ears!


Have a good Fathers' Day everyone! I assume many of you will be otherwise occupied...grilling, drinking, eating, and all of the other things that go with a lovely late spring day.



Good butter, and Flap Meat...whatever the hell that is...just send it, Broccolini that isn't $6/bunch, garlic...lots of garlic!, well-marbled hanger steaks and elk chops to: cbd dot aoshq at gmail dot com.

Who are those poor deluded souls who shake their Manhattans? These are the same people who drink fine bourbon with coke, and probably shake red wine with ice too.

My and the world's patience has run out. Shaken Manhattans henceforth will be banished to the land of Long Island Ice Teas and Frozen Strawberry Margaritas.

And yes, I used to demand fancy bourbon, but let's face it, $1,200 for a bottle of bourbon is just stupid, insulting, and a ghastly affront to most people's palates and wallets. I think the sweet spot is $40-$60 for excellent and interesting bottles, and bumping that to $100 gets you an incremental improvement in quality, but nothing mind-blowing. More than that and I think you are paying for hype and rarity, which may look good in your liquor cabinet, but doesn't translate to more quality in the bottle.

digg this
posted by CBD at 04:00 PM

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