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June 08, 2024

The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


(Meme H/T Lurker/Infrequent Commentor, French Jeton)

(Music Ideas H/T Hadrian the Seventh)


Good morning Horde. Do you need stimulating facts about coffee? Sure, I knew you did.

12 Stimulating Facts About Coffee

ccording to Ethiopian legend, the first beings to get a java jolt were a herd of goats who nibbled on the fruit of a coffee shrub; a goat herder named Kaldi quickly followed their lead. While it’s unclear whether Kaldi and his caprines truly discovered coffee, today the brewed beverage is one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world. Introduced to America in the mid-17th century, coffee quickly replaced heavily taxed tea as a more patriotic staple during the fight for independence. In the time since, soldiers have relied on coffee to boost morale overseas, children of U.S. Presidents have founded their own coffeehouses, and American coffee brands have expanded across the globe. Can’t get enough coffee? Discover 12 amazing facts you might not know about this beloved morning beverage.


Before we enter the Prayer Revival there are just a few housekeeping matters to take care of. (Rulz for those of you in Neillsville, WI)

  • 1) This is an open thread. Please feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate away the morning.
  • 2) Be nice and polite. And please don't jump on the furniture.
  • 3) No running with sharp objects, unless you want a time out.
  • 4) Have a nice weekend!

    Annie does a great job compiling the Prayer List for the Revival. Thank you Annie. You do make a difference here at the AoSHQ.

    AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

    Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

    Prayer Requests:

    4/27 – JW asked for prayers for Libby, who has a glioblastoma tumor that affects her word choices, so communication is very difficult. Libby has had surgery, radiation, and chemo, but is worse in the 4 weeks since treatment ended.
    5/13 Update – The MRI showed that her tumor started growing aggressively as soon as the treatment stopped, plus she has 2 new inch-sized tumors near the treatment area. She is almost completely unable to communicate and feels very alone because of that. Her prognosis has changed from 18 months to maybe 4. Thank you to all who are praying for this total stranger.

    5/11 – Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd sent thanks for the prayers for his daughter and grandchildren, at the death of the children’s father. The family began tackling the financial side of the situation last week, and learned that because of various programs, his ex-son-in-law will provide support for his children in death that he never was likely to do in life, which is a blessing. This in turn opens a path forward for Lloyd’s daughter and her children to have a place of their own.

    5/11 – Tonypete asked for prayers for #4 son. 5/11 was his wedding day, and he asked R. to stand with him. She isn’t his birth mom but raised him after T. died.

    5/11 – Taq, rickrolled by Jesus sent thanks to the Horde for praying for his mother the last couple of months. Her fractured hip has healed and she is walking, albeit slowly and with a cane, again. He has made several modifications to the house to make it suitable for her. She spent a month in a nursing home, one of the better ones in the community. Taq and his father spent 12 hours a day there, and half the nurses were kind and full of compassion and half were slow, lazy factory workers who seemed to resent the residents. They also resented Taq and his dad being in their workspace. Taq is grateful that God brought him here, because if he hadn’t ended up in a hospital in 2019 from alcohol, he wouldn’t be here taking care of his folks.

    5/11 – Jewells said the chemo break doesn’t seem to be helping. The swelling in her feet and legs is terrible, and they don’t have an answer. When she goes back on 6/11, if the doctor doesn’t have any other options, she is considering stopping treatment.
    5/11 Update – Jewells is feeling much better now that a liter of fluid has been removed from around her lungs.

    5/11 – RedMindBlueState asked for prayers for a friend since age 5, who just lost her husband suddenly. Prayer for her and for her boys are appreciated.

    5/11 – Mollo, lurker requested prayers for a 7-year-old named Eli who suffered a stroke. Right now he can’t talk and the right side of his body isn’t working. Pray for healing for Eli and strength for his family.

    5/11 – J asked for prayers for his wife, who has been experiencing debilitating migraines for years. J prays for her. The kids pray for her. The doctors have done what they think they can do within what they know to do. Maybe she needs prayer more than anything? (Is there any doubt?)

    5/14 – Nearsider has a job! This afternoon, Nearsider received and accepted an offer to work as a federal contractor. He will begin on 6/3, and will make approximately 80% of his previous salary. Thank you for all the prayers, concerns, well-wishes, and reach0outs. A very particular thank you to those of you who have hired me to build model aircraft for you – they’re all still going to get done, I promise.

    5/14 – DaveT sent an update. We have been praying for the lawsuits related to his home (that a relative took loans out against) and his elderly cats. He has a GiveSendGo set up to help with the costs; please contact Annie for that information. He sends his thanks for the prayers.

    5/15 – PabloD requested prayers for Nick. Nick was going to commit suicide, but called a help line and received care. Prayers for strength for him and support from his family are still needed.

    5/17 – Grumpy and Recalcitrant asked for prayers for J.J. Sefton of the Morning Report. Please pray that his upcoming surgery and recovery would go very well and that he retains full mental and physical function, and can enjoy the rest of his life without worries.
    6/3 Update – J.J. sends his thanks for the prayers, kindness, and support. The pathology report showed the tumor was grade 4 glioblastoma. Essentially, that means he has brain cancer. The next steps are chemo and radiation in hope of staving off a recurrence, and prolonging whatever time he has left, and maintaining the best possible quality of life.

    5/18 – P asked for prayers for his brother, who just revealed that he is suffering from stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes. The outlook is not good. P prays that he remembers God is with him, notwithstanding his diagnosis.

    5/18 – Dash my lace wings! asked for prayers for D, who is in ICU due to a heart attack, and for her husband, R, who is a veteran and a lover of cats and bad jokes, who will be lost if he loses her.
    6/1 Update – D is out of the hospital and recovering well for now.

    5/18 – Tonypete requested prayers for Carole across the street. She is a delightful 80 year old. Previously she was in great shape, very active. A few weeks ago she took ill and turned out to have previously undiagnosed heart troubles. They hurriedly replaced a valve but it didn’t go well. She continues to leak blood and now needs open heart surgery. She is tiny – no more than 90 pounds - and they fear she will not survive.

    5/18 – Screaming in digital will be taking a trip to England. She would like prayers for her mom while she’s gone, and blessings for her sweet cousin who will be looking after mom, and her awesome neighbors who will be taking care of her cat and keeping an eye on the house.

    5/20 – Sponge requested prayers for Lady, who had a mammogram this week and they found a mass. She has a biopsy scheduled soon, but won’t know the results until early June. She’s taking it well but is quite nervous, as to be expected. Please put her in your prayers for a clean bill of health.
    6/4 Update – The biopsy revealed cancer.

    5/22 – Vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby asked for prayers. She has been in the hospital since Monday with sudden dizziness and emesis. They’ve ruled out stroke. They have noticed nystagmus and it might be BPPV. She is scared she won’t be able to function anymore.
    6/1 Update – Vmom sends thanks for the prayers while she was in the hospital last week. She is so grateful to be home, back at work, and going to vestibular rehab therapy for her inner ear woes.

    5/23 – Olddog in mo could use some prayers. He is going in for surgery again at 10 am. Squamous cell carcinoma under the tongue. It is not a good location due to the proximity to a salivary gland.
    5/24 Update – Olddog sent his thanks for the prayers. Surgery went better than expected. No skin graft and so no overnight stay. Flash biopsy was negative.

    5/25 – Matthew Kant Cipher requested prayers for his older brother, who was admitted to the hospital with a bowel blockage. It doesn’t sound too serious, but one never knows. He also sends prayers of gratitude for each reader, and for all His incredible blessings which surround us. May our eyes and hearts be opened to clearly recognize His love for us.
    6/1 Update – His brother’s hospital stay was brief and his bowel blockage resolved itself naturally. The Horde prayers were answered and are most sincerely appreciated!

    5/25 – Tonypete asked for prayers for an elderly neighborhood couple. They are in failing health and abilities. They insist on living independently, yet they can’t do it. Tonypete and his wife are torn between respecting their wishes and privacy, but there are numerous LEO wellness checks each week.
    6/1 Update – Please continue to pray. The neighbors are still resistant to moving to assisted living. A competency hearing is coming soon.

    5/25 – Mindful webworker sent a prayer of thanks for the prayers of the Horde. He is alive and 90% well and 100% grateful for that. He will have more surgery ahead. He also sends thanks for MiladyJo’s hip fixes seem to have worked very well with no complications. She is getting around fine, which is such a blessing after her long time of pain and mobility limitations.

    5/25 – Cybersmythe sent word that he got a job! It pays well, but it’s by the Space Center (100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks). It should be interesting work.

    5/25 – Neverenoughcaffiene asked for prayers for all people affected by the barbarity of Hamas.

    5/25 – NaCly Dog sent an update, that his wife (who we prayed for last month) is almost back to where she was before she broke 4 ribs.

    5/25 – Martini Farmer asked for prayers for his grandson, who will probably not graduate from high school due to poor grades. His family is (to put it nicely) “dysfunctional”. He will be here for about a month before summer school, and will be at a non-woke YMCA camp for 3 weeks. Hopefully his perspective will change.

    5/25 – Tecumseh Tea gave an update on Pastor Joe, who we prayed for when he had brain surgery in February. He recently had an MRI, and his doctor is very concerned. He has to go for more tests. Please pray for him and his family. His answer to how he felt about this new development was: “In the words of King David, May I dwell in the house of the Lord forever”.
    6/5 – Tecumseh Tea sent praise to God that Pastor Joe’s recent concerning test results turned out to be an infection, which is being treated.

    5/25 – R posted that he got a call from his doctor’s office that recent tests found blood …. uh…. where it shouldn’t be found. Now he has more tests coming.

    5/25 – Nurse Ratched sent thanks for the prayers from a couple of weeks ago. She is healing nicely.

    5/29 – Sponge asked for prayers as he is having a biopsy. He said the next 5-7 days will be rough.

    6/1 – Polliwog the ‘Ette requested prayers for her sister C, who has surgery to remove some ovarian cysts and anything else in there that looked suspicious. Now she has to wait for the pathology report, and recover, which is complicated by her being extremely allergic to “all” opiods. Also, she is the family’s main earner, and her disability will only cover about 40% of what she brings in.

    6/1 – Tonypete asked for prayers for his BIL, who is cognitively disabled. He lives alone and normally does pretty well, but recently quit his job, which has led to issues: namely money. Social services are involved, but it isn’t going well.

    6/1 – G asked for prayers for healing and strength for Uncle Joe. Joe’s wife of 50 years passwed earlier this year, and now Joe is having painful back problems. He is in pain and lost without Sally.

    6/5 Teresa in Fort Worth requested prayers for friends, Chris and Debby, whose 22 year-old son (Jeremy) passed away this week. Jeremy choked on food at his daytime facility. He had Down Syndrome and autism, and was non-verbal. His parents know he is in a better place and finally free of his health issues, but they still could use comfort.

    For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

    2 Corinthians 4:8-9
    We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

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    posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:06 AM

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