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June 06, 2024

Fetterman: I Didn't Leave the Progressive Movement, the Progressive Movement Left Me. Fire Bad!

Last week, Fetterman's Monster renounced his association with Harvard over its curious policy of only allowing free speech for pro-Hamas terror-supporters who have created an unsafe space for Jews on campus.

Personally, I think people should be pretty free to speak their mind, even if this makes other people feel unsafe. But Harvard doesn't believe that, and routinely punishes speech that make its Marginalized Communities (Marginalized Harvard Students, LOL) "feel unsafe."

Of course people should be disciplined or expelled for threatening other students. But a lot of complaints I see are about the chant "From the river to the sea," which most of these absolute dullards don't even know the meaning of.

Nevertheless, Harvard routinely punishes students for saying things which people then "interpret" in the most tendentious way possible, and demand censorship, which they then get. If you say there are two genders, they will claim you're "erasing" transgenders and putting their lives at risk.

But Jews Need Not Apply for this protection. Pro-Hamas terror-simps can call for the actual, not metaphorical, erasure of Israel, and it's all good.

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) renounced his association with Harvard University over its "inability to stand up for the Jewish community" during his Yeshiva University commencement address on Wednesday, removing the crimson hood representing his alma mater while on stage.

Fetterman made the gesture early in his address, which culminated in him receiving the Presidential Medallion, the private Orthodox university's highest honor, for his advocacy on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. He joked that he didn't deserve to be in the same company as previous recipients of the award, describing himself as "just a senator with a big mouth that happens to be committed to standing with Israel."

The Pennsylvania senator, who has emerged since Oct. 7 as one of Israel's strongest allies in his party, said he had been "reflecting" on his "last graduation, and that was literally a quarter century ago. I was graduating from Harvard University."

"Today, I have been profoundly disappointed with Harvard's inability to stand up for the Jewish community after Oct. 7. Personally, I do not fundamentally believe that it is right for me to wear this today," Fetterman said while pointing to his hood, which he then removed from around his neck.

The move sparked audible gasps and subsequent cheers from the crowd....


The Democratic senator has bucked his party's shift away from Israel in recent months, refusing to waver in his support for continued offensive military aid despite the objections of some far left colleagues. He has also led on legislation combating antisemitism on college campuses alongside Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA).

And now Fetterman's Monster roars, "I am a human! I have my own thoughts and my own will! And I reject my creator's Progressive dogma!"

He then yeeted a little girl into a moat.

But really, he says he didn't leave the progressive movement,
the progressive movement left him.

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., responded to progressive critics suggesting he wasn't exactly who people thought he would be while he was campaigning. He added that the progressive "label" left him.

"I'm not a progressive, I just identified myself as a regular Democrat," Fetterman said, talking to CNN's Dana Bash. "Now, eight years ago, I was a progressive, but the situation's changed and I've been very clear that I didn't leave that label. That label leaved [left] me and I think it's much more important to be focusing on Donald Trump instead of those kinds of purity tests and those kinds of issues."


Bash also asked Fetterman to respond to Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who told CNN on Tuesday that President Biden was using the "same tools as Donald Trump" to address border security.

"She's entitled to her own opinion, but it does also seem like some of the harshest words for the president in this situation seems to be more coming from very safe, and blue, very kinds of places. Now in Pennsylvania, border security is an important issue and we do all believe that we should have a secure border, and I never thought it was unreasonable for any Democrat to want to make our border more secure," he said.

Fetterman has said that the progressives in his party, in addition to the right, are hoping he "dies" over his stance on Israel and border security.

Instapundit says second look at Fetterman's Monster?

Fetterman's health has improved more and faster than expected, and in what may not be a coincidence, the more his brain damage recedes, the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party's functionaries.

Well, Fetterman's Monster was the real hero of the book. The creator was the villain.

Below: Progressive racist Briana Joy Gray claims that Hamas' charter, calling for the erasure of Israel, is not a call to kill the Jews currently living in Israel.

Below, this Didn't Earn It c**t glowers and gets rid of the sister of Hamas captive (and almost-certain rape victim) tells her to please believe women when they report Hamas' war-rapes.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:12 PM

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