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Daily Tech News 27 April 2024 »
April 26, 2024
Look Upon My ONT, Ye Mighty, And Despair!
Hello everyone! Friday night, relax and pop open a cold one while you enjoy the red-hot memes! We'll start with a fun fact:
He's a swinger
Fido Friday: Trash talk
Helpful guide
If BTTF was made today
Memes: Bridging generations
Advertising from Guyana
Sophisticated advertising campaign
Elon's not gonna like this review
Objection. Witness is badgering the counsel
Catcher's fault. Not just because of the throw, but the ump calls foul ball, she should have held onto the ball.
The Chinese are ahead of us
New ad campaign
Destiny refuses to be mocked
Rodent of unusual size
Musical interlude
Well, that's definitely the right sponsor
$20 for 10 minutes with the Oompa-Loompa, same as downtown
Here's the reference, if you missed the story
Meanwhile, north of the border
What did you expect from a guy named Bum Farto?
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by something unexpected:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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