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June 05, 2024

While Antifa Cop-Assailants Are Given "Time Served" And Released After Promising, a 75-Year-Old Grandmother in Failing Health is Given Two Years In Prison for Protesting Abortions

We need to have hearings on this, looking at the clear disparity in the sentences of right-wing protesters and leftwing terrorists.

When you hear that antifa terrorists have been sentenced to "time served" -- which you hear with almost every one of them -- that means that the few hours they spent in jail awaiting their hearing are marked down as their "sentence" and it's noted that they've "served" that "sentence" already, and are sent on their way.

If you spent five hours waiting to be called to a hearing where a leftwing judge sets you free, then those five hours are the "time" you're "sentenced" to serve, and lucky you, you just finished serving those hours.

Thank you, drive through, you can pick up your lasers and urine-filled bottles from the clerk.

The actual protesters go to prison, the serial terrorists walk free after being in jail for a couple of hours.

The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution states:

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Unless, it would seem, one is dealing with the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. On Friday, in what appears to be an egregious example of cruel and unusual punishment, the court sentenced Paulette Harlow of Kingston, Massachusetts, to two years in prison. Mrs. Harlow is 75 years old and in poor health, and in fact, her health issues are serious enough that the court allowed her to remain on house arrest during the proceedings so her husband could care for her.

No longer. The court is throwing her behind bars. Her crime? Protesting an abortion clinic.

A 75-year-old pro-life activist was sentenced to two years in prison by the US District Court for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Paulette Harlow from Kingston, Massachusetts was one of ten individuals who were convicted as part of a "conspiracy" to block women from entering an abortion clinic in Washington, DC.

Harlow has been on house arrest since her conviction due to her ill health. Her husband pleaded for leniency but those pleas were ignored by the court. John Harlow said "I feel like Paulette is dying. In my heart, I think she's having a hard time staying alive." He is her caretaker and said that he would take care of her in prison if he could, LiveAction reported.

"We've tried to be good people," he said. "I love my wife dearly. She's made me go beyond what I'd otherwise have done" to help others. "We're throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court," he said.

The court would appear to be short on mercy at the moment.


Where are the two-year prison sentences for the people who are blocking streets, taking over college campuses, and invading public buildings in the latest leftist outrage du jour over the Israel-Hamas war? Where is the sentence for Raz Simone, who led the takeover of an entire section of the city of Seattle in 2020, setting himself up as a de facto warlord and ruler?

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