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June 05, 2024

Quick Hits

Joe Biden offered the leftwing propagandists at Time a rare interview. He showed he has no idea what the actual inflation rate is, and at one point decided to tell the younger men interviewing him that he could beat them up in a fight.

The competition in the Pacific Rim is broader than hard power and you've expanded Donald Trump's trade war with China. Mr. President, which you once criticized.

Biden: No, I haven't. Go ahead.

Most economists say tariffs raise prices.

Biden: They do.

Cumulative inflation means that prices are up 18%, at least since you took office and wage increases have not kept pace.

Biden: Since who took office? Since I took office?

Biden's genuinely baffled. His staff has protected his senile brain from the news that cumulative inflation -- not inflation by month or year, but all of it starting from when he usurped office -- is up by 20%.

He really doesn't understand that when inflation goes up 8% in a year, then 7%, then 6% -- all that adds up.

Yeah, cumulative inflation means prices are up nearly 20% since you took office and wage increases have not kept pace.

Biden: Wage increases have exceeded what the cost of inflation, which you're talking about as the prices that were pre-COVID prices.

That's a lie.

Pre-COVID prices are not the same as whether or not they--you have American, corporate America ripping off the public now. You have everything from shrinkflation to what's going on in terms of the way in which they're artificially moving significantly to increase their, their, their, their, their profits. That's not the same as inflation. That's price gouging.

Back to the claim that inflation only exists because Greedy Corporations are jacking up prices for no reason, none! Their own costs haven't gone up, they just want to increase their profits by squeezing the little guy!

As people always ask: Why do corporations only become "Greedy" when Democrats are in office?

But Mr. President, won't your newly announced tariffs raise the prices on American consumers?

Biden: No, because here's the deal. There's a difference. I made it clear to Putin from the very beginning that--I'm not, we're not engaging in...For example, Trump wants a 10% tariff on everything. That will raise the price of everything in America. [Editor's note: Biden appeared to mean Xi here, not Putin.]

Close enough!

Sharp as a tack! Dynamo of energy!

Okay, I'm gonna do a couple of rapid fire here. Another of your first acts as President under the banner of value-based leadership was to lift various punitive Trump-era immigration measures, Mr. President, that you and others said were inhumane. In retrospect, do you think those humanitarian moves helped drive record illegal border crossing?

Biden: No.

Were you wrong to lift any of those measures?

Biden: If I was wrong, it's because I took too long,

You've put some back in place. The Green Card issue, it's been reported that you're looking at reinstating Remain in Mexico. Are you looking at reinstating...

Biden: No

Doubling down on dissolving the US border, claiming his cancelling of Trump's policies did not increase illegal immigration.

Remember, Trump's a liar, Joe Biden's just providing an Alternate Perspective on Reality.

The last two years of Presidents, two-term President's tenure are usually focused on foreign affairs. You are 81 years old, and would be 86 by the time you left office. Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man?

Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know. You're looking at me, I can take you too.

I'd like to see that. I'd pay good money for someone to finally step up to Joe when he makes one of these "I can punch you up, Jack!" statements.

Did you consider not running again because of your age?

Biden: No, I didn't.

And what do you say to Americans who are worried about it?

Biden: Watch me. Look, name me a president that's gotten as much done as I've gotten done in my first three and a half years. When all of you wrote in Time magazine I couldn't get any of it done. When you told me there's no pay, no way, no way he can get a trillion-plus dollar bill done in terms of, to deal with infrastructure, where there's no way he gets $368 billion for dealing with the environment, where there's no way I could get the, the, the legislation passed on.

John Ekdahl @JohnEkdahl

So which journo writes the "I tried Biden's workout routine and couldn't keep up with him" article? My guess is Sam Stein.

Democrat shill teenfluencer Harry Sisson gives it a go:


Fenelon Spoke linked this Trump ad about the Democrats' lawfare op.

John Sexton has a run-down on the Hunter Biden Crack n' Gun Trial.

His ex-wfe testified that Hunter was very capable of hiding the fact that he's on crack, which will rebut anyone who claims "Hunter wasn't on crack when he bought that gun, I would have been able to tell."

CNN is shrieking that Hunter only committed drug and gun crimes over a brief ten year period, so what's the big deal?

The big drama today comes in the form of Hunter's ex-wife and ex-girlfriend both of whom were called to testify about Hunter's drug use. This is apparently too much for one CNN legal analyst to take.
"It's a shame we're here and I say that not from an opinion perspective, but as a practitioner's perspective. In going to state and going to federal court, as I do, prosecutors generally do the right thing. What's the right thing? Equitable outcomes," Jackson said on CNN.

"We know last year (he) was subject to a diversion program, which means you stay out of trouble. We're all good, you know, get your life together, move forward. Instead, we have this embarrassing trial where all his family and past exes are coming in to testify."

He may think this isn't coming from an opinion perspective but what he's saying lines up perfectly with the no harm, no foul argument introduced yesterday by the defense. Still, I'm not exactly shocked that CNN has a legal analyst whose take boils down to 'leave Hunter alone!'

Scumbag fixer Abbe Lowell is still pushing the idea that the computer was "tampered with." They're also claiming that you can't take Hunter's own texts as proof that he was smoking crack in a car when he texted his girlfriend (Beau's ex-wife, I think) that he was smoking crack in his car. He may have been mistaken, Lowell argues. Or maybe he was lying.

Or maybe it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION! We don't know the computer wasn't "tampered with," after all.

Remember that story about the black guy who called into a zoom hearing with a judge about his suspended license? And the judge ordered him to go to jail, because he was driving when he called in?

It was Fake News. The man's license had only been suspended due to a clerical error, which he was attempting to get resolved at the hearing. The judge didn't listen to his explanation -- he just ordered him to jail.

The guy was completely innocent, unless you would say that you're required to obey to the full a clerical error caused by bureaucratic incompetence.

And the judge showed himself just to be another brick in The Wall of governmental malfeasance.

A Michigan man swept the internet last week after a viral video showed him attending a court hearing via Zoom after he appeared to park his car. That quickly became a national story.

Should it have been?

The footage, which first made the rounds on social media, showed Corey Harris calling into a hearing before Judge J. Cedric Simpson of the Washtenaw County District Court. "I'm looking at his record. He doesn't have a license," Simpson says about a minute into the hearing. "He's suspended and he's just driving....I don't even know why he would do that." Harris' bond was promptly revoked and he was ordered to turn himself in to the local jail.

Neither of those repercussions would have anywhere near the lasting impact that the forthcoming news cycle did, which was deemed a significant enough event to merit coverage in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, NBC, BBC, USA Today, and the New York Post, among other outlets.

It turns out all those stories, however, were based on a falsehood. Harris' license had been reinstated years prior and was only registering as suspended due to a clerical error. As of this writing, there has been no spate of additional articles, corrections, or a reinvigorated news cycle based around this information, because the truth here doesn't lend itself to virality and engagement.

I think the judge should have at least listened to the man. And maybe noted his demeanor. I noticed this myself -- the man didn't seem like a serial lawbreaker who was so brazen he'd call into his license suspension hearing from a car. He seemed calm, polite, unemotional, and interested in complying with court orders. It wasn't like he was arrested while driving without a license. He was driving while showing up on time for his Zoom hearing.

My bad for not saying that at the time, and for once again forgetting that the State is lethally incompetent and should be presumed guilty until it has proven itself innocent.

There's an invasion of aliens in New York. No, a different one. "Human-hand sized" spiders that travel by flying on web-parasails have come over from Asia and are demanding we force Israel to surrender to Hamas and start lining up for the Extermination Chambers.

The Joro spider is native to eastern Asia, but they have been spreading in the eastern United States since at least 2014. They can (but usually don't) grow to a size where the span of their legs is the breadth of a human hand, and their young disperse by "ballooning," wherein a young spider lets out a long, long strand of fine silk, which catches the wind and carries the baby spider aloft.

So the good news is that they only fly when they're babies -- I guess that's slightly better -- and they're also pretty harmless.

Except for being spiders.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:50 PM

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