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April 29, 2024
The Morning Report — 4/29/24
Good morning, kids. You know everything is upside down when John Fetterman of all people turns out to be a voice of reason. Well, sometimes situations such as we find ourselves yield the occasional positive, if not head-shakingly bizarre result.
“It’s a great American value to protest, but I don’t believe living in a pup tent for Hamas is really helpful,” Fetterman said. . . Since the start of the anti-Israel encampments, students at several universities and colleges have been suspended, those participating in the encampments have been arrested, and graduation ceremonies have been canceled.
Fetterman added that there was a “germ of antisemitism in all of these protests and then sometimes it flares up,” continuing on to reference words Khymani James, one of the leaders of the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University, had said.
“One of the leaders in Columbia said some just awful things talking about, ‘Well, they’re lucky I’m not killing Zionists,’ and things like that. And, then he defended himself by saying, ‘Well, those were taken out of context,’ and I’m like, well those are very similar to the way the college presidents, same kind of language.”
. . . Since Hamas’ attack, Fetterman has defended Israel and criticized anti-Israel protesters.
I honestly cannot remember if I really knew at all how John Fetterman, a trust fund layabout whose résumé consisted of getting getting elected mayor of a dying Pennsylvania coal town and driving the final nail in its coffin, somehow emerged as a viable candidate for US Senator.
Dao-Min Yen election shenanigans aside, there he was dressed in grubby sweats and sneakers, ready to take his seat in "the greatest deliberative body in the world." At the time, I thought how low can one be to be so disrespectful to not show up in a suit and tie? Yet considering the corruption, venality and tyrannical thuggery that infests that building and every other one in DC, why should I get all exercised? Recall the late, unlamented Harry Reid, currently roasting in hell, complaining how he could smell the body odor of ordinary commoners visiting the Rotunda. All things considered, Fetterman actually is a breath of fresh air.
Was it the stroke, the lump on his neck, or even his odd wife Giselle that brought out this latent flash of sanity, reason and actual moral clarity from someone who at first glance should fit quite comfortably between the likes of Titty-Caca AOC and multi-millionaire Marxist Bernie Sanders? Who knows, and who cares? His voice of support of the state of Israel (and IIRC his anti-open borders statements) have been full-throated and consistent since this nightmare began last October. For sure, he is a liberal if not Leftist, but to go against something that is a shibboleth and central tenet of the anti-American Left – especially now during an election year when the Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants/Kalorama Klown Komintern is desperate to rally their rabid base – surely is political death. But still her persists.
Speaking of old yocks taking their teeth out at the Automat, standing on the table and yelling about socialism as the answer to anti-Semitism, Here's Communist Bernie Sanders shrieking in favor of anti-Semitism:
“Antisemitism is a vile and disgusting ideology which has resulted in the deaths of many, many millions of people in the last hundred years. We’ve got to oppose it in every form. Do I doubt for a moment that antisemitism exists that is growing in the United States, that exist among some people in the protest movement, of course.” He continued, “Here is the reality right now, what Netanyahu right-wing extremist and racist government is doing, is unprecedented in modern history of warfare. "
His condemnation of anti-Semitism is merely cover and false equivocation to enable him to slime Bibi. He goes on to cite the blood-libel about Israel committing genocide. But he's absolutely correct in that what Israel is doing "is unprecedented in modern history of warfare." No other nation on earth, including the United States, has even done more to try and prevent collateral damage and civilian death, greatly increasing the risk to its own soldiers, than the state of Israel has done in its operations since 10/7.
Al Jazeera, which is no friend of Israel, stipulates that Israel has killed 34,000 Gazans (including the 12,000 or so Hamas terrorists it intended to kill) with 75,000 tons of explosives. If we assume that all were one-ton charges, Israel has deployed the destructive power of more than 120 Hiroshima-class bombs to kill less than half the number killed by only one such weapon in August 1945. This reinforces the proposition that Israel is wielding violence with almost superhuman precision against terrorists who are often menaces to peaceful Gazans as well as Israelis. It is also to be noted that collateral losses among noncombatants, while regrettable, were less than two for every terrorist despite the terrorists’ use of the noncombatants as human shields. . .
. . . In summary, then, the difference between the war in Gaza and traditional wars is twofold. Unlike legal combatants of all nations who carry their arms openly, follow the rules of war, and do not use civilians as human shields, Hamas consists solely of terrorists who deserve death. In addition, even though Hamas does its best to use noncombatants as human shields, Israel has done close to a superhuman job of excising the terrorists with minimal harm to their human surroundings.
One major quibble with this author is that unless the civilian is under the age of 4 or 3, is incapable of language and crawling around in his diapers, there are virtually no innocent civilians in Gaza. From scouting targets months or even years before the assault courtesy of being given work visas by Israel to actively participating in the kidnapping and detention of Israelis after the attacks began, they are de facto enemy combatants and as a result legitimate targets. Yet Israel is doing whatever it can to take out only those identified as Hamas cadres.
Psaki-psircling back, given the choice between Fetterman and Sanders, it's a no-brainer. No pun intended. Meanwhile, those allegedly on our side in the GOP are proving themselves as Grifting Oleaginous Parasites, shoveling more money to Ukraine, a few relative shekels to Israel, and a not inconsiderable sum to Gaza. And guess where that money winds up?
The $9.1 billion is earmarked, of course, as “humanitarian assistance,” but that ruse is fooling fewer and fewer people. Just The News reported Friday that the bill is “under scrutiny” in the first place because the amount that Gaza will be getting is “significantly more than the annual gross domestic product of the Gaza Strip,” and no safeguards are in place to ensure that the money will not fall into the wrong hands: “critics say the U.S. is essentially funding Hamas through the bill.”
Officially, this massive cash outlay is for "Migration and Refugee Assistance" and "International Disaster Assistance." It is so massive, in fact, that it is “more than four times the amount of the annual GDP in the Gaza Strip, which was about $2 billion last year, according to the United Nations.” The Gaza Strip is about to be awash in American money, and that means that even if Hamas has already burned through the $10 billion that Old Joe Biden and his henchmen sent to Hamas’ money men in Tehran last month, more billions are on their way.
The Biden regime doesn’t want you to worry about this. The bill “calls for the Secretary of State to establish oversight measures to ensure that the aid is not diverted by Hamas,” but really, what can he possibly do short of establishing an American military presence in Gaza? Hamas controls Gaza. There is no force in Gaza that is strong enough to stand up to Hamas. So provisos written into legislation drafted and passed in faraway Washington, D.C. is one thing, but the reality on the ground in Gaza is something else altogether, and the Biden regime must know that.
Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, stated it plainly: "Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it,” that is, the aid, “is stolen by Hamas.” That leads to an inescapable conclusion: “We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this 9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?"
Well, that last question would take longer to answer than there is space on the Internet, but Klein is right: the Biden regime is funding Hamas, which means that American taxpayers are getting soaked to provide for the upkeep of jihad terrorists. Klein also pointed out that by waiving sanctions on Iran and ensuring that billions flow into the mullahs’ coffers, the Biden regime was "funding the biggest funder of terrorism of Islamic terrorism in the world."
Meanwhile, it seems that Biden's pals didn't get the message. They attacked the site of that so-called "relief pier" the Army is building for them. Your tax dollars at work. Build Back Better, right?
Funny how they're doing all of this, and it's out in the open yet the Code Pinko brigade still showed up in force to heckle Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants at the Ministry of Propaganda Octogenarian Fellatio Fest, FKA the White House Correspondents Dinner.
“The Correspondents’ Dinner is nothing more than a celebration and endorsement of the administration’s actions. That is not journalism. That is complicity,” the Code Pink website states.
Footage of the evening’s activities shows protesters banging on drums and yelling chants such as, “Shame, shame, shame on you, for all the terror that you do” and others about the media’s alleged lying . . .
. . . In one clip, what appears to be two attendees arriving for the dinner could be seen being berated by activists, who shouted at the couple. The couple was repeated shamed by one protestor, seen standing next to a sign which had the ABC logo placed adjacent to a phrase reading, “All Bullsh*t Constantly,” and another which had the CNN logo next to the phrase, “Criminal News Network.”
“Shame on you! Children in Gaza are dying! While you dine, children are dying,” one protester could be heard yelling as the couple walked off.
Like Sanders, they're sort of right, if not for all the wrong reasons. "All Bullshit Constantly" and “Criminal News Network" indeed. The "roast" of Biden was a laugh riot. Mostly riot, yet considering he's a vegetable, roasting is an appropriate word in a manner of speaking
- Robert Spencer: "If the Biden regime gets four more years, the U.S. will turn against Israel entirely, isolating the Jewish state on the world stage as it faces a threat to its very survival. If jihadis succeed in destroying Israel and turn against America with new energy and enthusiasm, will any of the leftist policy wonks ever have a tinge of regret for how they destroyed the U.S./Israeli alliance? Not on your life."
Did the Biden Regime Green-Light Arrest Warrants for Israeli Leaders, Including Netanyahu?
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Its failure to stop a much smaller Israel response, coupled with the overwhelming success of Israel and its allies in stopping a much larger Iranian attack, reminds the Iranian autocracy that its shrill rhetoric is designed to mask its impotence and to hide its own vulnerabilities from its enemies."
Iran Just Pulled its Own Nuclear Teeth
- “'Palestine' is just a fairytale that terrorists and Marxist professors tell their charges in order to motivate them to violence against their political opponents."
By Any Measure in Human History, Israel Has a Right to Exist
- Vayr ge hargit, Sanders - jjs
Godless Commie Scumbag Sanders: Netanyahu’s Right-Wing ‘Racist Government’ Causing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza
- "The case for sovereignty."
"From the River to the Sea" Belongs to Israel
- Robert Spencer Part Deux: "Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, stated it plainly: 'Biden and this [junta] knows that almost all of it,' that is, the aid, 'is stolen by Hamas.' That leads to an inescapable conclusion: 'We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this 9 billion. What is wrong with this [junta]?'" (Let me count the ways - jjs)
Who Funds Hamas? You Do, Thanks to Old Joe Biden
- "Falling for the jokes of a fake rabbi is one thing. Actually offering to help plan a fundraiser for a virulent anti-Semite claiming to be running for Congress as a Democrat raises questions that Bowman doesn't want to answer."
How Dumb Do You Have to Be to Get Duped by the "Chief Rabbi of Gaza?"
- "Rape is not 'resistance.'”
Screams Before Silence
- "The Hamas apologists who now infest Ivy League seem not to know that war is not intended to punish the guilty and spare the innocent."
War is Not Law Enforcement
* * * * *
- Robert Spencer Three-peat: "The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) has been laying the groundwork for years for what’s happening now."
Why Have Campuses Gone All-In For Hamas?
- Robert Zimmerman: "That today’s protest riots have been almost exclusively limited to college campuses is another good sign. The number of rioters appears down, and they also don’t seem to have the resources necessary to occupy and loot many inner cities."
Good News: The Nature of the Riots This Election Year Suggests the Leftist Rioters are Losing Steam
- "Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested Saturday night while protesting in support of 'Palestine' on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Fox Digital reported."
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Arrested
- "Once again, young people who have nothing important or valuable in their lives and who believe in nothing substantive or enduring are demonstrating their desperate need for belonging and purpose."
Heroic Doubling and Supporting Hamas
- "A left-wing activist group, Code Pink, reportedly organized the demonstration, instructing supporters go through Kalorama Park to reach the hotel, according to the group’s website."
VIDEO: Anti-Israel Protesters Cause Chaos For White House Correspondents’ Dinner Attendees
- “We all share the view, based on discussions within our community and with outside experts, that to bring back the NYPD at this time would be counterproductive, further inflaming what is happening on campus.”
Columbia University: NYPD Not Permitted To Oust Anti-Israel Illegal Occupiers
- “This was one of the first takedowns of many, several protesters were arrested today on the campus.”
WATCH: Georgia Trooper Tackles Protester During Anti-Israel Demonstration at Emory University
- “I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly to get his attention. And they grabbed me, threw me to the ground and arrested me.”
Arrested Emory U. Prof. No Victim Despite Leftist Outrage, Admitted She Hit Cop While He Was Subduing Another Rioter
- “You fa**ot mother f***er! Suck my d**k!” the man shouted at the pro-Israel protester. Just as a side note, in telling someone to “suck my d**k,” doesn’t that make that person the homosexual in the situation? He’s the only one demanding gay relations here. Just saying.
Anti-Israel Violent Racist Goes After Pro-Israel Protester: 'I'll Kill You,' 'White Fa**ot'
* * * * *
- "Since the start of the anti-Israel encampments, students at several universities and colleges have been suspended, those participating in the encampments have been arrested, and graduation ceremonies have been canceled."
John Fetterman: "I Don’t Believe Living in a Pup Tent for Hamas Is Really Helpful"
- Clarice Feldman: "A generation of reckless, entitled, ill-educated brats has stampeded American universities off a high place into the sea."
Was it All That Baby Proofing?
- Phyllis Chesler: "These pro-Jihad protests are one way to escape the ongoing female realities in the West."
Why are Women in America Cheering for Hamas and Iran?
- "What’s troubling is the extension of reasonable skepticism towards our institutions into categorical hatred of foundational American ideals."
To Understand Campus Protesters, The Right Should Dig Much Deeper
- "Peter Beinart tells American Jews (those calling themselves themselves liberals, at any rate) to oppose the continued existence of a Jewish nation and homeland in the Mideast."
Peter Beinart vs. Israel and the Jews
- "Biden equivocates while academic leaders cower."
The Spreading Pro-Hamas Movement on Campuses Earns Hamas’ Praise
- The university also said the protesters have “attempted several times to break into multiple locked buildings with the intention of either locking themselves in, vandalizing, or stealing equipment.”
Cal Poly Humboldt Shuts Down Campus For Remainder Of Semester Due To Anti-Israel Protests
- "Our nation is dedicated to the good, beyond equivocation. The universities, alas, are not."
American Universities Have Squandered the Public’s Esteem
- "Welcome to the Left's harrowing twilight zone."
Video: Drag Queen Leads Children in Chants of "Free 'Palestine’ "
- "Riots began following rumors that Coptic Christians were planning to build a new church in the village of Al-Fawakher."
Egypt: Islamist Mobs Attack Christians, Set Fire to Homes
- "The low detention rate comes after Congress approved 41,500 ICE beds for the rest of the fiscal year, far above the 25,000 ICE beds that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas requested."
Joe Biden’s DHS Keeps Detention Space Unfilled as Criminal Illegal Aliens End Up in American Communities
- "A 501(c)(3) designation isn’t a license to break the law." (If it's leftist, it sure as hell is - jjs)
Why are the Charities Enabling Illegal Immigration Still Tax-Exempt?
- Donald Trump has described migrant crime as a dangerous “new category of crime.” Last week, Chairman of the House National Security, Border, and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Rep. Glenn Grothman confirmed that authorities are monitoring at least 617,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions or pending charges.
MIGRANT CRIME ROUND-UP: Pedos & Predators Repeatedly Released by Authorities
- "Henry Kissinger spent his last day as secretary of state looking into Joe and Frank Biden’s taxpayer-funded Africa junket."
Biden Famously Lied About Being Arrested in South Africa. His Use of Taxpayer Dollars on the Trip Also Brought Scrutiny, Documents Show.
- Thad McCotter: "Given their prevarications and party propaganda, will the Biden [junta] and its regime media cohorts ever receive their just desserts?"
Cannibalism: A Teachable Moment
- Rep Comer: “The Bidens don’t sell a product, service, or a set of skills. It’s simple: the Biden family is selling access for millions of dollars to those around the world willing to pay for it. And Joe Biden continues to lie about the role he played in the influence peddling schemes.”
House GOP Raises Alarm Over Biden Family’s Alleged Business With Qatari Officials
- ". . . if the GSA had been in possession of the boxes, why wasn't a review of the materials conducted before they instructed Trump's team to get them? When it comes to classified information, they wouldn't have expected Trump and his staff to be responsible for ensuring that classified documents weren't among the records. Perhaps they did review the contents of the boxes and knew classified documents were contained in them before they told Trump's people to come get them."
New Bombshell Evidence Emerges: Was Trump Set Up in Classified Docs Saga?
- "I’m not a lawyer, but I had to listen to the oral arguments the other day. What I heard again was, they weren’t talking about the facts of the case. They were coming up with all these hypotheticals. They should go ahead and allow this trial on January 6th to go forward in the district court, and we should know the results before the election.”
Donna Brazile-nut: Supreme Court Close to Election Interference, "Justice Delayed Is Democracy Denied"
- "Here’s the latest information you need to know about each prosecution Democrats are waging against the Republican presidential candidate."
Last Week In Lawfare Land: Witness Testimony, Another SCOTUS Case, and a New Indictment Drop
- "A 'not guilty' verdict will boost Trump’s campaign beyond any speech, ad, or debate." (Except this is a show trial and the verdict was in before it began - jjs)
A Defense Strategy for the Case of NY v. Trump
- "It’s a reminder, as if we needed it, that the 'law' in Democrat enclaves is unconcerned with justice. Instead, it exists to further the Democrat party’s power."
The D.C. Court’s Fiendish Plan if the Supremes Overrule J6ers’ 1512(c)(2) Convictions
- "It’s hard to imagine that anyone who didn’t hate our country would deliberately continue to take us even further towards the path of self destruction than Biden."
The Gloves Will Come Off in a Second Biden Term
- "We need to brace ourselves and, more, steel ourselves to hold course in the face of the coming threats."
We Face a Long Hot Summer
- "George Floyd died in 2020, but with another election coming up, the same race hustlers are back (this time against Jews), so it’s very important to understand how they operate."
It Still Matters That the George Floyd Prosecutions Were Corrupted By Racial Politics
- Daniel Greenfield: "What was Biden's biggest mistake? Getting up to speak."
Biden’s Sad White House Correspondents’ Dinner Performance
- Miranda Devine:"Joe Biden is the least popular president [legitimate or otherwise] of the past 70 years, according to a new Gallup poll. But you wouldn’t know it if you were at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington on Saturday night. The glittering event is supposed to be a roast of the [so-called quote-unquote "president"]."
Joe Biden is Far From "Decent" Despite What the Media and Celebrities Claim
- "Perhaps the cringiest moment — emerging from a sea of pure cringe — came when members of the WHCA tried their hand at a viral TikTok trend, attempting to mimic the 'I’m a [insert random thing here], of course I [insert another random thing here]' meme. Current (but possibly soon-to-be former) White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre put the cherry on top of the cringe cake with her awkward rendition of the skit."
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner Was a Monument to Corporate Press’ Self-Importance and Left-Wing Cronyism
- “So you were getting — the Biden [junta] was buying ads from you?” Hanania asked. “Yeah, I was doing full-on political propaganda,” Khalidi stated.
OnlyFans Performer Farha Khalidi Says She Was ‘Black Pilled’ After Making ‘Political Propaganda’ Ads for Biden Junta
- CNN anchor Kaitlin Collins got schooled by former Attorney General Bill Barr when she pressed him about his belief that Joe Biden is a greater "threat to democracy" than Donald Trump, and insisting that he thinks "the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement." (Meh, he can go sit on a bagpipe and rotate - jjs)
Bill Barr Doubles Down on Supporting Trump in 2024, and XiNN Can’t Even
- "There are plenty of reasons why the gag order on Trump is unconstitutional and intentionally prejudicial, but witness intimation is indefensible. And he did not do it."
Media Reports Shocking Trump NYC Witness Intimidation—And Then We Busted Them.
- “It’s not so much that we risk stagflation as we’re already there. We have basically pulled forward trillions of dollars of economic growth by borrowing from the future, but that must be repaid at some point. And it is highly inefficient as well.”
Mounting Evidence is Pointing to a Nightmare Scenario for the US Economy
- "The same forces of globalization and consolidation that hit the rest of the economy have wrecked America’s farms."
How American Agriculture Went Wrong
- "Biden’s lousy economy may predict Democrat defeat on November 5, 2024."
It's the Economy – Again
- "Biden created the Climate Corps via executive action last year after urging from [Titty-Caca] Ocasio-Cortez."
Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Climate Corps Hiring Anti-Racist Gardeners
- "Not quite Waterloo yet but getting there."
Retreating From "Net-Zero"
- Even if you are an enthusiast for "green energy," the lesson by now is clear: energy and environmental protection are much too important to be left to environmentalists. They screw everything up.
Environmentalists vs. the Environment
- Residents of Washington, D.C., have faced skyrocketing violence since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2017, gun violence in the city has risen by 40 percent. This past week, shootings across the nation’s capital resulted in three people being killed. In a particularly concerning incident, 71 shots were fired on Spring Road just two miles away from some of the city’s most tony addresses.
WATCH: D.C. Mayor Bowser Refuses To Meet With Grieving Father Who Has Lost 3 Sons to Violence in Her City
- "McKie served with the KCPD since April 2000, largely in the department’s Crime Free Multi-Housing unit from 2002 to 2023, according to the outlet. He led Mid-America Crime Free, Inc. (MACF), a nonprofit which promotes anti-crime programs and training for the rental housing sector, from 2009 to 2023, The Kansas City Star reported."
Missouri Police Officer Who Ran Anti-Crime Charity Indicted In $300,000 Fraud, Laundering Scheme
- "The lockdowns revealed something more than government tyranny or incompetence: our own disordered priorities."
Covid and the Good-Time Economy
- "Once the stewards of American culture, civics, ethics, letters, and history, these schools have now become activist training grounds for those who hate America."
It's Time to Defund American Universities That Teach Students to Hate Our Nation
- "When the DEI crowd removes it from education, that are creating a less rational and functional population."
Mathematics is the Universal Language of Pure Logic
- “All of a sudden you just hear these terrible loud bangs of the Stanley [cup] bouncing off her head.”
Trans student who beat 7th grader with Stanley Cup had 'hit list'
- "Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Votes, and Planned Parenthood Action PAC North Carolina said on Thursday that they would be spending $10 million in support of pro-abortion candidates. The groups also said they want to knock on over a million doors in opposition to Republican Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s campaign for governor."
Planned Parenthood To Spend $10 Million Against Pro-Life Candidates In 2024 Battleground State
- "Canvassing won’t prove that a particular candidate won, but it can show that a new election must be held."
Ensuring a Republican Victory
- Bodycam footage obtained by WHAM on Friday depicts Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley refusing to stop her car after a police officer attempts to pull her over for speeding 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. Doorley instead drives home, calling the chief of police to complain on the way, and once met by officers in her driveway attempts to wield her position to evade responsibility for the offense.
Bodycam Footage Shows Blue State DA Cursing Out, Disobeying Cop After Speeding Away From Traffic Stop
- "When third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Jill Stein, and Cornel West are added into the field, Trump’s lead over Biden grows to nearly double digits. In that multi-candidate scenario, Trump is at 42 percent, Biden is down at 33 percent, Kennedy is at 16 percent, West at 4 percent, and Stein at 3 percent."
Donald Trump Takes Biggest Lead Ever Over Joe Biden in XiNN Poll, Third-Party Candidates Expand Trump Lead
- "Since Kennedy switched his party affiliation from Democrat to independent in October, polling has largely suggested he’s more of a threat to Biden’s campaign than Trump’s. However, several recent polls have found the independent’s presence on the ballot hindering Trump’s candidacy, spurring questions about who Kennedy will eventually take votes from in November." (Meh, see the previous link. He can only hurt the vegetable - jjs)
RFK Jr. is Poised to Tilt the Presidential Race — But It’s Still Not Clear to Whom
- Roger Kimball: "A Rubicon has been crossed, and advance troops are already besieging various outposts of our taken-for-granted institutions and assumptions about our social lives."
Shock and Awe on the Campaign Trail
- The meeting was set up in hopes the two would repair their strained relationship, but Trump advisors were hoping DeSantis would help raise significant sums for the general election through his donor network, according to The Washington Post. The meeting, which was “mutually agreed upon and arranged by [real estate mogul] Steve Witkoff,” lasted for several hours, with DeSantis agreeing to help the former president, Burns reported.
DeSantis, Donald Trump Discuss Détente In Miami
- "They attack and attack and attack Donald Trump, expecting his poll numbers to collapse. And yet. . . "
The Democrats Validate an Einstein Postulation
- "A wild ride through the Sir Robin of political parties."
The Gutless Old Party
- "Governor Spencer Cox received 32.46% of the vote from delegates during the second round of voting while Rep. Phil Lyman received 67.54%, making Lyman the winner, according to state delegate Aaron Bullen, who shared the results with the Daily Caller. Lyman is known for supporting former President Donald Trump, according to various posts on his social media."
Trump-Aligned Candidate Phil Lyman Upsets Incumbent Governor Spencer Cox at Utah GOP Convention
- "McGuire has touted his support for Israel, earning him an endorsement from the Republican Jewish Committee. He's also backed by SEAL PAC, a group that supports conservative veterans."
Send in the SEAL: Combat Vet Sets Sights on Congress From Central Virginia
- "I think we’ve sort of refocused on the importance of playing the kind of role that we need to play in the world. It’s in our interest. None of this is charity and the whole democratic world is in favor of what we did this week."
McYertle McConnell: Military Aid "Is Not Charity to Ukraine," U.S. Jobs Are Being Created (Lots of crack whore and assistant crack whore jobs being filled! - jjs)
- "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed that the United States and Ukrainian governments are “working on a bilateral security agreement” that would result in sending additional monetary aid to Ukraine over the next ten years." (Now I'm really rootin' for Putin - jjs)
Zelensky Reveals U.S. and Ukraine ‘Working’ on Scheme for 10 Years of Military Aid
- Despite this assessment, U.S. [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden continues to hold Putin accountable for Navalny’s demise, leading to increased U.S. sanctions on Russia. In comparison, former President Donald Trump expressed uncertainty when questioned about Putin’s involvement in Navalny’s death."
U.S. Intel Suggests Putin Did NOT Orchestrate Navalny Death
- "As of the last week of April 2024, China has not invaded Taiwan. Does this mean that Taiwan and the international community can breathe a collective sigh of relief?"
Is China Rethinking its Invasion of Taiwan?
- "Hectoring world leaders with idle threats."
Biden’s Paper Tiger
- “Let’s put everything on the table and look at what truly protects us in a credible way,” he continued, but maintained that France would keep “its specificity but is ready to contribute more to the defence of European soil”.
Trot-Boffing Macron Suggests Arming EU with Nuclear Weapons for ‘Credible’ Defence
- "Europe has failed to develop into the mature strategic partner the United States needs."
Europe: With Friends Like These …
- "Far greater U.S. involvement is necessary to stand with its Filipino ally. The U.S. response has been far from ideal and has failed to reassure Manila, one of America’s oldest allies."
The Philippines Is a Great Ally, and the U.S. Needs to Recognize It
- "The videos featuring the personnel in bathroom stalls had been uploaded to Pornhub and appeared to be “secretly shot,” but were taken down within days of being reported to the Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), according to court documents obtained by A NCIS agent investigating how the videos were uploaded later obtained subscriber details from Pornhub after obtaining a subpoena and later a search warrant, according to Pacific Daily News."
Over 100 ‘Secretly Shot’ Pornographic Videos Of Naval Service Members Uploaded Online: REPORT
- "If Biden gets to nominate two replacements for two justices, he will reshape the composition of the Supreme Court." (As if SCOTUS will even matter anymore if he "wins" nudge-nudge wink-wink - jjs)
The Real Stakes in the 2024 Election
- "The decision will return land-use fees and exactions to some semblance of reason and fairness."
Supreme Court Curbs Land-Use Fees: Sheetz v. El Dorado County
- "Buried in [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden’s State of the Union housing proposals was one good idea: remove government barriers to new construction."
Just Get Out of the Way
- "It’s not bird flu that’s spreading among humans, it’s the panic being pushed by the American press."
Biden Junta Races to Reassure Americans as Bird Flu Fear Spreads
- "But too often Britain's courts and medical industry have prioritized profits over the lives of children."
Britain Allows Child To Travel to Vatican Hospital for Treatment
- Critics, including former Harvard Medical School dean Jeffrey Flier, have denounced UCLA’s curriculum as promoting political ideology over actual medical education. Flier stated that the curriculum “promotes extensive and dangerous misinformation” and that the college has “centered this required course on a socialist/Marxist ideology that is totally inappropriate.”
UCLA med school faces backlash for requiring woke, 'fatphobia' courses
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Women need to say 'no' to competing with biologic males in athletic competitions. Some are..."
Women Forced to Compete Against Men? Just Say No!
- "Now, Hillary herself had very little to do with the show. They gave her a producer credit, slapped her name on promos and she showed up for some pictures — and that’s about it, it seems. Yet her signature mix of arrogance and resentment shined through in nearly every scene."
Suffragette? More Like Suffering And Regret. Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out
- Scott McKay: "Showbiz spits out dimwits."
Five Quick Things: Maybe They’re Just Stupid
- "American civilization is breaking down, and there will be no fixing things until morality returns."
Moral Anarchy: An Understatement
- “I know a lot of people are sort of cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God, but to me it’s obvious. As meaning deteriorates in the modern world, as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beckoning figure that we’ve all known all of our lives within us and around us.”
Russell Brand Announces Upcoming Baptism: "Opportunity to . . . be Reborn in Christ's Name"
- Christian Toto: "Unfrosted director/star says stand-up comedians offer best chance for free speech."
Jerry Seinfeld Blames "Extreme Left," "PC Crap" for Comedy Decline
- David Harsanyi: "Stop feeding the victimhood complex."
Is the Economy Behind the Low Birth Rate? Unlikely
- "Japan is a sensible, welcoming island nation with moderate immigration and environmental policies."
A Passover in Japan
- "Is the rise of digital media causing the fall of literacy?"
The Death of Gutenberg (Not Steve - jjs)
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:37 AM
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