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May 22, 2024

Biden Announces Another Multibillion Dollar Giveaway of Republican Taxpayer Money to Democrat Layabouts
Update: Trump Tied with Biden in NH; No One Shows Up to Hear Biden "Speak" in NH

The president is allowed to make up laws and direct how taxpayer funds will be spent without the input of Congress. Didn't you know that, Racist?

Biden announces additional $7.7B in student loan handouts: "Billions more in election year giveaways"

The Biden administration has announced a new $7.7 billion student debt relief initiative for 160,000 borrowers, a move that has been criticized by Republicans as "unconstitutional" and an "election year giveaway."

The $7.7 billion relief package will benefit three categories of borrowers: those receiving Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), those enrolled in President Biden's Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan, and those receiving forgiveness on income-driven repayment (IDR) due to administrative adjustments.

As of this announcement, the Biden administration has cleared more than $167 billion in student loan debt for 4.75 million Americans in what Trump campaign Senior Advisor Jason Miller described as "Billions more in election year giveaways."

Republicans have criticized the move as unconstitutional and unfair to the American people, with some citing a 2022 Supreme Court ruling that the Biden administration overstepped its authority when it announced it would cancel up to $400 billion in student loans.

Biden's going to be announcing a lot of Jackpot Giveaways. And reminding voters of his previous government spending. He visited New Hampshire to make the less-controversial announcement about signing an actual Congress-passed law in 2022 increasing benefits for veterans.

And why was he doing a campaign event in New Hampshire at all?

Because Trump has tied him there, albeit with both getting much less than a majority of support.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Tied With Biden in Blue New Hampshire Posted to Politics May 20, 2024 by Michael Graham

Democrats have all but owned the Granite State's four Electoral College votes, winning seven of the past eight presidential contests -- including Joe Biden's eight-point victory over President Donald Trump in 2020.

But the latest NHJournal/Praecones Analytica poll finds Biden tied with Trump in New Hampshire, putting him at risk of becoming the first Democrat to lose the state since Al Gore in 2000.

The poll puts Trump ever-so-slightly ahead at 36.6%, with Biden at 36.5%, and RFKJr. at 14.6%.

Update: A commenter reminded me that barely anyone showed up to hear " " " the president " " " speak in blue New Hampshire.

[T]he reaction to the speech that he was able to generate, or perhaps not generate, was also something. You would normally think that someone who's allegedly the leader of the free world would be able to draw a lot of people. Instead, you'd have more tables, people, and excitement at the senior center on bingo night, some observed. It looked like he couldn't even fill a room, which is a very sad showing.

It looked like they had a few select attendees for the speech and that was it.

As the NH Journal observed, there were more Trump folks who had been lined up along the road outside against Biden than people inside.

But comparing it to bingo wasn't exactly fair, the NH Journal noted, because bingo is fun.

It's like a Who's Who of Who Farted?

I don't even know what that means!

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:20 PM

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