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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (6/5/24) Mystery Clicks Edition »
June 05, 2024
Secret Passage Cafe

Asia or something
by @sai_photographer._
Now is the time on Schprockets ven ve dance.
Time to re-post the baby goat who jumps on other baby goats. That's a Dominance move, brah.
Speaking of animals who jump on other animals.
This might finally get Americans to embrace soccer.
Ugh, it's rush hour, the skies will be absolutely choked with balloons.
Cute little lamb.
Bag of Holding.
Driving gets me jacked, yo.
Feeding the birds, family-style.
Little puppy is ready to kick ass.
Ultra-dramatic dog keeps pretending to die when his master cuts his nails. You may be thinking, "I've seen this before." But I don't know if you have. This dog doesn't just pretend to die once, he pretends to die after every nail is clipped.
A man uses his escavator to help an elephant climb up out of big pit. Then the elephant comes back to give the escavator bucket a thank-you head-bump.
Feeding a baby goat (and his baby monkey rider).
Some secret passages (and more transforming furniture).
More secret doors, including secret gun cabinets.
More secret doors.
Fun home build: a secret door leads to a secret family movie room. Here's the building of the movie room itself.
Note that a commenter says those clouds scream "AI," which seems accurate. But I don't know if the rest of it is AI.
Update: Fake Chicom Propaganda! Thanks to ARDLN, this video shows the original video. Apparently they prettied up the grass and the sky to make China seem prettier.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:43 PM
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