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June 03, 2024
Suicidal Cheese Chase Cafe

by @juansolisphotography
Amusing girl biking.
Another biking run, this one down a hill.
And here's a scary bike ride along the edge of a cliff.
More Transforming furniture. The coffee tables that transform into full-size, full-height dinner tables are neat. Here's an example transforming table. They won't even give you a price, you have to request a quote, so you know this is going to be murder on the wallet.
Taking your little Pomeranian for a scooter ride in style. I have to get one of these for my Vespa.
Aerobatic maneuvers of a drone through an abandoned factory. The drone crashes at the end. Sad!
Don't worry, it's just a right whale. But it sure has the silhouette of a really big shark.
I think I linked this on Friday, but if you missed it: this little chihuahua is ready to rumble with this giant moose.
From the Department of Useless Engineering.
Just a dude bringing his pet hyena into town.
Dog gets vengeance on the cat.
Heavy winds propel giant duck.
Just a quick little pro wrestling match on a subway.
Dog enjoys petting dogs.
The smaller eagle caught a fish. The older bald eagle considers this area his territory, so he yoinks the fish away.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:20 PM
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