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June 03, 2024

Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/3/24) Stingy Economy Edition


Tonight's ONT opening photo was submitted to me and I have forgotten who. My sincere apology for poor record keeping.


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“The fact that they can more than likely represent Team USA in the Paralympics but he can’t run in the state meet in high school is unbelievable to me,” Athlete Kade Lubner

I have direct experience with the WIAA. It's a group of failed teachers who like sports and lording their power. Thinking outside the box would take their heads out of their asses.

Quote II

"My daughter was taken aback by how many rules there were," Anonymous Maryland Mom

Quote III

"If the investigation reveals an Islamist motive, then that would be further confirmation of the great danger posed by Islamist acts of violence that we have warned about."G erman interior minister Nancy Faeser



Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 6.21.35 PM.png

Could there be a Mystery Click? Only curious minds will find out. Hint, "Chop a line, snort a line."


I saw the following on X FKA Twitter. And to be honest with you, I am not shocked. Hell, I am not even mildly surprised: NEW STUDY: Finds evidence that mental disorders transmit among adolescent peer networks


If the free market won't do it. The government surely will. Fvcking millions spent on Shit Studies.

Fed’s multimillion-dollar poop-picking program is expanding, has international ambitions
Waste sampling used during COVID-19 expands to hunt for other threats to human health


Borrowed from Frank Zappa's Billy The Mountain with some appropriate revisions. President Zelensky, Your great country needs you in the armed forces! Why, it's all fair and square, the lottery, you know? Your number came up
You can't go on running like this forever. Listen you Nazi t son-of-a-bitch!
You better get your ass down there for your fuckin' physical.......

Ukraine’s President Zelensky is still pushing for NATO involvement in the war, which would undoubtedly lead to World War III. He mocked NATO for its reluctance.

According to Responsible Statecraft, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky chided NATO states this week for their unwillingness to join the fight against Russia directly.

We gave you billions, now you want our blood and treasure? Fvck off 3rd rate tyrant.


If you know this 'ette. Tell her Thank You!

An older woman is going viral for wearing a shirt that reads “Jail Fauci” while seated right behind Dr. Anthony Fauci during his hearing at the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

The woman was seated just one row behind Fauci and six or seven seats to his left, social media pictures show.


He is not deterred. Bill Gates continues to believe he is God. The real meeting with God should be a hoot.

Bill Gates & WEF Advance Plans for ‘Climate Vaccines’


Just ban them all!

New York to ban smartphones in schools

Why do kids even have smartphones in schools? The state is planning to ban them, allowing only dumbphones that allow calls and messaging but not the distracting apps that come with iOS and Android.

[Governor Kathy] Hochul said she would launch the bill later this year and take it up in New York's next legislative session, which begins in January 2025. If passed, schoolchildren will be allowed to carry simple phones that cannot access the internet but do have the capability to send texts, which has been a sticking point for parents. She did not offer specifics on enforcing the prohibition.


The ONT Musical Interlude & Monday Survival Emporium

Born on this day: June 3, 1939 - Ian Hunter
English musician Ian Hunter, vocals, guitar with Mott The Hoople, who had the 1972 UK No.3 & US No.37 single 'All The Young Dudes' which was written for them by David Bowie. Other hits include, 'All the Way from Memphis' and 'Roll Away the Stone'. As a solo artist he had the 1975 UK No.14 single 'Once Bitten twice Shy' and later was one half of Hunter Ronson with Mick Ronson. He wrote the book Diary Of A Rock 'n' Roll Star.


I'm not sure why they didn't think they would win Genius Winner Awards.

Loan-shark couple surrender in naked photos case

RACHIN BURI: A married couple operating a private loan agency surrendered to Sri Maha Phot police in Sri Maha Phot district at 1.30am on Monday to answer charges of posting naked pictures of debt defaulters online.

The 31-year-old woman and her husband were questioned by Sri Maha Phot station chief Pol Col Mongkol Thopao for an hour. Afterwards, the woman said they were shocked by the situation and were not ready to answer reporters' questions.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Honesty.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. AceCorp, LLC. has proudly served your ONT needs since 2008. Often imitated never replicated because of you and hamsters. But mostly you.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:03 PM

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