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June 08, 2024

It starts with P and it rhymes with G but it ends with Q

modern problemms.jpg

Modern problems require modern solutions

Well, "Pride Month" is off to a mixed start. Concerning the graphic above, Mexico has elected its first female president (after numerous candidates for elected office, plus aides, were murdered). She may be even more leftist than the last president. But she's a different gender, and that's what seemed to count in this election. The two leading candidates (who were not murdered) were both women.

As we learned from J.J. Sefton's excellent 6/6 Morning Report, the local teachers' union in Portland (ironically also advocates of Pride Month) have created extensive lesson plans for kindergarteners to participate in the Intifada.

Meanwhile, in Israel, four Israeli hostages were rescued alive. Astonishing!

The rescued hostages are named as Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv. All four had been abducted by Hamas terrorists on October 7 from the Supernova music festival near the southern community of Re'im.

Special forces had simultaneously raided two Hamas sites in central Gaza's Nuseirat. At one location, Argamani was rescued, while Meir Jan, Kozlov, and Ziv were at the second location.

The rescued hostages are all in good condition, according to initial medical assessments. They were taken to Tel Hashomer Hospital for further evaluation.

Amid the operation, heavy airstrikes were carried out in the area against Hamas sites and in support of the ground troops. Hamas health authorities reported a "large number" of casualties.



* * * * *

Minding your Ps and Qs

Have you ever wondered where that phrase came from? It isn't exactly clear. What's your best guess?

I think that when "Pride" started, it was focused largely on gays and lesbians, but now, aside from naked gay men in parades, it seems to be trending more and more toward transgenderism and worse, queer theory. This is probably not good for most gay people.

Then "gender" got added to the "pride" thing, with considerable confusion about whether or not J.K. Rowling was a monster for believing in biological sex.

In last week's thread (link below), we discussed the perversions of Foucault, the "Godfather of Queer Theory". Now, the most popular Queer Theorist, Judith Butler, is in the news

The "Godmother of Queer Theory" admitted Tuesday that her work "makes it easier" for pedophiles and the indoctrination of minors into gender and sex ideologies.

The mask is completely off of Judith Butler, who sat down for an interview co-presented by Pioneer Works and Dia Art Foundation with host Jack Halberstam at the New York art gallery to promote her new bool, "Who's Afraid of Gender?" Within the first five minutes of Halberstam's questioning, Butler addresses attacks made against her work, where she says that it "make[s] it easier" for people with all sorts of deviant lifestyles, including pedophilia, to live out their desires publicly.

". . . I was identified as representing gender ideology and a threat to children. My work would indoctrinate them. Or my work would license pedophilia. Or my work and the work of gender more broadly would teach them how to become homosexual or teach them they must become homosexual," Butler told Halberstam.

Halberstam then interrupted the author, saying, "Kinda true. Kinda worked, yeah!" to the laughter of Butler and the crowd. . .

All it took was a progressive host fanning positive affirmations her way to get her to reveal the dark reality behind gender theory, which is that these theorists have no issue using children to promote the sex life of adults.

In fact, they'll "make that easier for you."

Butler is also quoted in the "Queer Theory/Anarchy/Pedophilia Jeopardy" video from last week (link at the bottom of this post).

The goal of Queer Theory is to end normality of any kind, which is why Queer Theory is not really friendly to permanent gay rights. Queer Theory promotes destruction. These are the people being presented as heroes to college kids, where public school teachers are trained.


From someone giving public comment in support of rating books for public schools like movies:

The American Library Association paved the way for sexualized content to enter schools. In a 2020 Webinar, legal Counsel for the ALA was recorded stating, ". . . The thing that needs to happen most is sustained messaging that reframes this issue that these are sexually inappropriate for minors and promote them as diverse materials and programming that are about inclusion and fairness and protection of everyone's right to see themselves."

See the home page on for the reference.

The ALA wrote a bill of rights in 1993 that says they will not discriminate based on age, meaning that explicit content could be available to all ages. The ALA gives awards for unrated and highly sexualized books.

The ALA is being assisted by the ACLU in this effort.

To the American Library Association, infants are just small adults. Adults are just large infants.

It's about inclusion and fairness.

Know a kid who should be taking out of a public school?

* * * * *

Department of Education Pride Proclamation

dept of ed pride.jpg


Hill Air Force Base Pride Proclamation

hill afb pride.jpg


Do you ever get the feeling that something like this is going on?


The scariest thing about politics today is not any particular policy or leaders, but the utter gullibility with which the public accepts notions for which there is not a speck of evidence, such as the benefits of "diversity," the dangers of "overpopulation," and innumerable other fashionable dogmas.

Thomas Sowell


The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are.

- Cicero


It has been left to the very latest Modernists to proclaim an erotic religion which at once exalts lust and forbids fertility.

G.K. Chesterton

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At Last

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Hope you have something nice planned for this weekend.

This is the Thread before the Gardening Thread.

Serving your mid-day open thread needs

* * * * *

Last week's thread, June 1, Are intellectual discussions possible in the public square now?

Last comment, from Grungle:

If somebody else has already posted it, too bad:

There was a great Marxist called Lenin
Who did two or three million men in
That’s a lot to have done in
But where he did one in
That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in.

Robert Conquest

Comments are closed so you won't ban yourself by trying to comment on a week-old thread. But don't try it anyway.

digg this
posted by K.T. at 11:15 AM

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