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June 03, 2024

THE MORNING RANT: How to Respond to Trump’s Show Trial Conviction?

Scale of Justice - Broken.JPG

Since Richard Nixon’s presidency ended with his resignation due to the Watergate scandal, all the way through Trump’s presidency, it has been the desire of Democrats and their allies in the media and the permanent bureaucracy to unseat Republican officeholders via scandals, be they legitimate, exaggerated, or completely contrived.

With the felony conviction of Donald Trump in a New York show trial, there is a new and more powerful weapon that will be used going forward against all Republicans who pose a threat to the regime, specifically, the criminalization and arrest of Republicans politicians and office holders. Don’t for a moment believe this is unique to Trump. Indictments will be forthcoming for conservative Supreme Court justices, as well as for all future Republican presidential candidates. Anyone who prefers DeSantis over Trump is foolish to believe that DeSantis won’t also face dozens of felony indictments in multiple left-wing jurisdictions if he is the nominee in 2028. Whoever the GOP nominee in 2028 is, it is a certainty he too will be tried for multiple “crimes.”

By the way, this lawfare is already established practice in Texas, where Democrat District Attorneys at the county level have indicted Governor Rick Perry, Senator Kay Hutchison, Representative Tom Delay and others for imaginary crimes. Rick Perry was criminally indicted for stating that he would veto legislation. Seriously.

Ace had a post on Friday in which he linked to a Powerline piece by John Hinderaker, who is definitely on the gentlemanly side of conservative punditry, and most certainly not a fan of Donald Trump. With the show-trial conviction of Trump, Mr. Hinderaker understands where we are, and he has had enough. He is calling for in-kind retribution against Democrats.

The Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power. Therefore, Republican attorneys general and district attorneys should bring criminal charges against Democratic officeholders wherever possible. No Democratic officeholder should be allowed to retire, in any jurisdiction with Republican law enforcement, without facing criminal charges.

This is especially noteworthy to me, because Mr. Hinderaker was a bellwether in my eyes back in 2016 as far as broader acceptance of Trump’s candidacy by traditional conservatives. I was a despondent, Cruz-backing, never-Trumper who figured that Hillary Clinton’s presidency had been secured when Trump won the GOP nomination. Hinderaker was the first mainstream conservative I read who stated that of course he would be voting for Trump, and that Trump could win. A preference cascade followed, and soon the party had fully rallied around Trump, with the exception of false-flag “conservatives” typified by the writers at The Dispatch/Bulwark/National Review, who thereafter gave “NeverTrump” its slimy, opportunistic reputation.

Be it Sean Davis, or Clay Travis, or so many other prominent conservative voices, I am seeing a growing groundswell demanding that red state District Attorneys start arresting and prosecuting Democrats like Mr. Hinderaker is advocating.

Others are advocating for a financial retreat from New York. With justice thoroughly corrupted there, no red state investment dollars should be housed or managed in New York. Real estate investors would be wise to avoid New York, hedge funds should move out of that state, and tourists would be wise to stay away from the Big Apple.

There are many thoughtful pieces on what the rest of us can do to fight back. Jeffrey Carter’s “Points and Figures” substack is a must-read for me, and he offers some excellent commentary and suggestions in a post titled, “Abe Lincoln Convicted in Confederacy of Freeing Slaves; In Other News Trump Convicted”. Here are a few excerpts.

There is no difference. Trump being convicted in a pre-meditated trial is not any different than a judge from the Confederacy convicting Abe Lincoln for freeing the slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation was announced.

First off, Mr. Carter suggests that Trump should retreat to Florida, with we-the-people helping to pressure red state Republican politicians to rally around him and defy efforts to extradite him.

• Let Trump roam free as a bird in Republican governed state. Fight any and all extradition including the use of the police force and any military that the governor controls.

• Republican Attorney Generals need to engage in lawfare against any and all Democrat officials, including officials in their states. If you are a Republican Attorney General, and you have a Democratic Secretary of State, find something, anything to charge them with. I hate tit for tat, but tit for tat in this case is a lot better than shots being fired.

• In heavily Republican-dominated states, make life very difficult for Democrats. Do everything you can within the rules of your state to hinder every single idea, statement, or initiative Democrats have. If you can do things without committee hearings, go for it. Shut them out. Democrats actively do it to Republicans

There is plenty more from Mr. Carter, which I strongly encourage you to read, but I also want to highlight this one recommendation immediately below, which is important because the left is at war with all conservatives, while we on the right are mainly just fighting the left’s politicians.

• If you are a contractor, maybe pick and choose who you work for. If you show up to a house and a Hamas flag is in front or a BLM sign is in the yard, maybe go to the next job and have them go down the list. Work on out-of-the-closet Republican homes or non-outwardly political homes first. Make them suffer.

Since I started writing for Ace of Spades five years ago, the most widely linked and discussed piece I ever wrote made the same point as the one directly above. Among others, Bill Whittle featured it on one of his videos; John Hinderaker discussed it at Powerline; and Tim Blair wrote a column about it in Australia’s Daily Telegraph.

“What If Deplorables Start ‘De-Platforming’ Leftists from Receiving Skilled Trade Services?” [Buck Throckmorton – 01/25/2021]

If Monster Tech can aggressively de-platform businesses and individuals for expressing forbidden opinions, then maybe it’s time for skilled tradesmen to respond in kind against the woke left.

Leftists despise working class “deplorables” and seek to punish them for all their disapproved habits – you know - God, guns, motorized vehicles, and voting MAGA. Well, the tradesmen I know are swamped with business right now, so it might be a good time for them to establish their own “terms of service” enabling them to deny services to advocates of cancel culture. We’ve learned from Monster Tech that all you have to do is declare someone’s speech to be “hateful” or state that their speech might “incite violence” to banish someone from receiving service. If a deplorable can be targeted as hate-filled for simply supporting Trump, then a tradesman’s Terms of Service can in turn declare that any visible support for Democrats constitutes hate speech.

Broken down on the side of the road with a Bernie or Biden bumper sticker? Sorry – you’re going to have to find a wrecker that employs all 57 genders and declares all their pronouns. But Earl’s 24-Hour Wrecker won’t be towing your car today. Terms of service, you know.

Broken down furnace during a deep freeze? Too bad you advocated for a fracking ban on Facebook. That’s a violation of Smith HVAC’s terms of service. It looks like you’ll need to find yourself an HVAC company that can fix you up with 100% renewable energy if you want your heat back on.

It’s a shame about that plumbing leak, but your hate-filled “Hate Has No Home Here” sign is a violation of Jones Plumbing’s terms of service. If you’ll just open your backdoor, the leaking water will find its way out.

Low on gas in the middle of the desert? That’s a shame, but Last Chance Gas can’t put fuel in your car if it’s going to be spreading the message of hate encompassed by your COEXIST sticker.

Can such service be denied? The left is already doing it. My town posts winter road updates on Facebook. I can’t express my political views on Facebook or else Mark Zuckerberg might deny me access to life-or-death info regarding roads.

As the defenders of Monster Tech like to remind us, if I don’t want Facebook banishing me for having the wrong opinion, then I can just go start my own social media monopoly. Well then, it’s not asking too much for the left to go start their own skilled trade services.

It shouldn’t have to come to this, but we’re already seemingly here. In addition to the de-platformings by tech companies, some banks are refusing service to gun shop owners, retailers are banishing products from My Pillow, etc. If we can only buy products and services from those within our political tribe, leftists are really going to hate the new rules when they’re in critical need of a skilled tradesman.

We didn’t want this political, cultural, and judicial climate. This is a dangerous moment that we have sought to avoid, but it was forced upon us. The left-wing establishment must be made to pay for their abuses that have now culminated in the criminalization of opposition to the establishment. We are in a cold civil war in this country. These peaceful counter-actions provide us ways to fight back and keep this battle from getting hot. Taking “the high road” and acceding to the left’s criminalization of political opposition will result in the loss of our republic.

[buck.throckmorton at protonmail dot com]

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posted by Buck Throckmorton at 11:00 AM

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