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May 30, 2024

Fly the Man's Best Friendly Skies Cafe

Grand Tetons
More Grand Tetons pictures here

Fluffy dog caught sitting on the stairs like a human looks oddly like Fozzy Bear. (Advance to the next slide to see the video.)

Proof that ghosts exist?

Pounce status: Pounced.

Speaking of pouncing: some next-level Recumbent Dorsolateral Pouncing on display here.

This cat shows he knows it's not just the Pouncing -- Pouncing is for noobz and show-offs. The real skill is in the Seizing.

Being mean to a poor beautiful fool of a dog. I denounce.

Me most days.

Ants and termites on parade like Indian and Pakistani border troops.

Waiting for the weekend.

Two-dog surveillance team, blending in with the background.

Chinese classroom doing a heavy metal rock-out to shed figetty energy before the next class. This might be a good idea. I'm exhausted just watching them.

This may be fake, it might be an unreleased video by "The Final Countdown" band Europe, I don't know, but I have to risk it.

A short art film showing the inherent unfairness of Capitalism, Man.

Household Transformers.

Very good gondola pilot, would recommend to a friend.

Great white shark flies into the air as it attacks what looks like a dummy orca.

"I committed four r***s today!!!"

Positive affirmations for a donkey.

The CEO of Bark Air reports on the service's inaugural flight.

This is the comedy version of The Omen where the Antichrist is clumsy and incompetent.

Bark Air: the airline for dogs.

Dogs can now em-bark on a new adventure.

BARK Air, the first airline catered to dogs, has officially taken off.

The airline's first-ever flight departed from New York at 4 p.m. EST Thursday and touched down in Los Angeles.

According to BARK Air's booking site, the inaugural flight was completely sold out.

One ticket cost $6,000, and each ticket includes one dog and one human companion. If two humans want to travel, two tickets will need to be purchased.

Bark, the pet company founded in 2011, announced the launch of the dog-centered plane experience in April as a way "to revolutionize flying for dogs."

The company shared details of the first flight in an Instagram post, writing, "Right now, at an altitude of 30,000 feet, there is a flight filled with dogs. Unlike any flight before it, these dogs are not merely an afterthought, nor are they treated as cargo or a burden to the crew and fellow travelers. Here, dogs are the foremost priority."

"Every single detail of this flight experience has been crafted with a 'dogs-first' mindset. It has taken 10 years, but we are finally confident that we can provide all dogs with the air travel experience they deserve: one that puts them first."

One person commented how exciting it was to see the first flight happen, adding that "as a veterinarian," she "would never" put her dog in cargo.

"This really is the pawfect flight!" another wrote. "Thank you for creating a happy place in the sky where dogs of all breeds and sizes can fly peacefully with their adult humans."

As of now, BARK Air offers one-way and round-trip flights between New York via Westchester County Airport (HPN) and Los Angeles via Van Nuys (VNY), as well as New York and London via Biggin Hill (BQH).

The May 30 flight from New York to Los Angeles has just three seats left, and both May flights from Los Angeles to New York (May 24 and 31) are sold out.


The airline operates Gulfstream G5s, and the website says they never book to their full capacity "to ensure you and your dog have enough room to spread out comfortably."

A woman shot a short video of her and her dog's flight on Bark Air.

Little bonus: sometimes, in good weather, they let the dogs fly the planes.

True fact! What a country!

(Okay that's not a true fact. It's more of a lie.)

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 07:30 PM

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